Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Daily Update, February 3, 2024

On Monday, I stayed home to be here when my tech friend came. She came at lunch time, just like arranged. She found the speakers had probably been turned off at an extra off button, and the monitor had been plugged into the wrong plug of the right shape. Easy mistakes to make if you aren't trained in fixing computers. {Smile}

That afternoon, I saw Kitten on the chat server telling Pierogies, Dennis and I about a secret room in City of Heroes: Homecoming. Pierogies replied that it wasn't there. Kitten said they weren't able to check right there. So, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming to check. I found it behind a wall... well, three walls in the new part of a base that had been expanded a while back.  I could look at it from three sides, but the only doors I could find were decorations that didn't lead anywhere. So, I went around the three walls again and spotted a tall stack of boxes nearby. I got on top of the boxes and found a gap and a hallway below. the gap looked too tight, except a well-known, once hidden room has an entry about as close to a similar wall behind similar boxes. So, I tried to fall into the gap and succeeded without trouble. Then I could enter the hallway. Around a corner and down at the end I found a door, Through the door was the lineup of high-level enemies Kitten had shared. I got too close trying to check one, and they sent me to the hospital. {Smile}

I went back to the chat server to tell my friends it was there after all. Pierogies quickly came into the game and got me to show him the room. He got two tough characters, and I switched to the healer who is my best badge collector in case taking down the unusual fellow gave a badge. We took the enemies on, and got them down, but no badge for it. Dennis came in not long after we'd gotten rid of them and complained about missing them. We went out. I waited a little and went back. The enemies were there I called the others back so Dennis could see them. Since we were all there, Dennis, Pierogies' two characters and I took them down. {Smile}

I did some abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking through the day. Then I did my head exercises after playing City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening. After a break, I did my arm swinging exercises, and one of my less structured pieces. Then, after a break, I did my arm swinging exercises, and one piece of less structured salsa dancing. Next. I did my arm resistance exercises, and most of one more less structured salsa dancing piece. An alarm interrupted it a little over 5 minutes in, with over half a minute to go. It was extra fast, so I was panting enough, I didn't want to start up again after turning off the alarm. Still, with two false starts in there, I think I did just over 15 1/4 minutes. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed the web, read comics, and played Cross Stitch World until my tech friend came to look at my computer. After she left, I played a little more Cross Stitch World until lunch. After lunch I played more Cross Stitch World, then checked the chat server. I found Kitten telling us about the secret room. I already described exploring that. After exploring the hidden room, Pierogies left, and Dennis and I teamed up. We did a high-level mission or two of mine before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner. I hopped into City of Heroes Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then I wrote up Sunday's daily update. Next, I chatted with Nox on the chat server while reading comics and playing Cross Stitch World. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to do a little more paperwork. Then Phonso invited me to a taskforce. I joined, and we ran it. Then we ran a trial. After that, I did more paperwork. I also started making notes and writing in this. Then I started exercising and dancing. I watched two videos in the break before more exercise and dancing. Then I finished the evening with writing and making notes in the rest of this. {Smile}

Monday, February 3, 2025

Daily Update, February 2, 2025

On Sunday, my main nurse took me to church. We got there during the entrance hymn. It was a nice service. I wish I hadn't been a little late, but I'll just have to work harder at this. {smile}

I had lunch on the lanai with my main nurse and a friend. I paid organist for Mom's funeral and made sure that was the only extra pay needed. Then my main nurse took me home to find my housekeeper there already. My house is better for her attentions. {Smile}

Then my computer broke tin the afternoon. It wasn't making noise when I got home, even when I played a video that didn't look like it ought to be silent. When my housekeeper noticed, she started plugging and unplugging stuff. Bending over is enough easier for her, she's better than I am at plugging and unplugging. It usually helps, but this time the video lost touch with the computer, too. My housekeeper apologized, but she really didn't do anything that should have caused this problem if it wasn't looking for an excuse to happen. More plugging and unplugging didn't fix it, so I called the tech who fixed it last time. Her answering machine started only for her to interrupt it. I actually got her on the first try! She started asking what my housekeeper had done. I dashed outside, phone in hand, and found my housekeeper hadn't left yet. So, I handed her my phone so she could answer the questions about what she'd done or could do. They worked out it that the next step involves opening the computer, which my housekeeper is no more comfortable doing than I would be. It really needed the tech, so I made an appointment for her to come by the next day, which seemed her earliest convenience. {Smile}

After the call, I set up the gaming laptop I got the last time the computer broke. I spent half the afternoon getting it into shape for me to use. {smile}

I did some abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking a few times through the day. Then I did one standing exercise, my arm swinging exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and my head exercises. 

After I got home, I browsed the web, especially webcomics. I also chatted with friends on the chat server and played Cross Stitch World. Then I started to play City of Heroes: Homecoming I started with paperwork, but soon realized the sound was out, though looking back, a video I checked out while chatting with friends was silent when it shouldn't have been. The housekeeper tried to fix it - if it's a matter of adjusting plugs and such, she normally can. While she was trying to fix the speakers, my monitor stopped getting input from my computer, and nothing she tried would get it back. Then I spent over an hour getting out my laptop and setting it up. I rarely use it when my desktop works because it heats up more than I think is good for a computer used as much as I usually do. When I was done, my nurse helped me clean myself up. Then I set up the cooling pad for the laptop. Next, I talked about computers with Kitten and Pierogies on chat server before finally getting back to City of Heroes: Homecoming. I'd barely begun the paperwork when Pierogies invited me to the later long, large group event. Then Kitten said hi, and joined us too. That event ran right into dinner, but not enough for me to leave before it was done. {Smile}

After dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some paperwork. Then I began writing up Friday's daily update. I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming occasionally but kept working on the update. In City of Heroes: Homecoming, I connected with Kitten, and we started to team with a couple of high-level individual missions. I also finished update and started notes in this. Then I began talking with Nox on the chat server. back in City of Heroes: Homecoming, Kitten spotted a four-person trial with two spots open. We checked that neither had filled, dn we both joined. We ran it and did quite nicely. After the trial, that team broke up. Kitten and I worked on a high-level story arc I'd started. A friend of Kitten's joined us, and the three of us finished the story arc. Then Kitten's friend left. Kitten and I talked about computers on the chat server while I did some paperwork and made more notes in this. After that, I did some exercises. Then I made more notes in this and browsed the web. {Smile}

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Daily Update, February 1. 2025

On Saturday, the nursing company secretary came after lunch. It was nice to see her. We didn't talk much this time, but she did check that I was happy. {Smile}

A while later, my main nurse took me to Prince Kuhio Plaza. We walked to the center, where I heard oriental drumming and gongs. I looked round and found two Chinese Lions dancing in front of GNC and a clothing store next to it, one lion per store. 

They danced around, and collected a small red paper hung above each door. Then they went into the stores, dancing around, circling inside. I believe the papers are small red envelopes containing cash, and the dance performed while collecting them is supposed to bring luck by Oriental tradition. At least if my vague memories of a news story from when a Honolulu Lion Dance team placed in an Oriental competition are correct. {Smile}

The music was very loud. I approved of one gal playing gongs while wearing industrial strength ear protectors, like you see on airport runways. I used to do that while playing flute in the high school band, myself. Trust me that if you want ear protectors while playing music, you can hear the music fine with them on. I ended up turning my hearing aids down after I'd admired her for a while. {Smile}

The lions moved on from the first two stores, skipping a store where I couldn't spot a red paper, and teaming up to do one more store that did have a paper. While they were dancing inside the third store, two children with a smaller lion costume began dancing outside the store, apparently waiting for the larger lions to come out again. When both larger lions were outside with the smaller one, they danced over to the central part of the plaza, where they danced a little more in a kind of finale. I loved getting to see a lion dance like that. {SMILE}

My nurse and I then went on. walking around more of the Plaza until we reached Enjoy Comics, the comic store I like. They were having a Chinese New Year sale. I browsed a long time, finally picking out two books, both on sale. I chatted with the owner, mentioning I'd learned that a distant cousin frequents his store, too. {Smile}

Then my main nurse and I walked back to the car. He did a couple errands on the way home, encouraging me to wait in the car, where I read comics and napped. {Smile}

