Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Daily Update, July 30, 2024

    After breakfast, I phoned surgeon's nurse and left a message for her to call me back. She hasn't, and I didn't catch her the couple of times I tried later, either. {smile}

   A while after lunch, I contacted Uber. A fellow came and took me down to my parents' lawyers' office, where I had an appointment with their notary public. I showed her the papers my aunt's estate's lawyer had sent, and she figured out which page I needed to sign then she notarized it, and I mailed it off by putting it in the envelope provided and putting that in the office's Outgoing Mail file. Then I contacted Uber, and another fellow came and took me home. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I was a little late, and she was resting when I went in. She did wake to answer right through the session, but she wasn't much interested in looking at stuff. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read Christmas cards from a nephew and a niece of hers.  After that, I tried to show her _Picture Book: Babies_, but she was barely opening her eyes.  Next, I read a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. It wasn't particularly long, but the next one was, and she was tired, so I just went on, and finished with reading the 30th of July's story, "The Dragonfly," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and ten of my twelve arm swinging exercises while waiting for Uber to Uber to come take me to the lawyers for my appointment with their notary public. Later in the afternoon, I did my head exercises. I did three of my seven leg exercises between reading to Mom and dinner, and the other four leg exercises after dinner. After playing CoH and talking with friends for much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup, repeating one part to get in a set of moves I must have missed, and a little more. After a break, I did my less structured set, including the new long piece, which is fast for a piece so long. An alarm interrupted that, too, so I'm not sure how much over 21 minutes of salsa dancing I got. After another break, I did all of my walking exercises. {Smile}

   I played Cross Stitch World over breakfast and afterwards, until I made the phone call to the nurse. Then I played a bit more Cross Stitch World before I cleaned myself up. then came lunch with more Cross stitch World. Next, I read comics between lunch and my trip to lawyer's notary public. After that trip, I wrote up Monday's daily update and checked out the chat server. Then I hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming, where I found Perogies interested in finishing the new story arc, so we did so. We also had an extended talk. Kitten joined us just after the arc. We talked a little, and pierogies left slightly early for bed. Kitten and I ran one regular mission, and I also talked with Dennis, but he didn't join us. Then I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercise, I began writing this up and making notes. Next, I hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player, then teamed up with Kitten. Kitten was so tired, they needed nudges from me to get through the mission and couldn't even start a second mission before timing out like they'd fallen fully asleep. So, I talked with Divi and Phonso next. Neither of them wanted to team up, so I did a little paperwork and most of a couple of hunts. I also talked with Nox on the chat server. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming for more paperwork and most of a hunt. Next, I started my salsa dancing. Then I made more notes in this, and wrote a little of it, too. Then I played some more Cross Stitch World before doing more salsa dancing. Next, I watched a video, then wrote some more of this, also making notes in it. Then I did my walking exercises and finished the writing and notes in this for the night. {Smile}

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Daily Update, July 29, 2024

    My morning really began with me testing with our housekeeper to see how the corset I gave her is working. it's working great, so I sent her the link to it on Amazon, in case she wanted a second one, so one could be worn while the other was washed. I learned that from a preparing for college life book... they suggested it sheets. It works with them, too. {Smile}

   Then I tried phone with surgeon's nurse. I got her, but she asked to call me back. I said sure, and she called back. She didn't call me back, though, nor did she answer when I tried again a few times later in the day. {smile}

   Next, I called my parents' lawyer to make an appointment with lawyer's notary public for the next day. I need them to deal with a packet from my aunt's estate. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I was a little late, but she was awake when I went in, but seemed tired, and soon dozed off. She'd wake to answer and look at things and first, right through the baby pictures. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I finished her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Next, I started _Picture Book: Babies_ that's the one with facts about babies on each page. Seh did respond, and even open her eyes to look, but I'm tempted to restart it when she's more awake. then I read a story and six poems, from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended by reading the 29th of July's story, "The Sparrows," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. She was pretty much out of it by then, but I think I can just read tomorrow's story tomorrow. It's not like she was missing the babies she loves so much. {Smile}

   I did four of my arm-swinging exercises between reading to Mo and dinner. Then I did the other eight arm-swinging exercises, and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. After much of the evening, I did one of my standing arm weight training exercises. After a break, I did the other one, and started my salsa dancing warmup set. I needed a break during that, but I got back and finished it fairly quickly. Then I took a long break before doing my salsa dancing less structured set... with a restart near the beginning of the first piece. I did somewhere between 20 and 21 minutes of salsa dancing, I think. I'm not quite sure how much because of that restart. After another break, I did my walking exercises, yes, all 14 if them in full. {Smile}

   After breakfast, the texts, and the first phone calls, I read some articles and played some Cross Stitch World. then I had lunch while reading more articles. After lunch, I finished the articles, and played a little Cross Stitch World. Then I peeked into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Next, I finished writing up Sunday's daily update. Then I cleaned myself up. After that, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies, and we started to team up. Dennis joined us, and so did Kitten. To start, we did the next story in the new story arc. The others were bored, especially Pierogies - it's probably most extended talk-mission I've seen. Dennis actually complained. Though Kitten found something to fight at the end anyway, which helped. Hating to have our main play be so boring, I suggested we squeeze the next mission, which was much more active. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I began writing this up. Then, a little concerned about how much I'd bored folks earlier, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I was still settling in when Phonso invited me to a strike force. I joined it and found that Divi was running it too. Afterwards, I said goodbye to Divi. Then soloed some hunts before reading some comics. I just said goodnight to Nox int eh chat world. I think I also did some web shopping for books on dating and/or relationships. Next came the salsa dancing and exercise with videos, browsing for books, and writing some of this in the breaks. Afterwards, I wrote more of this and browsed comics online and books on Amazon. {Smile}

Monday, July 29, 2024

Daily Update, July 28, 2024

    On Sunday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber. A fellow came and got me and took me to church. I got there during the announcements and sat with Auntie Barbara and Michelle through the service. It was a nice service. Then I sat with them during lunch, too. Then I went home with Auntie Barbara, Michelle, and a friend who lives near them who they'd brought to church, too. Because the friend was with them, Auntie Barbara didn't come inside. Instead, we talked about arranging a visit later in the week. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was awake when I went in. she looked at everything I showed her, especially the baby pictures. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. After that, I finished _the Picture Book of Babies_ - that's the larger one with a lot of costumes, since we have two with that exact name. I showed her the pictures from the day she wasn't looking at much, and just continued until i peeked ahead, and discovered I was only a few pages to the end of the book, so I kept going. Next, I read a story and two poems, from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_, I ended by reading the 28th of July's story, "Peter's Night Out," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises and ten of my twelve arm swinging exercises while waiting for Uber to come take me to church. Then I did the other two arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Late in the evening, I did my salsa dance warmup set, and after a break, my less structured salsa dancing with the shorter, especially fast piece for just about 20 minutes of salsa dancing. After another break, I did all my walking exercises. {Smile}

   When I got home, I peeked into City of Heroes to see who was there. Then I browsed a little on Amazon and played Cross Stitch World before I finished writing Saturday's update. Next, I cleaned myself up. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming and found Pierogies. We talked a bit first. Then we teamed up and did two missions and hunt in the new story arc before it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercise, I began writing this up. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I spotted Dennis and said hi. We teamed up to do a few missions together. Then he left. I read articles and had a long talk with Nox. Then I started salsa dancing followed by exercises, with videos between the sets. then I wrote a little more in this and made notes in it too. I also checked some things I'd found earlier on Amazon, especially a textbook and workbook pair that look promising, if not perfect. They're on relationships, which are closer to dating than friendship, at least. I'm still looking for something about dating. {Smile}

