Monday, October 21, 2024

Daily Update, October 20, 2024

On Sunday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber, and a guy came and took me to church. He was across town, and I wasn't running early, so I got there at the tail end of the announcements. I sat with Auntie Barbara and Michelle. I enjoyed the service. 

Afterwards, we had lunch on the lanai. At least I tried to. I did set out the nuts I finally remembered to bring. However, I spent so much time telling folks about my backyard being full of wood, I barely had time to eat, and didn't get to visit much. I even took the plate of dessert home. I ate two small pieces and saved the rest for another day. This may be better for controlling my weight anyway. {Smile}

Then Auntie Barbara took me home. I'd been hoping to talk then, since I was too busy advertising the wood to talk over lunch, but another gal they were taking home afterwards was very chatty, so I didn't get a chance.  {smile}

When we got home, Auntie Barbara came in and visited with Mom. Mom said hello and added a line she likes to add to the end of Happy Birthday the first time we sang it, but she wouldn't join in the next song or do it again when we repeated Happy Birthday. Still, two so close together count as a good day these days. I think Mom likes seeing Auntie Barbara most weeks. {Smile}

I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake when I went in. She looked at all the pictures, even turning her head for at least one that wasn't central for her. Especially with the visit when Auntie Barbara brought me home, I'd say t was a good day for her. First, I began with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2021. Next, I read from _The 40 Cutest Mother & Child Photographs_. After that, I read a story from _Disney 3-Minute Bedtime Stories_. I finished with October 20th's story, "Cyril's Tail," in _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I did my arm resistance exercises and my head exercises while waiting for Uber to come pick me up. Then I did my arm swinging exercises between beginning to write this up after dinner and going back into City of Heroes: Homecoming in the evening. After playing City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did my standing arm weight training and eight of my walking exercises. after a break, i accidentally repeated two walking exercises I'd already done before doing the other six. So, I guess I did 16 of my 14 walking exercises. Maybe on next week's light exercise night I can do other exercises, since I'm tired, but not impossibly so. {smile}

After I got home, I browsed the web and played Cross Stitch World before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started by finishing some paperwork I hadn't finished the night before. Then I noticed them advertising the middle short, large-group event, so I joined it. (I used to call it the early short, large group event, but I just learned they've added an earlier one I'm never on early enough to catch.) After that, Pierogies said hi. We talked, then teamed up to do a couple of individual high-level missions.  Then he left, and I did some paperwork. I also talked with Dennis, and we almost teamed up until I realized it was time to read to Mom. So instead, we said goodnight in case we didn't see each other again, and I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

After dinner, I browsed on the web a bit and played some Cross Stitch World before I finished writing up Saturday's daily update. Then I started making notes and writing in this update. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started on paperwork. I also started talking with Michiel, Divi, Ulty, Jenny's Player, and Dr. Faustus. I said goodnight to Michiel, Ulty, and Jenny's Player, then teamed up with Dr. Faustus. We began working on a moderately low character of mine's missions. Dennis joined us early in the run. After a mission or two, they noticed another team of similar level, so we combined teams. I also talked a little with Nox on the chat server, too. Anyway, the combined team ran some of my missions, then some of another player's missions. After that, we were having trouble finding low-level missions that weren't restricted in a way that not all of us could do it, so we ended with a few individual missions, including a special one at the end. After that, I started on more exercises, making notes in this during the break before I did more exercises yet. After that, I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming for some paperwork, then finished my notes in this before bed. {Smile}

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