My main exercise was walking part way around Prince Kuhio Plaza. I also did some abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World right through the morning and over lunch. Then the nursing company's secretary came to visit. After she left, I played a little more Cross Stitch World before we went to Prince Kuhio Plaza. I read web comics on my computer when I got back from Prince Kuhio Plaza. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. I found Kitten, and we teamed up. We did some missions together. Pierogies joined us partway through. Pierogies and I said goodnight when I left for dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did some paperwork, then broke to write up Friday's daily update. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did more paperwork before I found Kitten. We teamed up and started doing my missions. Dr. Faustus joined us. After a mission or two of mine together, Dr. Faustus spotted a strike force being advertised. We joined it and discovered we had too much for one team. We made two smaller, not full teams, and did the same strike force at the same time. My team ended first, despite starting slightly later. Then both teams split up. Dr. Faustus, Kitten, and I got back together to run more of my missions. Dragons joined us, then asked if their friend could, too, which I was happy to facilitate. after a couple more missions, TheCyberChill asked for help just as we started a mission. We joined up after we finished my mission, and TheCyberChill finished a mission they'd started in the meantime. WE did a few of TheCyberChill's missions. Then Dr. Faustus left. After another mission or two, Dragons and their friend left. Then Kitten went quiet and faded out, and after that, the team broke up. So, I did some paperwork, and made notes and wrote in this, with a break to read a comic. {Smile}

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Daily Update, January 31, 2025

On Friday, my main nurse took me to physical therapy before lunch. He did some shopping while I was there. I had a good session. They had a new tape formation on the floor. When I asked, my therapist said it was for balance and had me try it. It was kind of fun but tricky with my eyes closed. I'm glad I was in the harness when I did it. That harness always catches me if I get off-balance. Then we did errands on the way home. {Smile}

I got a call from my nutritionist in afternoon. She wanted to reschedule my next appointment because she'd be busy then. So, we delayed it a week. {Smile}

Then I got a call from Auntie Barbara after dinner. We had a nice chat, talking about how we're both taking things easy after such a big week last week. {Smile}

My physical therapy was quite enough exercise for one day. {Smile}

After I got back from physical therapy, I browsed on the web over lunch, then played some Cross Stitch World. Then I read some comics and started writing Thursday's daily update before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I looked for the meeting of the villain supergroup Dr. Faustus got me into. It's usually on Friday afternoon for me, but I didn't find it. So, I started making notes in this. Then came the call from nutritionist, followed by more paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming. Near the end of the paperwork, Dr. Faustus said hi. He added that the villain supergroup meeting was starting soon. I went to the meeting and was one of four attending. We started with a four-man trial. Then we did most of a villain story arc with a particularly good reward at the end. I also began chatting with Pierogies. the villain supergroup meeting broke up just before we got the reward because one member was plain too tired to continue, and we didn't want to cut him out. So, I got together with Pierogies to watch a roleplaying auction until dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I peeked at City of Heroes: Homecoming before playing a bit of Cross Stitch World. Then came Auntie Barbara's phone call, followed by more Cross Stitch World before I wrote up Friday's daily update. Next, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. I also talked with Ulty and Jenny's player. then I talked with Kitten, who was busy helping a sick friend by running a farm to level a new character while they slept. So, I played by myself while I waited for the farm to finish. I also chatted with someone who noticed my character's supergroup's name almost matched their player's name. When Kitten was done with the farm, we got together. Then Dennis said hi, and joined us. Dennis suggested some missions in a high-level zone. We stated one. Then I checked with the fellow I'd been chatting with and invited him to join us. He did. and we ran a few missions together before the new fellow left. He and I established connections before he left. Then Dennis left after a couple more missions. After that, Kitten and I did two or three more missions. The last mission, Kitten went quiet in. I suspect they fell asleep again. I finished anyway, then did some paperwork, and finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Friday, January 31, 2025

Daily Update, January 30, 2025

On Thursday, breakfast was mostly done when my video counselling began. That session went well, though I'm not sure our priorities completely line up, the plan at the end is workable. {Smile}

In the afternoon, I went out to the library. I returned some books, renewed a few, and borrowed one new one. Then we went to Safeway to get a prescription and a couple of things. {Smile}

On the way home, I got a call from the leader of the monthly meeting. She wanted to check on how I was doing, since my circumstances have changed so much in the past couple of months. {Smile}

After getting home, I called the nursing company to let them know I want to continue with our current arrangement for now. I know I'll have to cut back on the hours eventually, but more support is helpful while I adjust to not having Mom around. {Smile}

I did some abdominal tucking and pelvic floor tucking earlier in the day, but my exercise really got going when I did my salsa dancing warmup after playing City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening. after a break, I did that standing exercise I mean to add to the others eventually. Then I did two less structured salsa dancing pieces, for a little over 21 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing. 

After counselling, I played Cross Stitch World. Then I finished writing up Tuesday's daily update right over lunch. After that, I started notes in this. Then I played a little more Cross Stitch World until we took our trip out. The phone calls were at the end and after the trip out. After the second phone call, I browsed on the web and played Cross Stitch World before I started writing Wednesday's daily update. Then I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. I chatted with Pierogies when he came on, but he didn't feel up to teaming. I also chatted more briefly with Dr. Faustus. then I browsed the web, made more notes in this, and wrote more of Wednesday's daily update before breaking for dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I finished Wednesday's daily update. Then I read comics and began chatting with Nox on the chat world. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming again. I started with paperwork while I chatted on the chat server. Then Dr. Faustus said hi in City of Heroes: Homecoming, and we teamed up. We worked out which of his characters was the best match for my character of choice. Then we did several missions, most shared, so we both got full credits and rewards. Dennis joined us, and we did more missions, first shared, then mine only. Then we said goodnight. I did some paperwork and made more notes in this before I started dancing. I did some writing in this and played Cross Stitch World before I did some exercise and more dancing. Then I watched part of a video before writing and making notes in this and playing a bit of Cross Stitch World to wind down before bed. {Smile}

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Daily Update, Janaury 29, 2025

On Wednesday, I had another quiet day. My main nurse was back. He helped me clean myself up in the afternoon. {Smile}

I did pelvic floor and abdominal tucking exercises occasionally through the day. then, after City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did one of my leg exercises, followed by my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my salsa dancing less structured set for 20 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing, with the last piece being faster than most for me. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed on the web, read comics, and played Cross Stitch World right into lunch. After lunch, I read more comics and played more Cross Stitch World until I got cleaned up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. Then I played by myself, since the friends I particularly like to play with weren't around for the most part. That stopped when I could join the later short, large-group event. Then I finished writing up Monday's daily update before joining the later long, large-group event. That took me up to dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some paperwork. Then I played some Cross Stitch World and checked with friends on Discord before going back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I played by myself until Dennis said hi. We chatted, then teamed up on mid-level characters. We played a couple of my missions and one or two of his. Then Dr. Faustus said hi. He was on a villain team doing missions. I grabbed a middle-level villain, and Dennis grabbed a villain too. We both joined the team Dr. Faustus was in and ran several missions with them. The team broke up when I said I'd need to leave to exercise and dance. Everyone else remembered other stuff they had to do, too. I did a little paperwork, then a bit of exercise before starting to dance. Then I made notes in this, with breaks to play Cross Stitch World and browse on Amazon before I danced some more. After that, I watched a video. then I finished my notes in this and started writing Tuesday's daily update. I didn't finish that update before bed again, but I had enough notes to finish later. {Smile}

Daily Update, January 28, 2025

On Tuesday, I did a quick errand with the relief nurse after breakfast. {Smile}

After the errand, I checked my voicemail, and found a note from Dodo Mortuary, which Mom and Dad both made their arrangements with. I called them back and got a short update from the fellow who is handling Mom's arrangements. This included arrangements for them to resend a bill he mentioned, so I don't have to hunt for it. {Smile}

I tried calling my financial advisers right after that, but I didn't get through until I tried again after lunch. I had a very reassuring talk with my main financial adviser about reasonable arrangements for enhanced nursing support while I set up a new life for myself. {Smile}

Then in the afternoon, the nursing company owner, who's also the relief nurse's sister, came over for a sleep over. We talked a bit, and I realized that headaches I've had for three days in a row are probably due to using the lumbar pillow the nursing company gave me for Christmas upside-down, and a new tea I was trying. I compared it to other teas, and discovered only it had licorice. I mentioned this as a suspect ingredient to Pierogies when we were playing together. He wondered about that one, so I looked it up. I discovered, that yes, licorice is known to cause headaches and potassium depletion, both of which I had trouble with recently. So, I gave the rest of that box of tea to the nursing company owner, who doesn't know of having any problem with licorice. {Smile}

Over dinner, I watched the first hour of a recent Dungeons and Dragons movie with my relief nurse, which prompted a discussion about possibly playing Dungeons and Dragons with the nursing company owner and my relief nurse. They're both interested in learning, but not where they'd be slowing down experienced players. 