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Daily Update, July 27, 2024

    Saturday morning, I took a nap. I needed one because I haven't been getting enough sleep. I felt distinctly better, though not really great afterwards. That made me realize that part of my problem is that I really am getting too little sleep starting too late. I simply have to change that. last night was an improvement, though not the greatest improvement. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was resting when i went in but did respond. She didn't open her eyes much, not even for baby pictures, which kept that part short.  I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. After that, I continued _the Picture Book of Babies_ - that's the larger one with a lot of costumes, since we have two with that exact name. She wasn't opening her eyes much, though, so I moved the bookmark back to the page it had been in, and moved on to reading two poems, a short story, and another poem from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_, I finished off by reading the 27th of July's story, "Pedro Trots Home" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm swinging exercises and arm resistance exercises right after dinner. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for most of the evening. After a break, I did my salsa dancing less structured set, for slightly over 21 minutes of salsa dancing. Then after another break, I did my walking exercises, and after a short break I did my head exercises, though it was really late for them. {Smile}

   Over and after breakfast, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World until I admitted to myself that I really did need to lie down for a nap. When I got up, I had lunch, and might have browsed on Amazon while I did. Then I checked out City of Heroes: Homecoming. I didn't find Div, so I did a little paperwork. Then I finished Friday's daily update. Next, I cleaned myself up. After that, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies, who wanted to do the later long, large-group event, so I joined it too. Then we tried to start the new story arc together. We didn't even finish the first mission before it was time to read to mom, so we'll have to try again, but we will. I'm determined to. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I began writing this up. then I hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming again. I talked with Ulty, Divi (not Div), and Jenny's player. None of them were doing something I could join. Then I talked with TheCyberChill. We teamed up for visiting purposes only. I visited their base, which they were busy working on and kept talking with Divi. I also talked a little with Nox on the chat server. Then Dennis came on and said hi. I excused myself from TheCyberChill and joined Dennis, who'd found a team we ran a few high-level missions with before separating to run a couple of moderately high-level missions of his. Then we talked before he went to bed. After that, I did a little paperwork. Next, I did my salsa dancing warm-up set. I read comics in the break before I did my salsa dancing less structured set. Then I read more comics and began making notes in this before doing some exercises. After that, I continued making notes in this, with a little writing, and a break for more exercises. Then I finished making notes in this, with a little writing. I did finish sooner than recently, but I still need to work on being earlier regularly. {Smile}

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Daily Update, July 26, 2024

    Does anyone know of a good book - especially a workbook, or one with things to do at the end of chapters - on dating and relationships? {Smile}

   On Friday, our housekeeper came. I enjoyed getting to talk with her, and our house is definitely better for her attentions. {Smile}

   A while after lunch, I contacted Uber, and got to my podiatrist a little late, but less so than I would have been yesterday. I had a nice chat with the driver at first. He was one I've known for years but haven't seen recently. He's mostly working mornings now, and I'm mostly riding in the afternoon. Then he got a short phone call, and when he was done, I got a phone call. It was Mom's sister's friend, whose helping take care of om's sister's estate with news about the next step in doing that, and my part in it. We finished shortly before I got to the podiatrist. {smile}

   I waited for the podiatrist, and he eventually got to me. The fungus is gone from the outside, where the topical can reach, but not from underneath the nail. that could be treated with a systemic medicine, but unfortunately, it doesn't go with statins, which I was pretty sure I was taking. (I confirmed this when I got home.)  the medicines conflict with each other. The other alternative is removing the nail. I checked and was very relieved to hear it should grow back. I've lost a nail temporarily before, and mind that a lot less than losing it permanently. We don't know what it will look like when it does, but I figure I can deal with that when the time comes. I'm just glad I won't be losing it permanently. I set up the future operation. Fortunately, they were able to give me the earliest time I felt confident with, 10:15 in the morning. It's maybe three weeks away. The gal talked about calling me if they could fit me in earlier, but since that would be earlier in the day, I'll probably stick with this appointment. {Smile}

   I contacted Uber, and a fellow who remembered me came and took me home. When I got home, I arranged a phone call with the secretary from the nursing company. We mainly discussed the appointment, and the upcoming surgery. {smile}

   When I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming before reading to Mom, my friend Div said hi almost immediately. We had a long talk just catching up. He admitted that he was worried about me, especially that I don't seem to have many to talk to. He was right... 

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. It was shorter than usual because I started late, to finish catching up with Div. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I skipped the mail entirely, and just started _the Picture Book of Babies_ - that's the larger one with a lot of costumes, since we have two with that exact name.  Then I read a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_, which was less than usual, but something. I ended by reading the 26th of July's story, "Off into Space!" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and four of my arm-swinging exercises waiting for Uber to come get me. Next, I walked around at the podiatrist. Then I did my head exercises waiting for Uber to come take me home. I finished my arm-swinging exercises between reading to mom and dinner. After cleaning myself up, i did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my less structures salsa dancing set. Then after yet another break, I did all 14 of my walking exercises in full, with only very minimal pauses - too short to call true breaks. After that it was too late to do anything more, but I think I can be proud of those walking exercises. It's the first time since the root canals that I got all the walking exercises with only pauses. {Smile}

    Over breakfast and afterwards, I browsed for a relationship book on Amazon. Then I played Cross Stitch World until lunch. After that, I wrote up much of Thursday's daily update, until I left to go to the podiatrist. When I came back from the podiatrist, I finished writing up Thursday's daily update and had the phone call before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where Div said hi, and we talked at length. I also said hi to Dennis briefly, but getting together didn't work with talking with Div. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises. I started writing this up. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I said hi to Ulty and to Jenny's player. Ulty responded, and we talked a while, but she was too busy to get together. So, I did a little paperwork, and a little research for some new characters I'm planning. Then I cleaned myself up. When I was done, I said goodnight to Nox, having missed a chance to talk. Then I did Salsa dancing, with videos between the set. After the second set, I watched more videos and played Cross Stitch World before doing my exercises. Next, I wrote this up and made notes in it, with a break for a little web shopping and reading one comic. {Smile}

Friday, July 26, 2024

Daily Update, July 25, 2024

    On Thursday, I had video counselling during and after breakfast. It went pretty well. We're back to every other week for a while, until another trip by the counsellor intervenes. {Smile}

   I was also late to my podiatrist appointment, or so I thought. time went form 1:30 to 2:09 awfully quickly, and I had the appointment down as 2:15 on Thursday. I called, and got the answering machine, so I left a message and rushed down. When I got there, the office claimed that was tomorrow. They also kind of apologized for not fitting me in since I was there. They said they would have, but they were packed. So, I took Uber home. {smile}

   I had a text conversation with the nursing company's secretary about this... she and the nurse were reminding me about the appointment, but somehow the time still passed awfully quickly. {rueful smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was just finishing up singing with the nurse when I went in. She stayed awake, too, though she sometimes closed or mostly closed her eyes to rest. She opened them wide for the baby pictures and kept them open as long as there were baby pictures. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it, first yesterday's, then today's. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Then I finished _Picture Book of Happy Babies_, which she was particularly interested in. After that I read six poems and a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished by re-reading the 24th of July's story, "Flip Takes a Trip," then reading the 25th of July's story, "Under the Water" both from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. Mom woke later. I spoke to her after dinner, telling her I'd read to her, and even suggesting rereading some of it another day. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises while waiting for Uber to come take me home from the Podiatrist's office. Then I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner, and my leg exercises and arm swinging exercises after dinner. Then after playing for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a moderate break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set Then, after a shorter break, I did 13 1/2 of my 14 walking exercises with barely any break at all. then it got to be too late to do more. {Smile}

   After counselling, I browsed Amazon for a book on relationships. I didn't find anything as good as the friendship book I found, so I'll have to keep looking. I might have done a little cross Stitch World, too. then I had lunch and wrote up Wednesday's daily update right before my trip down to the podiatrist. It took longer than I realized to write up and share. After my trip to the podiatrist, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I also talked with Nox on the chat world for a while, mainly while waiting for the later short, large group event. Yes, I got in and caught it. Kitten was there too. After that, I teamed up with Pierogies (but not Kitten, who was busy helping someone else) for individual high-level missions. We got three in before time to read to Mom. Dennis joined us just before the second one ended. He got to do the third one all the way through. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I began writing this up. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Kitten, who let me choose what to do. I chose new story arc, since the game released a new story arc along with several other things the day before. We took almost all evening to do it, but we finished it. I did talk with Nox on the chat world as well. I also talked with Dennis in the game, though he couldn't join us because the game wouldn't let us add anyone due to technicalities. After the story arc, Kitten told me about a badge. I took far longer than expected, but I did get it eventually. I also found I'd gotten a badge for the story arc. After that, I did salsa dancing, then watched videos, then did more salsa dancing and my walking exercises. then I wrote a little more of this and made lots of notes in it, with a break to check Facebook, and do a little browsing on Amazon. {Smile}

