Sunday, June 25, 2023

Daily Update, June 24, 2023

   It was physical therapy yesterday, so I called Uber, and got Karen, who is not a Karen by today's lingo, but a really sweet gal We talked the whole way over, catching up on what had happened the last few weeks, since after getting her a few times, I just stopped. Turned out she'd been busy for a while. {Smile}

   Physical therapy went well. I talked to my therapist about my arm swinging exercises, and how I was using some simple performing dance foot positions. I showed him others, and he said I was steady enough with a slightly more challenging position with the two exercises that are well centered. The other two deliberately pull me off balance, and I'm not ready to do those unsupervised yet. I only had time for the slowest salsa dancing, but that's okay. I'm sure I'll have time for the faster stuff again some other day. {Smile}

   I took Uber home, and I got Alan. It was great talking to him. He's wondering if a friend or relative of his knows my therapist. {Smile}

   I revised a few more scenes of the story I'm working on after lunch, and before going into the game. I'm reasonably happy with how it's coming along. {Smile}

   I had breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. First, I started with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued with more from her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Then I showed her the front and back covers and read the blurb from _Memories 1960's_ I continued, reading and showing her the first few pages. After that, I read "Shoplifter Steals Clothes for Job Interview, but Canadian Constable Buys Outfit, and Man Gets Job," from _100 Uplifting Short Stories for Seniors_. The young man's father had gotten sick, so he wanted to get a job to help his family. The Constable called in thought helping him would be better than arresting hm. The young man's father got a job, too, not long after. Then I read the June 24th story, "Laurence's Bell," about a lamb who loved showing off his new red bell until an owl shooed him home. It was from _366 Stories for Bedtime: A Tale for Every Day of the Year_. Mom enjoyed both what I read to her, and the pictures I showed her. {Smile}

   I didn't do any exercise beyond physical therapy today. My therapist says physical therapy is enough. {Smile}

   I read too much of an internet article over lunch. Then I read comics, finished writing up yesterday's daily update, and did the revision of my story. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I chatted with Perogies. Also, bowlofdro invited me to the later short, large-group event, but I apologetically declined, because Perogies and I were just getting ready to farm, which we did for a while. Next. Perogies and I did a long mission together that ran into the time I usually read to Mom, but I just di that when I was done and ready. {Smile|

   After dinner, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and again started with paperwork. I chatted with a stranger who was newly returned to the game. I gave him a few tips, one of which he wanted to explore, so he left to do so. Next, I spotted a pair of high-level task forces which I joined. Recruiting was slow - it was a slow night in general - so I got Laine, one of my new friends, to join. My friend Heat-Transfer joined on their own. The group finally ran the task forces, and I got a badge that got me two more badges because I had everything else I needed for them. I've been working on and off on that badge for a few months, so I'm pretty happy about it. I even told Nox and Kitten about getting the badge on the chat server. Nox chatted a little. Afterwards, most left, including Heat-Transfer. Laine stayed. I introduced him to one of two contacts who give high level single missions that give especially good rewards. We ran two of their missions, then joined a team that was doing a different line of single missions. I also started chatting with Nox somewhere in there. Eventually, Laine left, as did others, but others joined for a while. I admit I got distracted looking up stuff related to some stuff I'd been talking with Nox about, so when the team broke up again, even the leader left, citing lack of interest. I ended the night with Paperwork, and some writing of the update. Truthfully, more paperwork. I had to finish this update the next day. {Smile}

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