I did my pelvic floor and abdominal tucking in exercises through the day. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup set late in the evening, followed by a new standing exercise. However, when I tried to start a less structured salsa dancing set, I couldn't do it. I'm not sure if I slow or dizzy, but I stumbled from something like that, so I stopped. So, I did almost nine minutes of salsa dancing with the false start for the second set added in. After that I did my arm resistance exercises. After a break, I did my head exercises, too. {Smile}

After my call with Dodo Mortuary, I tried to call my financial advisers but got their answering machine. Then I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World right over lunch. After that, I called my financial advisers again and got through this time. Next. I played some more Cross Stitch World before switching to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. Then Pierogies and I teamed up and did some missions together. Kitten joined us, playing with us. Then Pierogies left, and Kitten admitted to being too tired to continue. So they left, and I did some paperwork before I left for dinner myself. {Smile}

During and after dinner I watched the first hour of a recent Dungeons and Dragons film. Then I talked with my relief nurse and then nursing company owner about Dungeons and Dragons. when we were done, I went back to my computer and hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. No one I regularly team with was really on, so I played by myself on the character who teamed with Pierogies and Kitten earlier until the character finally got what I've been hoping for since the day before. So, I switched to paperwork, since getting that had produced some. After that, I browsed on the web and read comics. I also started talking with Nox on the chat server and wrote part of Monday's update. Then I started making notes in this update. I also played Cross Stitch World before I started dancing. I read comics in what I thought awa s a break before I tried more dancing. Unfortunately, that was the dancing that didn't work out, so I tried to exercise a bit before making more notes in this. I didn't finish Monday's update before bed. {smile}

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Daily Update, January 27, 2025

On Monday, I stayed home and took things easy. I even took a nap before lunch, despite sleeping almost as long as I normally like to the night before. I think I'm worn-out from last week. I loved having relatives to visit with most days, and the funeral went quite nicely. My birthday celebration was wonderful, too, and the annual meeting on Sunday went well, which was up against the busy week. Still, all of that took enough energy for me to need to rest up, and Monday was when I started to do just that. {Smile} 

I did a bit of abdominal and pelvic tucking in exercises through the day. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup a while after I stopped playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming. After a break, I did my head exercises, followed by one salsa dancing less structured piece. Then I checked a couple of leg exercises. I think I should add one more when I get back to them. Then I did one more less structured salsa dancing piece for a total of over twenty-one and a half minutes of salsa dancing, including two brief false starts with restarts. {Smile}

After breakfast, I browsed on the internet, including watching videos on YouTube until my nap. Next, I had lunch. Then I played Cross Stitch World and browsed on the web some more. Then I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming later than I'd like. I joined Kitten and Pierogies in a farm, where I chatted with them. I chatted a bit with Jenny's Player, too, since the game doesn't make you be with folks to chat with them. {Smile}

After dinner, I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Kitten still farming, with a different friend of theirs. I joined them. I also began chatting with Nox on the chat server. Then Kitten cleared the farm with the other friend and me helping. After that, the team broke up. Kitten was too tired to do more at that point, so they left, and I did paperwork. Then I played by myself and began making notes in this. Next, I read comics and played Cross Stitch World before dancing. In my break, I read comics. Then I did some exercises and more dancing After that, I watched some videos and browsed the web before I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Monday, January 27, 2025

Daily Update, January 26, 2025

On Sunday, my main nurse took me to church. WE got there barely in time for communion because they started at 9 am instead of 10 am so we'd have more people at the annual meeting afterwards. We voted on vestry and delegates to the diocesan convention and heard financial reports. then they had folks talk about nice things in one or another program they're in. Then I sang a song to thank priest for finding a substitute when she got sick. After that, my nurse took me home. {Smile}

A while after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming and web browsing much of the evening, I did my arm resistance exercises and my head exercises. After a break, I did my arm swinging exercises. I also did some pelvic and abdominal tucking through the day. I wish I'd done more, but at least I didn't do less. {Smile}

After I got home, I shared Friday's daily update. Then I played some Cross Stitch World and read some comics. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player, and ran a little character up a level, then finished one contact, and got the rest updated. After that, I napped until dinner, because I've been burning the candle at both ends for about a week. {worn smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and began writing Saturday's daily update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Pierogies and Dennis. The three of us got together and tried a farm Kitten had made. One enemy was particularly tough for us but still rewarding. Then Pierogies got tired, so he said goodnight and left. After that, Dennis wanted to do low-to-mid level villains. I didn't have one that close but grabbed a low-level character. We ran a couple of his missions, and a couple of my missions. Then we said goodnight. I did some paperwork, then said goodnight to Nox, having missed talking with them. Next, I read some comics. After that I exercised before I read more comics. Then I started notes in this. After that I exercised some more before playing more Cross Stitch World and finishing my notes in this. {Smile}

Daily Update, January 25, 2025

Saturday was my birthday, and a mostly happy one at that. I did seem to be a day of misunderstandings. and I am truly sorry for that. I just can't seem to express myself in ways that are understood without a lot of explaining and sorting out. I don't know what's up with that. {rueful look}

After breakfast, I cleaned myself up with the help of my main nurse. Then I wrote up Thursday's daily update. Next, I read comics. After that, my main nurse and I took off to Pahoa for lunch with Auntie Barbara, and Michelle at a Mexican restaurant there. I picked the restaurant from the choices recommended by Auntie Barbara, since I'm the birthday girl. {Smile}

Afterwards, my main nurse drove much of the way home before I managed to communicate that I wanted to drive through Pahoa like Auntie Barbara had suggested. My nurse hadn't heard and somehow missed that I wanted this. Then he insisted on turning around and doing so after I was ready to give up because we'd gotten too far from Pahoa. it was nice seeing the changes; there's a whole section of new stores. That was the first misunderstanding. Then we went back to Hilo, doing some errands on the way home. {Smile}

I didn't do much exercise, since it was the day after physical therapy. mainly a little pelvic floor tucking. {Smile}

When we got back home from lunch out, I tried to move into a bag Auntie Barbara gave me to replace my purse. However, I couldn't find my wallets and checks in the pile of stuff when I was done, probably because most of the contents of four large pockets had to go in the main compartment in the bag. There wasn't even one other large compartment. So, I moved back to my old purse and put the nuts for church tomorrow in the bag she gave me. Then I searched in my closet and found an old purse that still looked decent. I tried moving into that and found it more satisfactory. It's a little heavy but will do for now. Then I finally sat down to computer and City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies, and we did the next mission on the mid-level characters we worked on the day before. That took us up to dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World before hopping into City of heroes: Homecoming. I teamed up with Dennis, and we ran some missions. We also took a long time to sort out a misunderstanding, my second major one that day. Then we continued the missions until he left for bed. Then I discovered my phone battery was low, and I've misplaced my charger. While looking for the charger, I had another misunderstanding with my main nurse. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to do some paperwork. Next came Cross Stitch World. After that, I wrote up but didn't share Friday's daily update. Then I made notes in this, with a break for closing stuff down. {Smile}

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Daily update, January 24, 2025

On Friday after breakfast, my main nurse took me to Life care Center for physical therapy. That went well. I did more on the machine than expected, because I rean over, and went with it. then I did something trickier with the harness that I thought of. That's going to need practice to get better at. I also paid for the month on the way out. {Smile}

Next, we went to the bank to deposit gifts from the funeral. I'm trying very hard to avoid missing checks this time around. I missed at least two checks after Dad' s funeral. I still feel so bad about that. It's not so much the money, as that I never meant to slight or not appreciate anyone's gift, which failing to deposit a check can feel like. I just wasn't together much back then. {rueful look}

Our next stop Walmart, to pick up some things we needed. Then we went home. {Smile}

Late that afternoon, I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara when I was sleepy but not sleeping. She was planning a birthday lunch for the next day. That should be lots of fun. {SMILE}

My exercise was mostly at physical therapy on Friday, plus a little walking while we were out shopping and such. {Smile}