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Daily Update July 24, 2024

    I read some more of that book I borrowed this morning. It's got me thinking about how to be a better friend. It's also got me remembering my good friendships, past and present. I'm not doing as bad on that front as I thought, though I can always do better. {Smile}

   It also reassured me that I can pick decent books this way, so I began shopping for one or more books on dating/relationship advice. So far, I'm not having as much luck, but I'll keep trying. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was sleeping when I went in. I tried to rouse her, but she wasn't responding. the nurse said to just read to her anyway, so I did. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Then I skipped _Picture Book of Happy Babies_, since she wasn't opening her eyes, I just read longish story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 24th of July's story, "Flip Takes a Trip" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. Mom woke later. I spoke to her after dinner, telling her I'd read to her, and even suggesting rereading some of it another day. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner, and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. then, after playing for much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set to a new piece. It came to about 20 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing but wasn't as fast-paced as last night or the other particularly fast piece. After a short break, I did my arm swinging exercises. After a slightly longer break, I did thirteen and a half of my fourteen walking exercises, with only a short break between four and five. At that point, I was puffing enough. I stopped, even though it was too late to do more later. {SMILE}

   Over and after breakfast, I read some more of the book I borrowed. Then I played Cross Stitch World until lunch. Afterwards, I read comics and talked with kitten on chat world a fair while, primarily complaining about a new zone that was one of the biggest features of an update the game rolled out just that day. Next, I wrote up Tuesday's daily update. Then I cleaned myself up. After that, I finally hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found Kitten and Pierogies eagerly checking out that new zone. I joined them, and Dennis joined us. This kept us busy until it was time to read to Mom and could have kept going much longer if I hadn't needed to leave to read, and Pierogies hadn't been wanting to go to bed. {Smile}

   After dinner and my exercise, I began writing this up. Then I Hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player for a while. Then I was just starting to look for something else to do when Pierogies came in. He wanted to farm which turned into a nice long session of light play with a lot of chatting. After he finally left for bed, I did some paperwork, and solo-played to get a new villain out of the tutorial. Then I read some web fiction and comics before I started salsa dancing and other exercise, with videos and shopping for books on Amazon between and afterwards. Then I wrote more of this and made notes, mostly later than i ever want to again. {rueful smile}

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Daily Update, July 23, 2024

    Tuesday, I picked out a book on friendship, picked with the counselor's advice in mind, if not followed precisely. I'd asked for resources on both romantic relationships and friendship. The counselor was pushing workbooks, because they make you do stuff beyond just thinking. What I found was a regular book that has a companion workbook. So far, I like it, judging from the introduction, first two-and-a-partial chapters, thanks to online samples plus an eBook copy I borrowed through the public library online. 

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was resting when I went in, but s lowly roused, then more quickly when we got to the baby pictures and stayed more awake after them. She does like baby pictures. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it, starting with yesterday's entry, then reading today's entry. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Then I continued _Picture Book of Happy Babies_, showing her each picture, reading a short caption, and saying a bit about the baby. Next, I read four stories from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 22nd of July's story, "Lost and Found" and the 23rd of July's story, "The Silly Hen" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to mom and dinner. then I did my standing arm weight training exercises and my arm swinging exercises after dinner. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup after teaming and solo play on City of Heroes: Homecoming in the evening. I followed that with my head exercises. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. After another break, I did 8 of my walking exercises. I think that's doing pretty good, since the walking exercises are the second most strenuous, with only the salsa dancing being more strenuous. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I read articles and played Cross stitch world before I started browsing on Amazon for a book, which continued over lunch. After lunch I wrote up Monday's daily update. Then I checked out the book's samples at Amazon and the public library's eBook website. That ended with me checking the eBook out from the library's website. Next, I cleaned myself up. Then I hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming. Pierogies and I found each other, and we teamed up. We did a few moderately low-level missions before we parted, him for me, and me to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and my exercises, I begin writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis, and we teamed up. We did a mix of my missions and his missions most of the evening. I also tried to chat with Nox on the chat world, but we mainly said goodnight. Then I did paperwork and solo hunting after Dennis left, Next came salsa dancing and exercises, and I watched videos during my breaks, both between the salsa dancing sets, and between the second set and my walking exercises. After that, I did some quick City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork. I also made notes in this and wrote a little more of it. {Smile}

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Daily Update, July 22, 2024

    On Monday, Auntie Barbara called. The thing with the church's supper day camp was done for her, though the kids were staying much later. So, she wanted to come up to the house in a few minutes. I told the nurse and got myself ready. {Smile}

   She came to visit soon, coming inside to visit with Mom. we sang several songs with her, including one of two that I've found she still remembers. Afterwards, Auntie Barbara mentioned sitting outside, but I mentioned going with them to Safeway, which is on the way out of town back to the part of island they live. Auntie Barbara decided we should do that instead. {Smile}

   So, we got into the car, as did Michelle, who was waiting outside as usual when she's with Auntie Barbara. The three of us drove down the hill, Michelle doing the actual driving. We were talking the whole way. I even mentioned near the end how happy I was to finally get a good talk with Michelle. Between her only recently coming back to church, and her tendency to stay outside when we are inside, and by the lemon trees when we're in the carport, it's been a while since we've actually talked.  

   Auntie Barbara came into Safeway to do her own shopping, but we spl9it up pretty quickly inside. I picked up some vegetables and a couple of prescriptions that would get old before the nurse got back.  When I was done, I contacted Uber, and a new driver came and took me home. I think we chatted pretty much the whole way home. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and tried to read to her beforehand. however, she was sleeping, and not easy to wake. I started with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I tried to read her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Not far in, Mom woke up to cough out some phlegm. It was good in that the nurse was trying to get it up, and it did come up, but it stopped the reading. I'll have to try again tomorrow. {smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises, my arm swinging exercises, and my leg exercises after dinner. Then I did my head exercises and started my sitting arm weight training exercises when the roleplaying slowed down. I finished the sitting arm weight training exercises after the roleplaying broke up, going more steadily. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set for a little over 20 minutes. I did my standing arm weight training after a short break. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I read articles until Auntie Barbara came. After I came back from Safeway, I browsed on Amazon. I also had lunch. Later, I played Cross Stitch World and read comics. then I wrote up Sunday's daily update before I cleaned myself up. Afterwards, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I teamed up with Pierogies. We got on moderately low-level characters - not the really little ones we'd been on the past couple of days - and did two moderately low missions of his, a typical length one, and a long one. Dennis came in just in time to say goodnight to Pierogies. Dennis and I did a quick hunt before we said goodnight, and left to attempt to read to Mom, but that didn't work out that day. {smile}

   After dinner, I did some exercises and started writing this up. Then I hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Ulty and Jenny's player, and joined them in light role-play, visiting them two of their characters and some of their friends. I also talked with Nox on the chat server for a while. The role-playing lasted until exercise time. So, I exercised and danced salsa next. Then I watched videos before doing more salsa dancing. After that, I read comics and hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming for a fast hunt and some quick paperwork. Then I wrote a little more of this and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Monday, July 22, 2024

Daily Update, July 21, 2024

    On Sunday, after Breakfast, I called Uber. A fellow came and got me, and we chatted most of the way to church. I got to church during the announcements right before the service. It was a nice service. Afterwards, I had lunch with Auntie Barbara, Michelle, and others. Then I went home with Auntie Barbara and Michelle. Auntie Barbara had wanted to send me home with another gal, but the other gal was busy. Auntie Barbara didn't come in to visit because she had another passenger to take care of, too. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was alert when I went in, and stayed that way through all the reading again, not just the baby pictures, though she was particularly focused on them. She does like baby pictures. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. After that, I started _Picture Book of Happy Babies_, showing her each picture, reading a short caption, and saying a bit about the baby. Then I read six poems and one story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 21st of July's story, "Off to Town!" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my head exercises while waiting for Uber to come take me to church. then I did four of my twelve arm swinging exercises between reading to mom and dinner. I did my other eight arm swinging exercises after dinner.  Then I did my standing arm weight training exercises after beginning to write this up and make notes here. After playing for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. I tried a new piece which gave me barely over 20 minutes of salsa dancing. It was so fast that I couldn't do my trickiest moves. I'm sure I got in at least as many steps as some of the longer but slower pieces. I was breathing heavily for a moment after that one stopped. Then after a break, I did my sitting arm weight training exercises before it was quite too late for more. {SMILE}

