Thursday, August 29, 2024

Daily Update, August 28, 2024

    Wednesday morning, I called my podiatrist's office and asked how long I need to rest my foot. They said three weeks is typical. I see him the week after that, so maybe I should wait until then, and see if he approves me resuming my exercises when he sees how I've healed. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I'm not quite sure when I started. Mom was awake, but not lively, not that she's ever that lively anymore. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I read two cards, one from our financial adviser and the other from a friend. Next, I finished reading _The 40 Cutest Babies in the World_. We got through that in only two sittings. She does seem to enjoy the baby pictures. Then I read six short poems and two longer poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 28th of August's story, "Dimple's Boast," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises after dinner. After a short break, I did my head exercises. After playing in City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did my two standing arm weight training exercises with a moderate break in between. I really needed that break. My legs weren't shaking after the toenail removal, but my weight was going down even without exercise. Now the exercise is harder... I wonder if I'm healing enough faster that it's taking more out of me or something. {smile}

   Over breakfast I read some articles. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming for some solo badge hunting on my second-best badge collector. First, I worked on the badge that I got on my best badge collector the previous night. Then I switched part way through to a faster but similar badge. After that, I looked into a different badge on my second and third best badge collectors. I paused to clean myself up. The I played Cross stitch World over lunch. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and found Div. He said he was almost ready to leave but wasn't hard to talk into doing one mission together. I picked the first mission in a story arc that would help me with the badge I'd looked into. That mission went so easily and pleasantly, Div said one more. So, we did the next in that story arc. This mission started fine, but turned harder and harder, until it looked like a real slog for us to get through, even if we skipped the hardest parts. So, we quit, and I suggested getting Kitten, Pierogies, and maybe Dennis to help us. Div agreed that a bigger team would probably be better. We said goodnight and Div left. Next, I finished getting the first badge on my second-best badge collector and played Cross Stitch World to unwind. I made myself write up Tuesday's daily update and share it before reading to Mom. I left at a good time, but without time to spare for that. {Smile}

   After dinner, I did some exercises and began writing this up. Then I read a comic before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I got the badge from last night and this morning on my fourth-best badge collector, who I sincerely hope will soon be my third best badge collector soon. She and the top two have more of me in them than my other characters, so I like them to be special in other ways too. While getting the badge, I said hi to Phonso, who was in a taskforce. I started some paperwork, and when his task force was done, Phonso invited me to the next run. I would have done it on my fourth-best badge collector, but she's still stuck in a story arc that doesn't let her join new teams. So, I did it on my sixth-best badge collector instead. After it was done, I did more paperwork. Then i alternated between Cross Stitch World and exercise. After the exercise, I made notes inn this, with a break to read a couple more comics. {Smile}

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Daily Update, August 27, 2024

    In the middle of breakfast, Auntie Barbara came to pick me up and do our errands. I quickly finished and got ready while Auntie Barbara tried to visit with Mom. But before 10 might be too early to get a song out of Mom; at least she didn't manage to. {smile}

   Auntie Barbara and Michelle took me to Home Depot, where I went washing machine shopping. Home Depot had a few Maytags in stock. I am impressed with how little maintenance our Maytag refrigerator has needed, and their reputation says it's for other appliances too, so I wanted to try them if they weren't too expensive, and surprisingly they aren't. I chose the smallest, since it wasn't too small for our nurse, and cheaper than the others. I ordered it, arranging for delivery plus taking away the old one on Saturday. They will call before coming between 6am and 8pm and deliver it. Or so they say. If they call before I get up, I don't think my phone will be turned on; it almost never is. {rueful smile}

   After Auntie Barbara and Michelle took me to Hearing solutions Hawai'i, where I got my hearing aids checked, dried, and working great. We were a little late, but I called ahead to warn them. After wards, I contacted Uber, and a driver came and took me home. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I came in around my usual time. Mom was awake, but didn't respond much. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read three cards, one from her niece, her cousin, and a friend. After that, I started reading _The 40 Cutest Babies in the World_. Next, I read a medium-length story and two longer poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with reading the 27th of August's story, "Rudy is Lost," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. It got too late before I did more. I'll have to work harder at doing more sooner. {Smile}

   When I got back from my errands, I had lunch immediately. I read articles during most of it. Near the end, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Div. We teamed up, with me on the character who's trying to finish content and go up in level. Pierogies soon joined us, and Kitten not long after. We started doing my character's missions. We did most of a story arc he had, and another mission or two from that contact, finishing that contact. Then we went on to next contact. Kitten fell asleep, and had to be kicked so we could continue. I forgot to lower the difficulty, which was high but doable with them. We did finish, but we struggled, and Div announced he was tired of helping this character. I apologized for the difficulty being too high. Div and Pierogies left, it being very late for Div, and a typical time for Pierogies to leave. Then I did some paperwork and a little solo play before leaving to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I wrote up Monday's daily update and started this update. This made me later than usual going into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player and said hi to Divi. I learned that Divi was recruiting for a taskforce and joined them. We ran it together, with one disconnecting partway through. then I said goodnight to Divi. I also chatted with Nox on chart server. After the taskforce, I did some paperwork and a little badge hunting on my own. Then Kitten said hi and apologized for falling asleep earlier. We hunted for a badge we both needed, with a pause to fight a trio of giant monsters with a few other volunteers. That took the rest of the evening, in part because I was more interested in chatting with Kitten than being efficient. After that, I quickly made notes here, because it was really late, and somehow managed to make it to bed at a more acceptable time than usual. {Smile}