After I got home, I played Cross Stitch World and browsed on the web over lunch and into the afternoon. Then I treated a headache I suspected of being a migraine before I lay down to rest. Auntie Barbara called while I was lying down but not asleep. I got more rest after the call. Then I finally hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Pierogies trying out a farm Kitten is making. I joined him in it on a high-level character who's looking for some of the stuff you can get from farms. We visited and farmed until dinner. I left my character in there while I ate. {Smile}

After dinner. I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to find Pierogies still farming the same farm. I said hi, and we got back to talking until we officially finished. The farm still had more critters, but he really wanted to do a regular mission before bed. So, we both switched to mid-level characters, and ran two of his missions. Then we said goodnight. After that, I went back and forth between browsing the web, writing up Wednesday's daily update, making notes in this, writing some of Thursday's daily update, reading comics, and talking with Noxon the chat server. Then I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming where I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player while playing by myself, especially on a low-level character. Then I concentrated on the low-level character until I got invited to a high-level team. I joined them, doing part of a mission and all of the next mission. Then I said goodbye and did a little paperwork. After that, I then finished notes in this and wrote more of Thursday's daily update without quite finishing it. {smile}

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Daily Update, January 23, 2025

On Thursday, my cousin, Kim, called. She wanted to do lunch at the volcano (Kilauea Volcano) I agreed, but detailed plans were left for later. {smile}

Video counselling went well, though I realized something afterwards that I'll have to talk about next time. I long to feel more relevant in my life. I'm concerned that retirement homes and the like will make me feel less relevant, not more relevant, even as they take care of me otherwise. {rueful look}

Auntie Barbara called right when we were scheduling my next appointment at the end of the video counselling. I asked her to call back. I actually called her a little while after my appointment. Turned out she was concerned about lunch at the volcano. She suggested we start very soon, since it was sooner than I realized. My main nurse was unhappy with the surprise. He does like to be prepared. However, this was sprung on me too; I wasn't holding out on him. {smile}

We drove up to the volcano and met in the park for lunch in a restaurant on the caldera rim. In all, Kim, Aunt Valerie, Mary Jane, Auntie Barbara, Michelle, my main nurse, and I shared lunch there. The fountains that were visible the day before weren't going, just a lot of smoke and steam. I had a nice pizza. {Smile}

Then the others wanted to meet at a view spot by the museum which isn't there anymore. This wasn't easy to find. After a false start down the road, the nurse and I went to the visitor's center. I had him drop me off so I could walk in. I found the help desk busy with other people but eventually caught a ranger and got them to circle the old museum on the map after I convinced them that I was not interested in finding a working museum but the place where the old museum used to be so I could meet up with others. We found the spot and met up with the others for one last round of pictures. Then they left, and I walked with my nurse to a view spot a bit down a graded but unpaved path. {Smile}

After that, we drove back to Hilo. I slept on the way. then at home I lay down to wake up more fully and slept until dinner instead. {Smile}

My only exercise was the walking at the Volcano, but there was a fair bit of that between our different stops. {Smile}

After dinner, I played a lot of Cross Stitch World, with breaks to read comics and talk with Nox on the chat server. Then I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming just in time to team up with Pierogies for a hunt and a mission before they left for bed. Next, I did some paperwork. Then Dragons said hi. We got together, teaming up for four missions before they dashed off to work. Then I played more Cross Stitch World and read more comics. After that, I made notes in this. By then it was so late, I didn't even try to write up Wednesday's daily update, just leaving it for the next day. {Smile} 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Daily Update, January 22, 2025

On Wednesday, after breakfast, I wanted to lie down because I hadn't slept well the night before. However, I realized I didn't have time before Mom's funeral. So, I got ready and also shared the links to the live stream (which should still work, though they aren't live any longer). Then I gathered the pictures of Mom that I'd found, and my main nurse took me to church. 

At church, we set up stuff and greeted people who extended their condolences. Then the clergy asked if everyone was here, and if they could start. I didn't see one set of distant cousins, but wasn't quite certain they were coming, so I started to say go ahead. Right then the cousins showed up and came in, apologizing for being late. I told the clergy everyone was here now, and they started the service. It was lovely, simple and sweet, with much music, which Mom always did love. {smile}

The reception was lunch on the church's lanai right after the service. I visited with cousins, including the distant one I hadn't seen before this week. The guests left very few sandwiches, and much more dessert behind, but to be fair, enough brought dessert, there was plenty of that. 

Some of the guests - mostly family -came to the inurnment. Actually, more came than to Dad's inurnment. Auntie Barbara apologized for not doing so. She was just too tired. Considering she made food and picked up the food ordered from the grocery store, and did other things to help, i think she earned the right to just go home and rest already. I thought it was so thoughtful of her to do that so we wouldn't have to do it on top of everything else. After the inurnment, we said goodbye, and main nurse took me home. {Smile}

I was too tired after everything to try to exercise, even at bedtime. However, I think it's one day I can take a pass on that. I certainly hope not to bury close relatives often. {smile}

When we got home, I relaxed by playing Cross Stitch World until finally ducking into City of Heroes: Homecoming. When I did go there, I started with paperwork. Then I tried playing by myself on a low-level character trying to run through content and gain a level. Dennis and Kitten said hi while I did, but they were in a taskforce, so I continued to play by myself until they were done. When I finally joined them, they wanted the follow-up taskforce. I thought we didn't have time, but Dennis and kitten were more insistent than I was. Dennis recruited more members. We ran it over half full, which is a good number. We and got done just after my main nurse announced dinner, which is just about perfect. {Smile}

After dinner, I played a fair bit of Cross Stitch World before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Kitten, Ulty and Jenny's Player, and talked with Ulty and Jenny's player. I played by myself, and broke to read comics and play Cross Stitch World. Then I began making notes in this. After a while, I went back to play by myself some more in City of Heroes: Homecoming. I got a second low-level character to gain a level. Dennis congratulated me when I mentioned it, and we talked briefly. He was winding down after another taskforce. Then I finished notes in this. I ended the evening writing up Tuesday's daily update. with a break or two for Cross Stitch World. It is a nicely non-demanding game when I'm stressed enough to need that. {Smile}

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Daily Update, January 21, 2025

Tuesday was Mom's birthday, the first one without mom around. It would have been her 96th birthday if she'd made it. I didn't celebrate it, but I remembered. {smile}

My relief nurse and I went to the monthly meeting. He tried to sit back, thinking he was giving me space. This really isn't that kind of meeting. It's for the handicapped; we won't be overshadowed by a home nurse. Too many have one or have had one in the past. He did come forward when they asked about the company he works for, Helping Hands Hale. Then he took me home afterwards. {Smile}

I found a note on the way home from my cousin, Kim It said that Mom's cousin Mary Jane's plane was late, but they'd come when they could. 

My relief nurse and I immediately started to get ready for lunch, expecting relatives to come Auntie Barbara came early to help set up, and pretty much took charge. I am grateful for that. She knew what needed to be done far better than I did. My relief nurse sat in back, watching TV for most of the visit. {smile}

My cousin Nancy and her husband Brent came pretty much on time. they, Auntie Barbara, and I soon started eating, because they were famished, and we had no idea when Kim, Aunt Valerie, and Mary Jane would come. They came when we were over halfway through, but we kept talking right through, even after everyone was done. I'd set out a picture and my parents' wedding album, which folks enjoyed looking at, and even talked about. They finished fairly late in the afternoon. {Smile}

I didn't manage to do any exercise again. My balance was too unsteady to want to risk trying. Well, I did do some pelvic floor and abdomen tucking. So, I did that much exercise {Smile}

After everyone left, I played Cross Stitch World before I hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming. Few friends were on, and somehow, I was not in the mood to talk, for once. So, I joined the later short, large-group event. Then I joined the later long, large-group event. Both are great when you just want to play with other players but not talk or anything. they're also good for visiting if you're in a mood to talk. I left when dinner was ready, though they weren't done. I did make sure to leave in the way they have been happy with. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and talking with friends. Then I played by myself, trying to get a low-level character ready to get another level. I did get the mission I was hoping for and completed it. then I browsed on the web, especially reading comics. Next, I started writing Monday's daily update. then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and started to play by myself on the low-level character again. This time I was trying to get that extra level. Then I saw Dennis and said hi. We talked, then teamed up after I finished with Monday's daily update. First, I helped him finish a high-level mission. Then he helped me get that level with a couple of my missions. Next, I helped him get a level with a couple more of my missions. Then I did paperwork. I finished the evening making notes in this. {Smile}

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Mom's Funeral

 For those who can't be here for mom's funeral, they got the livestream working:

There are two ways to access our LiveStream:
go to our website and click on videos: www.echa-hilo.org
They usually go live 10-15 minutes before the scheduled service time.