   After I got home, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World. Then I read a few comics, too. After that, I finished writing up Saturday's daily update. then I cleaned myself up. I got into City of heroes: Homecoming particularly late again. I started with some very quick paperwork. Then I found Kitten, and we tried to team up, but they were so hungry, then left to find food. I played by myself while waiting for them to come back, but before they did, I realized it was time to read to Mom, and quit. {Smile}

   After dinner, I exercised. Then I started writing this up. Then I did more exercise. After that, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Pierogies. We teamed up on our low-level characters - well, his low level, and one of my low-levels - and ran mostly my missions until he left for bed. Then I picked up more missions and hunted by myself. I also chatted briefly with Nox on the chat world before saying goodnight. I also browse some comics, and browsed a bit on Amazon, too. Then I started salsa dancing. Next, I wrote more of this, and made more notes. Then I browsed some on Amazon and did some City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork. Next came more salsa dancing. Then more taking notes and writing in this. After that, I did a little more exercise, and a little shopping on Amazon. I watched one video as I was shutting down amidst more taking notes and writing in this. {Smile}

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Daily Update, July 20, 2024

    Saturday, I spent the morning and early afternoon looking into a game I ended up deciding again not to try just yet. {smile}

   I have also started trying to tighten a strap on my binder/corset. Yesterday, the relief nurse taught me to tighten it gradually, as her mother does with her back brace. Yesterday, that worked pretty well. Today, I started cramping before reading to Mom. After dinner, I eased it back to untightened, and left it there. The cramp has eased since but took time even then. I think I'll try tightening it only a little, and if it's good for a few days, a little more, still easing it tighter during the day.  I figure it's worth a try. {smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was fairly alert when I went in, and stayed that way through all the reading, not just the baby pictures. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Next, I finished _The 40 Cutest Babies in the World_, showing her each picture, and saying a bit about it. After that, I read six poems and one longer story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 20th of July's poem, "A Holiday Week," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did three of my seven leg exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my other four leg exercises after dinner. While tapering off with City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did my head exercises. later, I did my arm resistance exercises, followed by my salsa dancing warmup, and then my arm swinging exercises. After a moderate break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set for almost 21 minutes of salsa dancing. 

   A while after lunch, I made myself stop looking at that game, and write my daily update. Then I cleaned myself up. I caught up on some comics I'd neglected this week and checked the chat server before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Pierogies and teamed up with him and Kitten. We ran a few very low-level missions for Pierogies and my little characters. We went right up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and my exercise, I read more comics, including more ones I'd neglected this week. Then I began writing this up and making notes. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I teamed up with Pierogies, and we started to do more very low-level missions with our little characters. Dennis joined us. Then Direct X joined us. I also started chatting with Nox on the chat server. After a few more missions (they're short to very short at low enough levels), Pierogies left for bed. Next, Dennis left for bed. After another mission or two, I asked Direct X if he'd like higher level missions, since he was only moderately low-level. He said yes, so I changed to a moderately low-level character, and we did a couple more missions. (We were enough higher level that the missions were longer.) Then he left to wind down before bed, and I started my exercises, with solo hunting and catching up on comics in breaks. After the last of the salsa dancing, I worked on writing more of this and making notes. I also went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming for paperwork. {Smile}

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Daily Update, July 19, 2024

    Friday was a day of phone calls. {Smile}

   First, I called the surgeon's nurse again. She was quick to tell me that my insurance wants an ultrasound to prove that a CT scan is warranted. I should expect a call scheduling it soon. Then I asked again about if I could become a candidate for the surgery. She explained that this doctor doesn't want to do it because of my medical history. The nurse was concerned about my diabetes, but when I saw him, the doctor seemed more concerned about my ischemic heart disease. Then the nurse said we could check if we can find a surgeon in Honolulu who was willing to do the operation on me. The nurse didn't say this, but I think it might be worth checking on the mainland for a place which specializes in this... but we'll see. If it's common enough in Honolulu, then that's fine. {Smile}

   Before lunch I also got three phone calls from the secretary of nursing company touching bases with me. {Smile}

   After dinner I had a nice text-based conversation with our former nurse after dinner. Then he called me when I didn't call him because of I misunderstood that he was saying to call. We had a nice, long talk. {Smile}

   Next, Auntie Barbara called, and we had a nice talk. later, she called again, but just explained it was an accident when she was trying to do something else, so that was short. 

   I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was resting when I went in, but aroused, especially when we got to the baby pictures. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. After that, I continued _the 40 Cutest Babies in the World_, showing her each picture, and saying a bit about it. Then I read three stories from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 19th of July's poem, "the Nightingale," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Then I did my salsa dancing warm-up and less structured sets after playing City of Heroes for much of the evening. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World. then I had my phone call with the nurse, and my phone calls with the secretary. After lunch. I played more Cross Stitch World and wrote up Thursday's daily update. Then I cleaned myself up. next, I had a text conversation with Nox on chat world. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I teamed up with Pierogies and Dennis for a couple of missions until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I exercised, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. there, I chatted with Jenny's player. I also began writing this up. Then Pierogies, Dennis and I teamed up to do missions together. Dennis left for bed after a couple of missions. Pierogies did one more mission before also leaving for bed. Then I did paperwork followed by Cross Stitch World. Next came salsa dancing, videos, and more salsa dancing. Then more videos and making notes in this with a little proper writing. {Smile}

Friday, July 19, 2024

Daily Update, July 18, 2024

    On Thursday, I started counselling as I was eating breakfast. The session was so full of recent developments and current concerns, we ran over, and had to finish scheduling the next appointment by test. It's next week, since enough is in flux, I'm not confident about waiting a week. {smile}

   Not long after counselling, phone call with surgery nurse. My insurance denied our request for funding for a CT scan. The surgeon is trying to get them to okay it. I also repeated my question about if and how I could become eligible for the operation. The nurse promised to ask the doctor. She did not call back. {smile}

   Our housekeeper came after lunch. Our house is much better for her attentions, especially since she did an extra job cleaning the window screens. {Smile}

   I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was asleep when I went in and groggy most of the reading, but she did wake up more for the baby pictures. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Next, I started _the 40 Cutest Babies in the World_, showing her each picture, and saying a bit about it. After that, I read two stories from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 18th of July's poem, "My Boat and I," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm swinging exercises, my arm resistance exercises and my leg exercises after dinner. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup after playing and visiting for most of the evening. I did my second salsa dancing set after cleaning myself up. {Smile}

   My morning was mostly full of counselling and the phone call. I did do some online browsing for workbooks on relationships and friendships after counselling, since she suggested looking into them. After lunch, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles. I eventually got around to writing up Wednesday's daily update. By then it was so late, I just hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies and Dennis in a farm and joined them. We soon decided to do something else. They told me to pick something, so I picked one of my missions that I particularly wanted to do. Afterwards, I did another mission from a different contact. Then it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercise, I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Jenny's player. whose roleplaying was winding down. She and a friend of hers joined me for a mission. After it, they left, tired. So, I did some paperwork, and some hunts by myself. Then I talked with Nox on the chat server. After that came salsa dancing. Next, I cleaned myself up. then I did more salsa dancing. After that, I watched a few short videos. I also wrote a little of this and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Daily Update, July 17, 2024

    Late Wednesday afternoon, I got a web-phone call from Pierogies warning me he'd lost internet to a big storm, and asking me to pass it on to Kitten, and maybe Dennis, too. I remembered much later to tell Kitten, but I did tell them when I remembered. {Smile}

   I walked out to get the mail and found - as Amazon promised - a second corset of the type that my doctor recommended. Unfortunately, neither included washing instructions, so we just have to hope it likes whatever the nurse does to it. 

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was awake when I went in and stayed awake and interested in all the pictures, especially the baby pictures. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. After that, I finished _Calm Babies Picture Book_, which shows peaceful babies with short phrases for captions, which I read, along with giving a partial description of each baby. Then I read a story and two poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 17th of July's story, "the Brave Crab," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   Between reading to Mom and dinner, I walked out to the mailbox and back. Then after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did my arm swinging exercises followed by my salsa dancing warmup. After a not-too long break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set for not quite 21 minutes of salsa dancing. After a short break, I did my walking exercises, all 14 with just a tiny break between the first eight and the last six. It left me tired, so I hope it compensated for the lack of other exercises. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles until I wrote up Tuesday's daily update. After lunch, I read more articles, and also read comics and played Cross Stitch World. Then I did online shopping, finding something I've been searching for for days. Then I cleaned myself up before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I started on paperwork, then joined Jenny's player in a story arc she was doing with friends. Dennis joined us near the end. Then the team broke up. Dennis and I squeezed in another mission before I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner I played Cross Stitch World and read articles before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Jenny, then started a new, complex kind of paperwork. Then I chatted with Direct X. After that, I played by myself, first hunting, then doing a series of talk-missions. Then I did more paperwork. Next came salsa dancing. Then I wrote in this and watched videos before more salsa dancing. Then more videos before my other exercise. After that, I made notes in this and chatted with Kitten on chat server. {Smile}

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Daily Update, July 16, 2024

    Right after breakfast my ride came and took me down to the monthly meeting. that went well, and so did the lunch that was the later part of the meeting. For we adjourned after lunch, since some folks were ready to go home. The same ride took me home. As we were getting home, I checked about other rides. They're doable, but I would have to call ahead and see if the driver is available. If they aren't, then I have to find another way. {Smile}

   After I got home, I called the surgeon's nurse. I know I'm not eligible for the operation, but could I become eligible? Under what circumstances? She said the surgeon isn't available until Thursday. She will ask then and get back to me. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was awake when I went in and stayed awake and interested in all the pictures. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I started her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Next, I continued _Calm Babies Picture Book_, which shows peaceful babies with short phrases for captions, which I read, along with giving a partial description of each baby. After that, I read a longish story which was actually the beginning of _Alice in Wonderland_ from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 16th of July's story, "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I walked out to the mailbox and back this afternoon. Then, after dinner, I did my arm resistance exercises and my leg exercises. Then I did over 20 minutes of salsa dancing late in the evening, in two sets. {Smile}

   After getting home after the meeting and the phone call, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles. Next, I wrote up Monday's daily update. After that, I cleaned myself up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Pierogies, who was in the later long, large-group event. Afterwards, we teamed up on villains and did a mission which Dennis soon joined. We split up after that, and I went to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner I did some exercise and began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. I spotted some folks going after a giant monster and joined them. then some of us took on a second giant monster. After that, they broke up, so I started on paperwork. Then Dennis came in. We chatted briefly, then joined up to do four missions, two of his, one of mine, then one of his which was really close to the one of mine we did. Then I did some paperwork. Next, Pierogies came in and suggested we farm together. I did that, along with chatting, exercises, checking out videos I wanted to show him, and finishing out with a little writing and more notes in this daily update. {Smile}

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Daily Update, June 15, 2024

    On Tuesday, I phoned the leader of the monthly meeting I go to and confirmed we're meeting the next day. Then I phoned the driver who takes me and arranged a pickup time for my ride to the next meeting. {Smile}

   Then I phoned the surgeon's nurse and found out where they are in the process of arranging for a CT scan. That is moving very slowly, but it's not quite stuck. My insurance asked my doctor for more information rather than approving it immediately. My doctor is still preparing that extra information. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was resting when I went in, and often kind of drowsed while reading, but mostly opened her eyes to enjoy the pictures. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I read from her cousin and me. Next, I started _Calm Babies Picture Book_, which shows peaceful babies with short phrases for captions, which I read, along with a partial description of the baby. Next, I read three poems, two fairly long, and one even longer, from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 15th of July's story, "The Lost Appetite," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my standing arm weight training exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and four of my arm-swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my other eight arm swinging exercises after dinner. After playing on CoH most of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break I did another set, with two pieces for over 20 minutes of salsa dancing. 

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles until lunch. After lunch, I played more Cross Stitch World and wrote up Sunday's daily update. Then I cleaned myself up. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Pierogies. We talked, then teamed up and started a mission. Dennis joined us, and we finished the mission. Then we did another mission, running right up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I exercised. Then I started writing this up. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I started some paperwork. Then Dennis came in, and we teamed up. We did a mission or two of mine. Then Kitten said hi and joined us right near the end of a mission. Dennis asked to do one of his missions. We did, and Kitten really made a difference. I also talked with Nox on the chat world. Kitten, Dennis, and I did another mission of Dennis's. Then Dennis left. Kitten and I did a mission of mine, then got ready to do another when Kitten stopped responding. Then Kitten timed out, so I did paperwork. Then I did some salsa dancing. I watched a couple of videos as a break, then did some more salsa dancing. Then I wrote a little of this. Next, I played Cross Stitch World, and read web fiction. I finished the evening by making notes in this. {Smile}

Monday, July 15, 2024

Daily update, July 14, 2024

    After Breakfast, I contacted Uber, and they took me to church. I got there before the announcements, which was earlier than Auntie Barbara and Michelle got there. Yes, Michelle was there again. Her Sunday job stopped, so she is free to drive for Auntie Barbara on Sundays again. That means coming to church, among other things. {Smile}

   We had a big lunch on the lanai afterwards. I sat with Auntie Barbara and Michelle and enjoyed talking with both. However, Auntie Barbara arranged for me to go home with Home Communion, since it was Mom's week with them, and she wanted to stop at Island Naturals, then go straight home. I really didn't need to shop there, since I'm trying to get away from the higher-energy snacks I've been picking up when we stop there. So, I went home with home communion. We were their first stop because it was hot, and the gal who was driving didn't want me sitting in a hot car waiting while they saw someone else. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was resting when I went in, and often kind of drowsed while reading, but opened her eyes to enjoy the pictures, especially the pictures of children. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read Christmas cards from her niece and a friend, and a birthday card from church. After that, I discovered I hadn't quite finished _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_, so I finished it, redoing enough pages to get a decent session. Next, I read seven short poems and a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 14th of July's story, "the Happy Gnomes," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises after dinner. Then I did my head exercises a while after I mostly finished playing City of Heroes: Homecoming for the evening. I swiftly followed that with my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my less structured set - yes, two pieces back-to-back. It was slightly over 20 1/4 minutes, but I'm particularly proud I did it without a break between the last two pieces. That does require more stamina.  

   After church, I played Cross Stitch World, but I kept dosing off. Eventually I tried eating some protein, which seemed to help. Maybe too much sugar and not enough protein at lunch. Then I wrote up Saturday's daily update. After that, I cleaned myself up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and worked on some paperwork. then Dennis came in and said hi, and we teamed up for a mission and a hunt, taking us right up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I exercised, and started writing my daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I teamed up with Dennis for a few missions. After he left, I did paperwork, then played Cross stitch World until I started my exercise and salsa dancing. After the first round, I wrote a little more of this up, watched a video, and played Cross Stitch World. Then I did more salsa dancing. After that, I wrote a little more of this up, played some more Cross Stitch World, and made notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Daily Update, July 13, 2024

   On Saturday, I texted our former nurse. He was busy but had a short chat. We also arranged to have a longer talk soon. {Smile}

   I also texted Auntie Barbara, and she called me back. We had a nice talk. {smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was sitting up when I went in, and enjoyed looking at the pictures, especially the pictures of children. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I read a long Christmas card from a friend. Then I finished _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_. After that, I read Red Riding Hood and another story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 13th of July's story, "the Sea Urchin," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises while waiting for Pierogies to finish the later long, large-group event. Then I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. I did my leg exercises after dinner. then I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did a less structured salsa dancing piece, and after another break, I did another less structured salsa dancing piece, though when I started, I realized I was tired enough, I was glad I'd picked the slightly shorter, still slow piece. I got around 19 minutes and 50 seconds of salsa dancing, not quite 20 minutes... but I think I was tired enough, it was still a good showing. 