Daily Update, January 20, 2025

On Monday. I arranged to have dinner with my cousin, Kim, and Aunt Valerie. I chose IHOP. My relief nurse and I met them there. We had a nice long visit at the restaurant. My relief nurse stepped out a couple of times so we could visit in privacy. Then we went home while they went shopping before going back to their hotel. {Smile}

I did no exercise beyond the pelvic and abdominal exercises I scatter through the day. I tried to salsa dance twice, but I was just too dizzy each time. It wasn't safe to continue. {rueful look}

After breakfast, caught up on reading comics, since I'd fallen behind in some of them. This continued right into lunch and around phone calls and texts to arrange for dinner that day and lunch the next day with my relatives who've come to town. I eventually got into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started with paperwork. Then I was getting ready to by myself on a high-level character when Pierogies said hi. We teamed up with me on that character, but I had to leave before we'd gotten far into the first mission. I overestimated how much time we had, and relief nurse overestimated how much time I needed to get ready, so he pulled me off to get ready early. {smile}

After we got back after dinner, I played Cross Stitch World to settle in before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and played by myself at first. I also talked with Ulty and Jenny's player. I discovered notes from Nox after they left for bed, and answered them, knowing they'd find them the next day. Back in City of Heroes: Homecoming, Dennis said hi. We teamed up and did two missions of his. Then we tried one of mine, but it was too late to finish. Then I tried to exercise but was entirely too dizzy. So, I played Cross Stitch World, browsed books on Amazon, and made notes in this before bed. {Smile}

Monday, January 20, 2025

Daily Update, January 19, 2025

On Sunday, my relief nurse took me to church. I sat with my cousin Nancy and her husband Brent. I thought it was a nice service. {Smile}

Nancy and Brent liked the look of lunch afterwards. So, we ate lunch with Auntie Barbara, taking up one end of one of the tables. Auntie Barbara suggested trying for a family lunch on Tuesday, and Nancy and Brent agreed, so that's our plan. We're hoping Kim and Aunt Valerie can come, too, though they are opposite sides of my family. {Smile}

Kim did text me to tell me later that they've arrived. We are continuing to text about making plans to see each other while they are here. {Smile}

I did my head exercises in the middle of writing up Saturday's daily update, then I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises between writing Saturday's Daily update and making notes and writing in this. I've also been doing pelvic floor exercises once in a while throughout the day. {Smile}

After my main nurse brought me home, I talked with my main nurse on and off through the afternoon. I also played Cross Stitch World before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming and starting with paperwork. Then I talked with Pierogies and Kitten. Kitten tried to show us a base one of their friends had built, but we couldn't get in. So Pierogies and I left Kitten to base exploring, and caught the later short, large-group event. Just after that ended, I got a call from my cousin Carol. We had a long talk. After the phone call, I joined the later long, large-group event when they'd done the early exciting stuff already. My main nurse called me to dinner before they were done. I said goodbye and was careful to leave properly. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, and broke to talk with my main nurse. Then I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player. I also did more paperwork and started playing by myself. Then I talked with Ulty some more, checking with her before I made a new character, and started running it through the tutorial. Yes, I usually do it when I make a new character, even though it's not required. Part way through, Kitten said hi. I stopped and got a moderately low-level character I wanted to see progress. We teamed up and started doing missions. Dragons joined us and we kept doing missions. Then Dennis joined us right as one contact's story ended. I started a new mission from a different contact, Then Dragons got invited to a higher-level team. Dennis wanted to finish my mission first, so we did, Then I said goodnight, and they all joined the new team. I wrote up Saturday's daily update. I did my head exercises during a brief break in that writing. After the writing, I did more exercise. Then I wrote and made motes in this update, with brief break to play Cross Stitch World. {Smile}

Daily Update, January 18, 2025

On Saturday. I had a quiet day. I cleaned myself up with the nurse's help. {Smile}

Then I texted couple of cousins. One was already in town. We made plans to meet the next day at my church and have lunch together afterwards. The other is coming the next day with her mother, arriving in the evening, and probably going pretty straight to bed. {Smile}

Since I had physical therapy the day before, and didn't go out, my only exercise was some pelvic floor and tummy tucking. Those don't get days off like my other exercises. {Smile}

After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World right through the morning and into lunch while thinking about the coming week. After lunch, I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did some paperwork and chatted with Ulty before I broke to clean myself up. Then I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did more paperwork and chatted with Dennis. I joined him and his friend. Kitten joined us, too. We did a couple of their missions until I got called to dinner just as Cat went quiet and faded out. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and talked with my main nurse. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming where I did more paperwork. Then I played by myself on the little character I played on the most the day before. Nox left before we could talk much, but we talked a little on the chat server earlier in the day.  I talked to Radio a bit on the chat world, too. I did slip in finishing Saturday's daily update later. Back on City of Heroes: Homecoming, Kitten joined me for a few missions. We completed through the last mission needed before that character goes up a few levels. Then I quickly made notes in this daily update without trying to write any of it, because it was almost bedtime. {Smile}

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Daily Update, January 17, 2025

On Friday, in the late morning, my main nurse dropped me off at physical therapy and ran a few errands while I exercised there. I had a good session. He met me just as I was finishing. {Smile}

After that, we ran another errand. {Smile}

Then we stopped at Dodo Mortuary. My contact wasn't in again, but the fellow I did talk to said Mom's urn is out getting engraved, As I told the nurse afterwards, he had the air of someone telling me what he thought I wanted to hear, and hoping it was right. {smile}

So, I asked to go to Homelani Memorial Park next. There, we got the gal who helped me before. I asked her the same thing. She went away, and came back and told me it was sent in the day before and will be sent to them later. She had the air of someone who's looked things up, and learned what she hoped was true. {SMILE}

After that, my main nurse and I went home feeling like we'd accomplished something. {Smile}

I got all the exercise I needed today at physical therapy. I think I was even more tired than usual afterwards. They must have worn me out. {Smile}

After I got home, I played some Cross Stitch World and drowsed, tired from the exercise and business. When I was a little more steadily awake, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then I started soloing on a very low-level character. Then I switched to a slightly higher but still pretty low-level character and started playing their missions alone.  Next, Pierogies came in and said hi. We teamed up and he helped me with a couple of missions. Then I switched to a slightly higher but still low-level character, and Pierogies and I finished a story arc our characters have been doing together. Dennis joined us partway through the story arc. Both Pierogies and I gained a level. Then we said goodnight, and I headed to dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and chatted with friends on the chat server. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, starting with paperwork. I began soloing on the middle little character from the afternoon. Then Pierogies said hi. We chatted for some time before we talked about getting together. Pierogies suggested a farm, so i got a high-level character who was looking for the kinds of stuff we get in farms. We continued to talk as he farmed. Then Dennis joined us in the farm and the chatting. Pierogies left after one mission, ready to go back to bed. Dennis and I continued to team, doing a mix of his and my missions, more mine than his. Eventually Dragons joined us. Then Dennis left. Dragons and I chatted, then ran another couple of missions. Next, they spotted some friends, including Kitten. About five teamed up, including Dragons, Kitten, and me. I started making notes and writing in this in what I thought a pause but missed part of a mission that way. Then we ran a couple more missions. After that, I said goodnight. Then I made more notes in this, pausing to read a few comics and do some paperwork that had piled up in the farm before I finished notes in this. {Smile}

Friday, January 17, 2025

Daily Update, January 16, 2025

On Thursday, I'm embarrassed to say that my counselor had to call me to remind me to start our session. I'd forgotten, and my insurance - whose system we use - would cut off access if I was too late. It can be set up again, but it's an extra hassle we just don't need. The session went well once I'd signed in, and least. {Smile}

In the afternoon, my main nurse helped me clean myself up since yesterday was entirely too busy to fit that in. {smile}

I did my salsa dancing warmup a while after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming. Then, after a break, I tried again. I stumbled not that many steps in, caught myself, and tried again. I stumbled again very quickly. I stopped to treat hypoglycemia and did my arm resistance exercises. Then I tried yet again, and started stumbling distinctly further in, but still close to the beginning. I figure I got maybe nine and a quarter minutes of salsa dancing done. 