   I had breakfast with Mom. Then I read articles and played Cross Stitch World until I had lunch with Mom. Next, I played Cross Stitch World, read articles, and chatted with friends on chat server until I wrote up Friday's daily update. After that, I cleaned myself up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I said hi to Pierogies, who was finishing up the later long, large-group event. I talked with Jenny's player, too, and did paperwork and a little exercise while I waited. Pierogies and I did get together and do a mission when he was done, taking us right up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I exercised, and began writing this up and making notes. Then I read some web fiction before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did some paperwork and had my phone call with Auntie Barbara. Then back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I talked with Jenny's player and Direct X. I also did a little more paperwork before I joined a pair of high-level taskforces. After that, I did more paperwork, and read comics, articles, and web fiction before salsa dancing. Next, I wrote more of this, and watched videos before more salsa dancing. Next, I read more comics, and played some Cross Stitch World before the last of my salsa dancing for the evening. I made notes in this and hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming to do some paperwork. Before I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Daily Update, July 12, 2024

    Friday was pretty quiet. {Smile}

   I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I wasn't late. She was sitting up when I went in. She rested, but looked at most of the pictures, especially the baby pictures. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I read a card from each of her sisters, and one from me. Next, I started _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_. Then I read The Tortoise and the Hare and two poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 12th of July's story, "The Legend of the Dragonfly," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises, my leg exercises, and 8 of my 14 walking exercises part-way through the evening. Then I did my warmup salsa dancing, and then after a longer rest than I meant, another salsa dancing piece, for 14 3/4ths minutes of salsa dancing. Then I did my arm swinging exercises. After a break, I slipped in my head exercises, even though it was far too late, but I hope that's a good evening's exercise when I'm still recovering from the root canals. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles Then I wrote up Thursday's daily update. After lunch, I played more Cross Stitch World and read comics. Then I cleaned myself up. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I teamed up with Pierogies for two or three missions, which took us up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Pierogies just finishing a mission and ready to wind down. So, we watched a video together. After that, I did some paperwork, some exercise, and started writing this up. Next, I did a little hunting by myself back in City of Heroes: Homecoming. Next, I decided to check out the roleplaying scene. I ran into my new friend, who I can't just keep calling my new friend... I checked, and I'll call her Jenny's player, since the character of hers that I know best is Jenny. Anyway, she recognized me because I was on the character my account is named after, though she'd never met the character before. We teamed up, with me switching characters. My even newer friend who I roleplayed and teamed with a couple of nights ago -- Direct X is his account name -- joined us. Jenny's player left after one mission, more tired than she thought. Direct X stayed, and we did two or three more missions. Then I did some salsa dancing, then watched videos during my break. Next, I did more salsa dancing, followed by other exercises, and writing my daily update, including making notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Friday, July 12, 2024

Daily Update, July 11, 2024

    On Thursday, our housekeeper came in the afternoon for a regular length work session. It was great seeing her, and our house is definitely better for her attentions. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I wasn't as late. She was sitting up and alert when I went in. She rested at times, but looked at most of the pictures, especially the baby pictures. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read two Christmas cards, one from her friend, and the other from her niece. After that, I finished _The Happy Book: Babies_. Next, I read a long story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 11th of July's story, "Good Neighbors," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did one of my four sitting arm weight training exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. then I did my head exercises after dinner After a break, I did my arm swinging exercises too. After teaming, I did my salsa dancing warmup set, all 8 1/2 minutes of it in one go. Then I did my arm resistance exercises after a break. After another break, I realized it was getting late, and I wasn't ready to do more salsa dancing, so I did 8 of my 14 walking exercises in one go. By the end, I was tired enough, I figured that was enough for one evening. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I spent most of the morning explaining a lot of the paperwork I do in City of Heroes: Homecoming. They're ready to get into that part of the game. Then I had lunch. After that, I wrote up Wednesday's daily update. Then I read comics. The housekeeper came, and I cleaned myself up with her assurances she'd work elsewhere until I was done. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming later than I like, but earlier than the day before. There, I found Kitten. We teamed up and did a couple of missions before it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I began writing this up, and did a little exercise. then I hopped into City of Heroes: homecoming. I found Pierogies, who invited me to join him in a farm, and even help with it. We talked and farmed until he said he was tired. then he went to bed, and I worked on the paperwork the farming produced. then I talked with Divi a bit in the game, and Nox on the chat server. I was just considering playing alone when Dennis said hi. So, we teamed up, which I far prefer to solo play. We did a couple of my missions. Kitten joined us in the first one and stayed with us. then Dennis said goodbye and left. Kitten and I did another mission. Then I stopped to exercise, I chatted with Kitten on the chat server and researched stuff between exercises. After that I wrote a little more of this and made notes, interrupted with more research and a little Cross Stitch World. {Smile}

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Daily Update, July 10, 2024

    On Wednesday, I called the nursing company's secretary to check about something. It's good to know how to proceed. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I was late again; the mission took a while. She was sitting up and alert when I went in. She stayed alert, looking at all the pictures with apparent interest, especially the baby pictures. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I finished her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Next, I continued _The Happy Book: Babies_. Then I read a story and seven poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_, leaving a long story in between them for a different day. I ended with the 10th of July's story, "The Shy Ostrich," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm resistance exercises and my leg exercises after dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises during a lull in the game while I was playing with Kitten in the evening. After we finished, I did 6 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing with only a pretty short break in the middle. I didn't feel up to more salsa dancing, so I did my standing arm weight training next. 

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles. Then I had lunch, with more Cross stich world and reading a comic over and after lunch. After that, I finished writing up Tuesday's daily update. Then I cleaned myself up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies, who was finishing up the later long, large-group event. We teamed up when it was done. Dennis came into the game and said hi just as we were getting together. He joined u, and we three ran one mission of mine which ran a little late, but we were all happy to have had the chance to team up and play together. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercise, I started writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Kitten responded! They hadn't before dinner. We got together and started a mission of mine. After the first battle, we paused for a long talk that I needed. Then we resumed the mission and did a few to several more missions. I also said goodnight to Nox. We didn't get to talk except to say goodnight, but we talked a little then. After Kitten and I parted, I exercised. After the exercise, I went back and forth between writing this up and making notes in it and doing paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming until I left for bed. {Smile}

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Daily Update, July 9, 2024

    On Tuesday, things were pretty quiet. After some of my recent medical appointments, I'll take quiet happily. {Smile}

   I did wake up feeling more rested than I have been for at least a couple of days. Sleeping in the corset must have been more comfortable than sleeping without it. I'm so relived, because I have been tired. I would like more rest. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I was pretty much on time for me. Shew as resting but roused when i spoke with her. She kept going back to resting but opened her eyes and looked at the pictures when prompted to, even when they didn't have babies in them. She particularly fond of the baby pictures. She answered me at times, too. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. After that, I started _The Happy Book: Babies_. Next, I read four poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished off with the 8th of July's story, "The Circus Clown," and the 9th of July's Story, "The Enchanted Mill," both from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner, and my arm swinging exercises and arm resistance exercises after dinner. then I did one of my standing arm weight training exercises during a lull in the role-playing. After I was done with City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did 13 1/2 of my fourteen walking exercises in two sets. I just could not do a second repetition of the last one. I was too tired, and it was too late to rest first. I think this is my best exercise day since the root canal and a half. {Smile}

   After breakfast I read articles and played Cross Stitch World until lunch. Then I played more Cross Stitch World before writing up my daily update. Then I played more Cross Stitch World and read some comics before I cleaned myself up. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started chatting with Pierogies, who wanted to learn how to do a pair of high-level taskforces that are often done together. I recruited for them, and we ran the first one. By then it was time to read to Mom. Somehow enough of the rest needed to leave, too, the team just broke up. {Smile}

   After dinner, I exercised, and began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I chatted with Ulty and my new friend. I joined them in casual role-playing that lasted most of the evening. Even after they and most of the others left, one other and I kept talking. I said goodnight to Nox; we missed talking again. I also read comics when the roleplaying got slow enough eventually the last one and I teamed up for a couple of missions. When that and a little paperwork was done, I did my exercises/ Then I wrote a little more of this and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Daily Update, July 8, 2024

    On Monday, I phoned Safeway pharmacy to order a refill. {Smile}

   Then I phoned my podiatrist. The gal suggested an appointment to get the nail looked at, and probably removed. I'd rather not remove the nail, but it's got a fungus that's still under it, so... we'll see what can be done. {smile}

   I also phoned the surgery's nurse. The first time, I left a message. The second time, I got her. We learned that the hospital will call me about scheduling a CT scan when they have confirmed things with my insurance, which hasn't called them back about this yet. I also asked about a binder for sleeping at night. She recommended trying the same one I'm using in the daytime first. If it really doesn't work, I can get another then. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that, but not much. I was a little late because of the game again. She seemed to be asleep when I went in, but opened her eyes when the nurse spoke to her and kept them open looking around at things even when there weren't many pictures. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. but I wasn't very far when the nurse interrupted me, saying he was sorry, but he needed to take care of Mom, and no, it couldn't wait. I asked about continuing later, but he thought it would be best to read more the next day. {smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises, my standing arm weight training exercises, and my leg exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then late in the night, after I cleaned myself up after everything else that I did in the evening, I did my arm swinging exercises and my sitting arm weight training exercises, with a small break int eh middle of the sitting arm weight training exercises. {Smile}

   After breakfast, around the phone calls, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles. After lunch, I read some comics and web fiction. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did a little paperwork, but mainly I found Dennis. We teamed up, and Azurette and Michiel joined us to do a story arc Dennis had. Pierogies joined us for in the first mission or two. It ran a little into time to read to Mom, but the last mission was short, so I stuck it out. I didn't get the hoped-for badge, though Dennis did; it was his story arc, so he should. He said we could try again a different way some other time. {Smile}

   Between reading to Mom and dinner, I began writing this up, as well as doing the exercises, because it took the nurse a while to help Mom. then after dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found Pierogies, who invited me to do a mission with him. We ran it. Then he left for bed, happily tired. Next, I did some paperwork Then I played on a character who's been stuck in the tutorial, waiting for me to get her out of it. That night I got her out of it. I also chatted with Nox and Kitten on the chat server. Then I cleaned myself up. After that, I did more exercises. I also wrote a little of this and made more notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Monday, July 8, 2024

Daily Update, July 7, 2024

    After breakfast, I contacted Uber, and a fellow who lives around here came and got me, as he often does, especially on Sunday. Church was nice. I even arrived during the announcements before the service proper, despite calling Uber later than I like to. We had lunch on the lanai in back of the church, as usual. I did enjoy the conversations. {Smile}

   Auntie Barbara took me home and came in to visit with Mom. We sang over ten songs, including three verses of This Old man at the end, and sure enough, Mom sang right along with us, and Auntie Barbara was the one who stopped there, not Mom. I think adding a song to our regulars is huge this late in dementia. I'd discovered she still knew it because a couple of the books I read to her includes it, and I usually sing it, not just say it. She tends to join in. {SMILE}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I was a little late because of the game, but she was up when I went in again today and looked on with interest the whole time, even when I didn't have pictures. She looked at all the pictures I showed her, too, especially the ones of babies.  She usually said she liked it when I asked. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Then I finished _The Picture Book of Babies_. Mom looked steadily at each baby today again. After that, I read two stories from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished off with the 7th of July's poem, "Breakfast Time!" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises while waiting for Uber to come pick me up. then I did my arm swinging exercises after dinner. I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm weight training exercises - both sitting and standing - with only a fairly short break after my bath. I don't think I'm ready to do more, and it's getting late anyway. {Smile}

   After Auntie Barbara left, I ordered another binder/corset. then I played Cross stitch World and read a web novel. Eventually I got around to writing up Saturday's daily update. After that, I hopped into city of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Ulty, Pierogies and Michiel, and Dennis. I eventually teamed up with Michiel and helped him with a mission. Pierogies joined us. We rushed the end because it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World, read web comics, and exercised. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I teamed up with Dennis and Kitten. We did a mission of Dennis's. Then we fought a giant monster. Pierogies and someone else tried to join us, but I didn't realize I was leading the team, so I didn't invite them until afterwards. They didn't get credit for getting the giant monster, though we really looked for another. The person I don't know ended up leaving for bed. Then the four of us did one mission of mine before Dennis and Pierogies left for bed. I also talked with Nox on the chat world. When Dennis and Pierogies left, I switched to a new story arc, and Kitten and I did three of the four missions. Then I talked with Kitten before I cleaned myself up. After that I exercised. Then I cancelled the binder/corset order I made this afternoon, and ordered the one the surgeon recommended in hopes it would be more comfortable for longtime wear. Afterwards, I wrote a little more of this and made notes in it for the next day. {Smile}

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Daily Update, July 6, 2024

    On Saturday, the binder came - that's the medically approved corset. I tried it on. It was a bit fussy fitting at first, but I'm already getting better. It helps if I hold things in - as I'm getting better at - and if I don't have as much agas as I did. {rueful look}

   I'm surprised how comfortable it is, and it's really helping my posture... so much, I had to raise my computer screen over an inch. Even when I take it off, my muscles want to stand/sit up straighter, and pull that tummy in more. I've been wearing it since I got it, except at night. Our nurse agrees I'm not supposed to sleep in it. {Smile} 

   I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was up when I went in today and looked on with interest the whole time. She looked at all the pictures, especially the ones of babies.  She usually said she liked it when I asked. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Next, I continued _The Picture Book of Babies_. Mom looked steadily at each baby today. Then I read a story and two longer poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished off with the 6th of July's story, "On the Beach," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm swinging exercises after dinner. then I did my arm resistance exercises when I thought I was having a lull in the game while teaming with Kitten. When I found out a short power failure and longer internet failure were the culprit, I did my head exercises. Then, after a longer break than I meant to take, I did my standing arm weight training exercises. that left me a bit tired, but I managed to fit in one of my four sitting arm weight training exercises after a short break. No more, since I was more tired, and it was late. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I read several articles and played some Cross stitch World before I finished my daily update before a late lunch. Then I played more Cross stitch world before the package came in the mail. After trying it on, I cleaned myself up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: homecoming late. I said hi to Michiel, and we talked a lot, catching up with each other since we hadn't seen each other for a while. Then we teamed up and started a mission. Pierogies joined us and we finished that mission. We were getting ready to start another when I realized that it was time to read to mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercise, I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Ulty. Then Dennis said hi, and we got into a taskforce led by Azurette, who was having trouble getting enough folks to join. We ran it, and Azurette left afterwards. Dennis and I did a couple of missions with me on a different character. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server a little. Then Dennis left, and I said hi to my new friend, who was just finishing up a role-playing session with Ulty. We teamed up after Ulty left and did a mission, and Kitten joined us. Then my new friend left, being more tired than she realized. Kitten and I did another couple of missions. Then Kitten went quiet. That turned out to be a short power failure, and a longer internet outage. So, I did some hunts by myself, and exercised. Afterwards, I wrote more of this, and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Daily Update, July 5, 2024

    On Friday, the housekeeper came, and our house is much better for her attentions. {Smile}

   I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was up when I went in today but rested while I read. She did open her eyes to look at pictures, though sometimes she needed a reminder.  However, she was quick to answer when I asked if she was liking it. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. After that, I started _The Picture Book of Babies_. Mom enjoyed that so much, she kept her eyes open for the first few pages. then I read a story and two longer poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 5th of July's story, "My Fish," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm resistance exercises after dinner. Later I slipped in my arm swinging exercises while teaming with kitten, between missions. I hoped to do one more, but it got too late before I could. {resigned smile}