After counselling, I played Cross Stitch World and browsed the web right over lunch and into the afternoon until my bath. After the bath, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. Then Pierogies said hi, and we teamed up on low-level characters. We started doing my missions. Dennis joined us, and we did a few of my missions until dinnertime. {Smile}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and chatting with Ulty and Jenny's player. then I browsed the web. Then I played by myself on a low-level character until I spotted a pair of high-level taskforces. I switched to the characters who's trying to collect badges from those and joined the group just before they started. I still didn't get the last badge the character I ran them on needs from them. After that, I worked on paperwork. I also told Nox a few things on the chat server and wrote up Wednesday's daily update. Next, I read comics before I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming. I was in a out web browsing and thinking about playing until I found that Mysty had said hi. I joined her and three friends of hers, one of which was an acquaintance of mine. They were mainly visiting. I listened more than I talked. Eventually I meant, meaning to exercise, but I checked the web before I danced. Then I played Cross Stitch World before I tried dancing again. I watched part of a video and exercised between attempts to dance more. Then I wrote and finished notes in this and read a comic to wind down before bed. {Smile}

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Daily Update, January 15, 2025

At bedtime Tuesday night, I discovered that eBooks can be a lot shorter than I realized. They even can be longer short stories - as few as 5000 words are easy, which is well into my natural length of 300-10,000 words. Maybe I can try to self-publish some of my longer short stories. {Smile}

 On Wednesday after breakfast, my main nurse and I went down to Safeway. We met up with auntie Barbara, who helped me pick out and order some platters for the reception after Mom's funeral next week Wednesday. That included a cookie platter that had to be ordered from the bakery, not the deli where I order the sandwich and fruit platters from. Then we took the groceries my main nurse had picked up home before we went to meet Auntie Barbara and Michelle for lunch at Island Naturals. That was a nice visit. {Smile}

After a rest at home, my main nurse and I went to a midafternoon appointment at Homelani Memorial Park. I signed stuff and look at Mom and Dad's niche in preparation for the inurnment after the funeral next week Wednesday. As long as I was there, I had them show me Mom's parents' niche, too. {Smile}

Next, we went over to the Dodo Mortuary and left a message for the man handling things for us to get Mom's urn engraved before the funeral. Normally Homelani would take care of it in ten to fourteen business days. However, they only have seven days business and otherwise, the gal at Homelani wanted to cut out a step or two by having the fellow who's holding the ashes take care of it. We would have talked to him directly, but he wasn't in, so we left a message. {Smile}

Then we went home to find our housekeeper busy at work. The house is distinctly better for her attentions. {Smile}

I did some walking when we were out both times. I also did over 20 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing, including one brief false start and repeat. {Smile}

Between lunch with Auntie Barbara and going to Homelani Memorial Park, I played cross Stitch World and chatted with friends on the chat server. After the second trip, I talked with my housekeeper before settling down and getting into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork as usual. I spotted Pierogies, and we talked about a story arc he needed for a badge that improves the character permanently. Just as we were ready to start, I got called to dinner. I quickly told him what he needed to do before I left. He should be quicker without me anyway. {Smile, wink}

After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World while thinking. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found and answered note from Div. Then I started on paperwork, and said hi to Ulty and Dennis, and chatted a little both of them. I teamed up with Dennis to do a few of his missions before he left for bed. Next, I did some paperwork and played more Cross Stitch World before I began writing up Tuesday's daily update. Then I read comics before I started dancing. Next, I checked a story that I had been working on to get ready for publication. I had thought it was too short; before. now I wondered if it was, if 5000 is the new bottom cutoff. It looks like the disc it's on got corrupted. I have some old versions, but a few years older than what I wrote last year. They're also missing 2-4 scenes, and not even 2000 words, let alone 5000. I did find a slightly more recent one and saved it, but it's still missing 2-4 scenes and still under 2000 words, just not quite as far under. I found and messaged the gal who fixed my computer the last time about it, but I think I'll leave more until after the funeral, when things have calmed down. I danced again, then made notes and wrote in this. I also finished and shared my daily update... finishing with both daily updates right at bedtime. I have to do them earlier. I even missed talking with Nox much. {rueful Smile}

Daily Update, January 14, 2025

On Tuesday, my relief nurse wanted to take a day trip to Waikoloa, across the island from Hilo. We started after breakfast, crossing the Saddle Road and going to Waikoloa. We found the shoe store I spotted last time. we went in, and I tried on Birkenstocks. Their clogs just don't quite fit me, with or without a fur lining, in two different sizes. However, I found a dark red sandal I decided I wanted the most. {Smile}

My relief nurse wanted to check out the rest of the shopping center, but I was getting to the point of needing food soon, and the only restaurant we found open was a bit pricey. So, we drove up the hill to a new shopping center in Waikoloa Village. Apparently, the old shopping Center has priced itself out of the market for most stores, but this new one is looking popular. The Oriental restaurant my nurse likes uses MSG, which gives me migraine. However, they have a newly open L&L (Hawaiian) Barbeque, which shouldn't use MSG. We had lunch there, then drove around the shopping center. Much of it is still being finished - often the shops, and occasionally the buildings. {Smile}

Then we went back to Hilo across the Saddle Road. I read some on the way over, and more on the way back. We went down to Safeway to get something for dinner before we went home. {Smile}

After I got home, I found a text from Auntie Barbara reminding me to tell a distant cousin who lives in town about Mom and her funeral. I texted her, and this started a text conversation, including a definite maybe for her and her family's attendance. {Smile}

I didn't walk all the way around either shopping center, but I did enough at each of them to feel tired at the thought of more exercise. So, I think I'll count my walking as my exercise today. {Smile}

When I got home, I took almost an hour to settle down. This was only partly because of starting the text conversation with my distant cousin. Eventually I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I was just in time to join the middle short, large-group event and run it. Then I said hi to Pierogies and Kitten. I joined the later long, large-group event with Pierogies. Kitten joined us a little after it started. I quit when dinner was served, since we were past the early more demanding parts. {Smile}

After dinner, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Kitten and Dennis teaming and joined them. We ran several missions until Dennis left for bed, and Kitten went quiet, then faded out, like they'd gone to sleep without logging out again. So, I did some paperwork and wrote up Monday's daily update. Then I chatted with Nox on the chat server and played some Cross Stitch World. I also began making notes and writing in this. Then I did more paperwork and played more Cross Stitch World. Next came more paperwork and playing by myself on City of Heroes Homecoming before I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Daily Update, January 13, 2025

 On Monday, after breakfast, the locksmith came and replaced the locks with a matching set. She remembered Dad. She said she took genetics from him in college. It was nice talking to her, though we kept it brief. {Smile}

After that, the relief nurse and I ran a few errands. He was concerned with how sleepy I was. Lunch helped a bit, but I still had some lethargy, so I tried hypoglycemia medicine. This also helped a bit, but I still was not great. Then I tried the nap the relief nurse kept pushing. Again, it was of limited help. After the nap, I tried a sweater and a warm drink. Finally, success! The lethargy must have been largely due to being a bit chilled. {Smile}

Occasionally through the day, I did my pelvic floor exercises. Then between the two shows I watched with Kitten I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did two pieces of less structured salsa dancing, for just over twenty-one and a half minutes of salsa dancing. I tried to keep both my pelvic floor and my abdomen tucked in during both sets, too. I wasn't perfect, but I'm getting fairly good at it. {Smile}

I read comics while trying to treat my blood sugar. Then, after my nap, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I spotted Pierogies and Dennis on and said hi to both. Dennis invited me to team with him and his best friend, but his friend had to leave sooner than expected, while we were still getting together. Dennis and I still joined up and did a couple of missions. Pierogies joined us later, but the three of us didn't get to do much, because my relief nurse had dinner ready half an hour early. {Smile}

After dinner, I dashed back in time to catch Pierogies and Dennis still teamed up, but they were both ready to leave, so I just said goodnight to each of them. Then I did paperwork, and told Dennis something on the chat server that I didn't get to say before he left, using a conversation we share with Kitten and Pierogies. Next, I read comics and began writing up Sunday's daily update. Then I saw Kitten and Dr. Faustus on and said hi. Dr. Faustus invited me to do a mission that rewards a badge with him. I found the character I wanted to get it, and we ran it. Next, he switched characters to do more badge missions. Kitten joined us about this time. We ran another badge mission... well, I was mostly out of it working on Sunday's daily update, but I got that done and was more attentive after that. We got two more badges and a special power. Then Dr. Faustus left, and Kitten wanted to watch a My Little Pony episode. She had a few picked out. So, we chatted on the chat server, then watched the earliest of the shows she picked. After that, I danced and slipped in making a few notes and writing in this. Then we watched the next My Little Pony show she picked out. After that, Kitten went quiet, so I made more notes in this, and danced some more. Next, I chatted on chat server with Kitten and Pierogies, who both came back on. Then I played some Cross Stitch World and finished making notes and writing in this. {Smile}