   I watched videos on YouTube from breakfast to just before lunch with Mom. Then I watched more videos and played Cross Stitch World after lunch. Eventually I got around to finishing writing Thursday's daily update. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I joined Kitten and Pierogies in the mission we failed to finish twice. With a yet-lower difficulty and none of us dropping out this time, we actually finished a while before I like to read to Mom. So, the three of us talked until I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and a little exercise, I checked a video and read a few comics. Then I started writing this up and making notes in it. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and talked at length with Ulty and my new friend while doing it. I asked about getting together when the paperwork was done, but they were doing private role-playing that my characters wouldn't fit into again. So instead, I joined a high-level trial. I chatted with Nox on the chat server a little. Then Dennis said hi near the end of the trial. When the t4rial was properly done, Dennis and I teamed up, and finished a story arc of his that we've been working on. While Dennis was settling down for the night, Kitten said hi. We teamed up and I settled on doing a few missions one of my characters had. It was near the end of those missions that I took a little break for another set of exercises. When we were done, I wrote a little more of this, and made notes in it, too. {Smile}

Friday, July 5, 2024

Daily Update, July 4, 2024

    Happy Fourth of July! If you celebrate it, of course. If not, I hope you had a nice day. {SMILE}

   Yes, this is about Thursday. I got a phone call from Helping Hands Hale's secretary, jut checking up on me. I asked about the surgeon's diagnosis which she and I heard on Tuesday, and she clarified a few things. She also sent me a term or two to search for to look into this, which I really appreciate. {Smile}

   Between reading to Mom and dinner, I had a long phone call with our former nurse. It took a while to catch up on each others' lives, since it had been a while. {Smile}

   In the evening, I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara. I tw as good to talk with her. We caught up, too. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was up when I went in today, and even answered a few times. He looked at the pictures, especially the ones of babies. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. Then I remembered I hadn't read July 3rd's scripture and thoughts about it, so I read that next. Next, I finished _Picture Book: Babies_, which has facts about babies along with pictures of them. Not as much was left as I thought, so I backed up and read some I'd read recently. Mom seemed to enjoy it, especially since she got to look at more babies. After that, I read a story and two longer poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 3rd of July's story, "Peace and Quiet, and the Fourth of July's story, "Kind Katy," both from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and the nurse's phone call. That left me tired enough, i didn't try more just yet. {SMILE}

   Over and after breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World while thinking about the recent medical appointments, and what I learned in them. Then I had lunch. Next, I played more Cross Stitch World, and read web fiction while doing more thinking. After that, I finished Wednesday's daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some paperwork and solo play. I started chatting with Pierogies during the solo play. Then we got together so he could show off new costumes. That took me up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and began playing solo again. I'm just not the player I usually am, so I'm mainly playing with understanding friends. My new friend said hi. I said hi to Dennis. Dennis and I teamed up, and did a few missions together, and talked. I also chatted with Nox in the chat server. I went back to soloing after Dennis left for bed. I chatted with Mysty in the game for a while. I also chatted with Azurette in the game, but Azurette wasn't interested in playing with me when I'm as distracted as I have been. I chatted a little with Kitten in the game, too. Then I made notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Daily Update, July 3, 2024

    On Wednesday, I contacted Uber in the middle of the afternoon. A fellow came and took me to the endodontist who shares an office with my dentist. He did a full root canal on the forward tooth, and around half a root canal on the back tooth. He stopped when he did because it was time to go home. I admit I was quite exhausted, and more thana bit hungry, since it was almost dinner time. I contacted Uber almost two and a half hours after my appointment time. Another fellow came and took me home. {worn Smile}

   When I got home, it was too late to read to Mom. Though I did eat dinner with her. Dinner was late, too, but not badly late. 

   I didn't even try to do any exercise the day I did a root canal. I figured that exhausted me enough. {rueful smile}

   Over and after breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles. Then I had lunch. Afterwards, I wrote up Tuesday's daily update. I think I played some more Cross Stitch World before the endodontist. It's fairly soothing when I'm under stress, and it lets me think about things while I play. Between the endodontist and the news from the surgeon about my stomach the day before, I'm not surprised I played a lot Wednesday. {smile}

   After dinner, I chatted with Kitten on chat world. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I worked on getting one of the new low-level characters out of the tutorial. After the tutorial proper, I worked on a badge you can get in it and have trouble getting elsewhere. Someone else was working on it, and we teamed up. It turned out to be a friend who goes by Heat Transfer. We got our badges, then finished their tutorial. We stayed teamed up when we left the tutorial. They recruited for a low-level trial. Not quite realizing that's what they were doing, I missed the beginning of it, but they invited me to join part way through. I'm afraid I messed up one badge, not realizing how close we were. However, I got it the second times, since we ran it three times. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server, and Divi in the game. Heat Transfer left after the trial, and I ran around on the same character, setting things up for the future. then a friend in a dragon-themed supergroup a couple of my characters are in invited me to join them in a high-level team. I switched characters and ran it until it broke up. By then, I was pretty tired. I did some paperwork and made notes in this to write from the next day. I wrote none of this properly, which is unusual, but so was the day. {smile}

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Daily Update, July 2, 2024

    On Tuesday, the secretary from the nursing company came and took me to a complex across the street from the hospital, then went to park her car next door. I went inside, looked at the directory, and didn't see surgery anywhere. So I called the number surgery had called me from last week. They said I had the wrong building, and it go to the one on the right. I found the correct building. Then I looked around just finishing walking form parking her car in the lot next door. {Smile}

   We went up together, and I filled out forms as well as I could She offered to have me dictate, but that was harder than writing it down myself. then they called me in, and I saw the Resident who's shadowing the surgeon first. He examined me, then the surgeon came in. He's the same surgeon who operated on my boil when I was in the hospital at the beginning of the pandemic (for a truly gross boil, not covid). They started explaining things. Apparently, the mesh is holding; that's not what's failing. The thing I feel near the surface is a knot from the old surgery that can be cut off if necessary. The problem is that my abdominal muscles have separated and are pulling apart. The surgery to fix that is too big for me be a candidate for it. However, there are other ways to help my condition, including weight loss and an "abdominal binder," which is a kind of corset that's medically approved for certain conditions, including mine. I'm to work on both. {sigh}

   After that, we went back to the car, which is pretty far away if you go around a bunch of construction. She took me home, and we filled in Mom's and my main nurse. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was resting when I went in today, but responded when I spoke to her a few times, and opened her eyes to look at the pictures, especially the ones of babies. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2022. After that, I continued _Picture Book: Babies_, which has facts about babies along with pictures of them. Then I read two stories from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 2nd of July's story, "The Lazy Weasels," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and eating dinner. Then I did six and a half minutes of salsa dancing after starting to write this and make notes in it after playing City of Heroes: Homecoming this evening. That's twice as much as last night. Then I did seven and a half of my fourteen walking exercises after I cleaned myself up. That's slightly over twice as much as last night, too. {SMILE}

   Over and after breakfast I played Cross Stitch World and read web fiction. After the trip to the surgery consultation, I played more Cross Stitch World, and read comics and web fiction while I thought a lot about what was said in the surgery consult. It's truly a lot of process. I don't think I'm done with that yet. I finally got around to writing up Monday's daily update so I could hop into City of Heroes: Homecoming with a clear conscience. I'm afraid this required a nudge from Pierogies reminding me that he and Kitten were waiting to try again with the mission that stumped us the day before. It was better at a slightly lower difficulty, even when Kitten fell asleep. Still, it was a big map, as pierogies pointed out when he got tired, and decided to leave before we were done. He wants to try again another day. Then I did some paperwork and talked with Dennis when he said hi. I'm afraid it was too close to time to read to Mom to start something new. {smile}

   After dinner, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I hoped to find Dennis, but he wasn't there. Instead, I teamed with Azurette, and chatted with Pierogies. After a couple of missions, Azurette left. Then I talked with Ulty and my new friend while doing paperwork and soloing. while that was going on, Divi said hi, and we chatted, too. Then Dennis came on, and we teamed up for a few missions. He helped me finish a story arc before leaving again. I also said goodnight to Nox, having missed talking again. Then I did some paperwork and began writing this. Next, I did my salsa dancing. then I clean myself up. After that, I did a majority of my walking exercises. Then I played Cross Stitch World and made notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}