Monday, January 13, 2025

Daily Update, January 12, 2025

Before Sunday I went to bed on time, which has become unusually early for me. Somehow, I was still slow getting ready; life added some extra steps to my morning routine on a day where that was tough. Somehow, we still squeaked into church at the end of the announcements. I credit my main nurse's good driving for getting there at such a good time. {Smile}

It was a nice service. I sat with Auntie Barbra and Michelle, as I did again for lunch, along with my main nurse and some others. After lunch, I went into office with nurse and Cathy. Cathy helped me plan Mom's funeral. With her prompting I picked hymns and readings and let her know who'd be speaking. {Smile}

My main nurse stopped by a couple quick errands on the way home. {Smile}

I did a fair number of pelvic floor exercises throughout the day. Then I did my head exercises, and my arm resistance exercises after I was done playing City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening. It's not as much as I hoped, but it's something on a light day. {Smile}

When I got back from church, I checked the chat server. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Jenny's player promptly invited me to a low-level trial with her and Ulty. I recruited Crash while they recruited others. Then we ran it. It went pretty well. Afterwards, the team split up. Next, I joined the middle short, large-group event, and ran it. Then I said hi to Pierogies who asked if I was joining the later long, large-group event like he just had just as Dennis invited me to a team. I teamed up with Dennis and his best friend, and we did two or three of my missions. Pierogies joined us partway through the last one. Then Dennis's friend left for bed, and I left for dinner. I think Pierogies and Dennis continued teaming after we left. {Smile}

After dinner, I did a lot of thinking about being alone I am now that Mom and Dad are both gone, mostly while playing Cross Stitch World, with occasional talking with my main nurse. Eventually I hopped into City of Heroes: homecoming where I said hi to Ulty and Jenny's player. I chatted with Jenny's player a fair bit. I also worked on paperwork. Then I wrote up Saturday's daily update. Next, I joined a fellow doing a mission. I also talked with Nox on the chat server a bit. After the fellow's mission, I ran a mission on my own. Then I did my exercises. Next, I made notes and wrote in this. After that, I read some comics and browsed the web before I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Daily Update, January 11, 2025

On Saturday, after breakfast, I took a nap I simply got to bed too late again. {smile}

Then, in the midafternoon, my main nurse and I took a trip out. First, we went to Safeway. I picked up prescriptions, and we did a little more shopping, including something for the house. Next, we went to Prince Kuhio Plaza, Hilo's largest shopping center. We walked over halfway around and back. I stopped at the comic store and picked out a comic book. Then we went home. {Smile}

Since it's the day after physical therapy, I didn't have to do any exercise by their rules. However, I walked over halfway around it, which counts for something. {Smile}

After my nap, I browsed the web, reading articles and comics up to and into lunch. Then I switched to Coss Stitch World, which I continued to play well into the afternoon, until I got ready to go out. After we came back, I did a little chatting on the chat server, then paused so my main nurse could help me clean myself up. The spot on my back he saw Wednesday is already gone. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started on paperwork. I chatted with Ulty and Dr. Faustus, and ran the middle short, large-group event. After that, I joined the later long, large-group event. I didn't quite finish that one because I left when I was called to dinner, but I made a point to leave properly. I also slipped in some quick paperwork. {Smile}

After dinner, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming and chatted with Ulty and Jenny's player while I did some paperwork Then I did some writing and making notes in this. I also began writing up Friday's daily update, which I completed over the course of the evening. I also talked with Nox on the chat server. Dennis said hi while I was working on more paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming. I switched to my highest villain, and we did a mission and got a badge. Next, we switched to low-level villains and did several missions. Then we said goodnight, and Dennis left. I did two more missions, completing my contact's last missions. Then I did some more paperwork, and finished my notes in this, with a break to read comics. {Smile}

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Daily Update, January 10, 2024

On Friday, I took a short nap between breakfast and getting ready to go to physical therapy in the late morning. I'd gotten to bed too late not to need a rest, and a short one was all I could fit in. {smile}

My main nurse took me to Life Care Center for that and dropped me off while he went to get gas. Physical therapy went well. I was back to late November numbers on the seated step machine, after feeling like I was starting over again when I got sick just before we stopped for the holidays. I did better at salsa dancing during physical therapy, too. My main nurse came in and watched near the end. Then we went back home. {Smile}

Physical therapy was my exercise, and a good amount of exercise it felt like, too. {Smile}

After we got home from physical therapy, I got right onto my computer and browsed the web over lunch. I also checked the chat server, though I found more to read than respond to. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, then I spotted Dr. Faustus, and said hi. He confirmed that the villain supergroup he got me into was meeting later in the afternoon. So, I played by myself for a while. Dennis said hi, and wanted to get together. However, I realized I was slightly late for the meeting with the supergroup Dr. Faustus got me into. I rushed over and joined them just as they were getting ready to run a long taskforce. That ran for a couple of hours and ended just before dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I quickly got into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started on paperwork, though I was hoping to team with friends. However, I didn't spot anyone there who I usually like to team with, so I did some rather involved paperwork that's best near the beginning of a weekend. I also wrote up Thursday's daily update. Then I checked my email and talked with nurse about an email from someone at church. I came back to hellos from Dennis and Dr. Faustus. Dr. Faustus left without answering my answer, but Dennis and I teamed up and did several missions before he left for bed.by then it was pretty late. I did more paperwork, then concentrated on notes and writing in this. Except i did pause to read some comics before I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Friday, January 10, 2025

Daily Update, January 9, 2025

Thursday began with counselling. My main nurse wanted to talk with my counsellor while I finished breakfast. I came in halfway through, and my nurse left. I talked with my counsellor for the rest of the session. We mainly concentrated on planning Mom's funeral, since I had only a week and a half before the day. {Smile}

After lunch, my main nurse took me to the public library. I picked out a bunch of comics, a mix of western comics and manga (Japanese comics) this time. {Smile}

I called Auntie Barbara after dinner. I wanted her advice about Mom's funeral preparations. Yes, i did Dad's, but I barely remember it. I think I was in more of a daze after Dad died. {smile}

I did my salsa dancing warmup set right after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening, for eight and a half minutes of salsa dancing. Afterwards I was tired enough, I got my head exercises done, but that was about it. {Smile}

After counselling, I browsed on the web and play Cross Stitch World right through lunch. After lunch came our trip to the library. When I got home again, I got back onto my computer and browsed the web a little. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork. I said hi to Pierogies and Kitten, having just missed talking to Dennis, for he left too quickly. Pierogies was busy, but I teamed up with Kitten on a moderately high character. After a while Dennis came back and joined us. Then Pierogies joined us, too. I think Kitten left at some point due to being tired. We played together until dinnertime. {Smile}

After dinner I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found and teamed up with Dennis on moderately high characters. I also began a little writing of Wednesday's daily update here and there. Dennis and I got in several missions before Dennis left. After that, I tried hunting by myself, but there was much searching and little finding appropriate critters. Pierogies joined me, but hunting was still poor, so I suggested a regular mission. That went well. I t even had plenty of what we were hunting, and they counted towards the hunt. We got more than enough for the hunt because we wanted to get the mission done too, and we did. Then Pierogies left for bed. Next, I looked around and spotted Dark. He was on a moderately low-level character, so I switched to one. We teamed up and did several missions. Dr. Faustus joined us for a few. Then Dark left. Dr. Faustus and I did a couple more missions. Dragon joined us in the middle of the last one, but it was long enough we got to play together for a while. Then I said goodnight. I did a little paperwork before I danced. Then I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World before doing some exercises. After that, I wrote and took notes in this, with some more Cross Stitch World and reading a comic. {Smile}

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Daily Update, January 8, 2025

 On Wednesday, a while after breakfast, my main nurse took me to my podiatrist for a checkup. The toenail that fell off is regrowing nicely. He's satisfied with how well my feet feel touch, though I notice some pins and needles sensations. He trimmed the rest of my toenails. I made an appointment at his new office, which will be back where he used to be, in the same building as my regular doctor. {Smile}

Then, around lunch time, I got a phone call from my priest. I made some arrangements with her for Mom's funeral, and learned the funeral will be livestreamed by the church. I spent most of the afternoon looking into hymns for the service. {smile}

I got a phone call from a cousin I rarely hear from. She offered condolences for losing Mom. I made sure she knew when and where the funeral will be. I also got a phone call from Auntie Barbara a while after dinner. We caught up with each other, checking how the other is doing. {Smile}

I did my salsa dancing warmup for eight and a half minutes of salsa dancing, but I was too dizzy and too tired to do anything else after that. Walking in and out of the podiatrist's office must have been more exercise than I realized. At least I hope so! {Smile}

I browsed on the web between breakfast and podiatrist, and again after I got back, around my priest's phone call and lunch. After that, my main nurse helped me clean myself up and caught a spot I didn't notice on my back. Hopefully he caught it early enough, it won't turn into much of a boil. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and started on paperwork there. Then I started playing by myself until I saw Pierogies and said hi. We teamed up on low-level villains and did a couple of missions. Dennis joined us just before I needed to leave for dinner. It looked like they planned to team on higher villains. I promised to come right back after dinner. {Smile}

After dinner I did indeed start by hopping back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis on a high-level villain, and teamed up with him on my highest villain, though she isn't as high-level as that one. I also began writing up Tuesday's daily update. Dennis and I ran several missions, mostly his, until he left for bed. Then I worked on Tuesday's daily update, finishing it. After that, I switched to one of the moderately low-level characters I've been working on, and almost immediately got invited to a taskforce, which I joined. I was in and out at first because I discovered my chat server wasn't working. It didn't uninstall right. then it didn't reinstall right either at first, though it decided to after a while for no reason I could figure out. Still, eventually I got it working like I want it again. I finished the taskforce being more present after that. Then I did some paperwork. After that I browsed the web. After that, I started my dancing before I did more web browsing. Then I made notes and wrote in this and read comics before going to bed. {Smile}

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Daily Update, January 7, 2025

On Tuesday. my relief nurse wanted to go for a daytrip out of town after breakfast. We went across the Saddle Road and down to Waikoloa to use the little room. My relief nurse meant to go on to Costco for lunch, but then he changed his mind, and went up to Waimea for lunch instead. We had a tough time finding a restaurant there, but we finally found a bar ang grill... next time, we're thinking less bar. I just wish I'd thought to check the prices first. Anyway, after that we went back home over the Saddle, at first taking the old Saddle Road, then shifting to the new saddle road along the way.  {Smile}

During a lull on City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did my head exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and my arm swinging exercises. after a break, I did my usual two pieces of less structured salsa dancing. I'm afraid I forgot about tucking my abdomen and pelvic floor each time, but thanks to restarted, I got distinctly over 20 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing. I'll just have to get back to tucking things in another day. {Smile}

After I got home, I relaxed on the computer by browsing the web, reading comics, and chatting with friends on the chat server. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and chatting with Ulty and Jenny's player. I also started playing by myself. Not the holiday stuff; that's over until next holiday season. Then Pierogies said hi, and asked about the later long, large-group event, but I was too tired from my daytrip. Instead, we did a few individual missions, with Chrome joining us partway through. The last mission had just started when my nurse called me to dinner. I tried to finish, but the mission dragged on. It was technically done, though there was more we could do. I talked them into ending early and went to dinner late. {Smile}

After dinner, I played some Cross Stitch World and read comics. Then I began writing up Monday's daily update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork, and talked with Ulty and Jenny's player again, while writing the rest of Monday's daily update. Then I started playing by myself. Then I spotted Dragon. (I called them Dragonz the day before. However, I asked, and they didn't add the z at the end. That was my mistake.) We teamed up and did a few missions before they left for work. Then I exercised. Next, I browsed the web and began writing and making notes in this. After that I did some dancing, followed by watching videos, and more making notes and writing in this. Then it was more dancing, followed by browsing the web, including shopping on Amazon. I also finished making notes and writing in this. {Smile}

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Daily Update, January 6, 2025

On Monday, my relief nurse and I left before lunchtime. We picked up lunch and ran an errand. then we drove around a bit. {Smile}

While we were driving, I made a couple of phone calls. One phone call reserved the time our priest wanted for Mom's internment with the memorial park. The other phone call was with my priest, I let her know about my cousins agreeing to speak at the funeral, and about the memorial park agreeing to the time for the internment. {Smile}

Then we went to my dentist for a long-scheduled crown prep. That went uneventfully, thankfully. after that, my nurse took me home

After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did one more piece. I noticed I was sluggish during both, and realized maybe salsa was asking a bit much of my body so soon after a crown prep. I still finished the piece, for not quite 15 minutes of salsa dancing. {Smile}

After breakfast, I did a little web browsing before my nurse and I went out. After we got home from the dentist, I played Cross Stitch World and read comics to wind down. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork. Then I started playing by myself. Then Dennis said hi, and we teamed up. We ran a couple of missions until dinnertime. {Smile}

After dinner. I played Cross Stitch World and read comics before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming and starting on paperwork. Then I played by myself, working on holiday stuff, since that's almost over. I got thoroughly bored of that, so I switched to someone moderately low-level to work on normal stuff. Then Dragonz said hi. they were on someone even lower, so I switched to a low-level character close to their level to team up with them. We hunted until they could start a story arc with another hunt. Next, they left for work, and I went back to playing by myself, switching back to the moderately low-level character. I did a hunt on them, then ran a regular mission, though I prefer to team up for those. Then I did some paperwork before I started dancing. Next, I watched some videos and began making notes and writing in this before I danced some more. After that came more notes and writing in this, and more videos before going to bed just slightly earlier than usual. {Smile}

Monday, January 6, 2025

Daily Update, January 5, 2025

On Sunday, my main nurse took me to church. We arrived during the announcements. It was a nice service. {Smile}

Afterwards, I had lunch on the lanai with Auntie Barbara. I tracked down our priest afterwards. While I was looking for her, I asked Auntie Barbara to speak at Mom's funeral. When I found our priest, I arranged to plan Mom's funeral on Tuesday. I learned that Cathy, who is training for the ministry, will help me if and as needed while our priest is on her trip. {Smile}

Afterwards, I went home with my main nurse. There, I called my cousins. My cousin Kim was first.  We chatted a bit, and I confirmed more exact times for mom's funeral. I also learned that Mom's cousin is coming from O'ahu, as well as Kim and her mother from Georgia. I asked Kim to speak at Mom's funeral. She's honored to do so. {Smile}

I called my cousin Nancy next. I asked her to speak at Mom's funeral. She's honored to as well. We chatted a while, too. {Smile}

I did my salsa dancing warmup set after slowing down after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening. Partway through, I started trying to tuck my pelvic floor in. I guess I should have right along, but when I got back to it after being sick, I... didn't until now. Then, after a short break, I did my head exercises, my arm resistance exercises, and my arm swinging exercises. After a longer break, I did two pieces of less structured salsa dancing, this time with my pelvic floor and abdomen tucked in as I could. I'm sure I'll get better with both over time. I did before. {smile}

After the phone calls, I browsed the web, especially Amazon. Then I played a bit of Cross Stitch World before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and said hi to Kitten and Pierogies. Kitten was busy, so I joined Pierogies in the middle long, large-group event. After that event, Pierogies left. I said hi to Kitten again. I tried to team up with her, but Kitten really was in the mood to watch _My Little Pony_ instead. So, we watched three episodes of that show, first a two-parter then a single one that helped the two-parter make more sense. I'm sure I'd seen the last one before, but I only remembered the first part of it, when the latter pat really tied it to the other two episodes. Then Kitten went to rest, and I did paperwork until dinner. {Smile}

After dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and playing by myself. Then I began writing up Saturday's daily update. Then I said hi to Dark. We teamed up on low-level characters and started a story arc. I slipped in finishing and sharing Saturday's daily update, then concentrated on teaming with Dark. I did talk with Nox on the chat server a bit as well. Eventually, Dark and I finished the story arc and said goodnight. Then I did some paperwork. Next, I started making notes in this update. Then I did some dancing and exercise. After that, I made more notes and wrote more in this, followed by some more paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming. Then I danced some more and finished my notes and writing in this. After that, I browsed Amazon and web before heading to bed. {Smile}