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Daily Update, August 26, 2024

     On Monday, our main nurse told me the washing machine doesn't work anymore. He'd been trying all weekend, and he could not get it to work, so he was sorry, but we needed another. He gave me some specs, to make sure I got a satisfactory one. {smile}

   I called Auntie Barbara, and we arranged for her to take me shopping for one the next day. Yes, Tuesday morning, she and Michelle would take me to get it, then drop me off at my hearing aid appointment at 11am. I am so glad they can help me. {Smile}

   During lunch, the nursing company secretary dropped by during lunch to chat and catch up with us. It was nice to visit with her again. {Smile}

   I contacted Uber after lunch, and a driver came, and picked me up. He proceeded to make at least one wrong turn and went most of the way around one of the longest blocks in Hilo because that's what the satellite told him to do. It was around a dozen miles out of our way, and over $8 more than initially estimated, so for once, I didn't tip. He'd gotten a far better tip from the extra mileage, and I wasn't as early to my podiatrist as they'd asked me to be, and I'd tried to be. {sigh}

   Anyway, after a fairly long wait, I saw the podiatrist. I asked, and now know what exercises I can and can't do. Head, arm, and walking exercises are okay, but leg exercises and salsa dancing aren't okay yet. Afterwards, I went home by Uber. I'm relieved to say the gal who got me this time followed directions reasonably well. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I came in on the early side. Mom was awake, and even responded a couple of times. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I read two cards, one from her cousin and the other from me. Then I finished reading _Calm Babies Picture Book_. After that, I read a medium-length story and two longer poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with reading the 26th of August's story, "The Hunting Trip," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   Well, I finally did my head exercise after teaming for part of the evening. After a short break, I did my arm resistance exercises, and discovered my stamina is really bad, because I needed another break after them. I did manage to get my arm swinging exercises in, too, before it got entirely too late. I hope that's an okay start... at least I did some. {Smile}

   Over breakfast, I read articles. Then I learned about the washing machine and called Auntie Barbara. Then I played Cross Stitch World almost until lunch. After lunch and the visit with the nursing company secretary came my trip to my podiatrist. When I got back, I wrote up Sunday's daily update. Then I read some comics before I hopped into City of heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player while I worked on some paperwork. Then I broke to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I chatted with Pierogies on chat server. We watched the first episode of "A Discovery of Witches" together, then went into City of heroes: Homecoming to team up. We ran a couple of villain missions before he left, tired. Then I did paperwork followed by hunting on my own with little success. Then I took a break to read a comic and play Cross Stitch World before hopping back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I worked on some paperwork and bumped into an old friend, who I chatted with as we caught up with each other a bit. Then I did some more solo hunting with limited success. I finished the night by writing more of this and making notes in it. {Smile}

Monday, August 26, 2024

Daily Update, August 25, 2024

    Sunday didn't feel like Sunday this week. I didn't call Uber after breakfast, I didn't go to church, let alone have lunch there afterwards. Instead, I had a nap in the late morning, before lunch. That's what Sunday looked like when our priest cancelled services because of "an abundance of caution" concerning Storm Hune. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I came in at a typical time again. Mom was awake, and even said a few times she liked the readings. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I read two cards, one from each of her sisters. Next, I continued reading _Calm Babies Picture Book_. Then I read six short poems and a longer story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 25th of August's story, "Pumpkin Soup," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I didn't exercise again. I hope to resume at least some of my exercises after seeing the Podiatrist for a follow-up this Monday (today). {Smile}

   Over breakfast, I checked my computer, reading articles and playing Cross Stitch World Until I went to take a nap. Then I wrote up Saturday's daily update over lunch and hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming after lunch. There, I found Div. He was almost ready to leave but ran one mission with me. We made so much progress on a hunt badge we both want, that we technically didn't finish so we could run that mission again and finish the badge. After that, we said goodnight. I did some paperwork and started solo badge hunting on my 4th best badge collector. Then I cleaned myself up and checked my computer again before reading to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I began writing this up and making notes in it. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I chatted with Jenny's player, who was winding down already. I ended up solo badge hunting on my fourth best badge collector all evening. I hope she will soon be my third best badge collector. I said goodnight to Nox, but we didn't really chat. I stopped to do paperwork, then soloed some more before finishing with more paperwork. I also read one short comic and took notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Daily Update, August 24, 2024

    On Saturday, I learned that Sunday's church services are cancelled due to Storm Hune "out of an abundance of caution," as our priest likes to say. first, our main nurse told me, saying Auntie Barbara had texted him about it. I checked my phone and found a few texts and a voicemail message about it, some from Auntie Barbara and at least one from our priest. So, I called Auntie Barbara after dinner, and we talked about it a little. It was nice to talk with her, even under these circumstances. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I came in at a typical time again. Mom was drowsy at first, but she seemed to enjoy the reading. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read three cards, one each from her cousin, another cousin's granddaughter, and me. After that, I started reading _Calm Babies Picture Book_. Hext, I read two short stories and a slightly longer story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 24th of August's story, "Kind Ophelia," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I still didn't do any exercise today. I'm supposed to see the podiatrist again on Monday; I figure exercise can wait that long. {Smile}

   I lingered over breakfast with Mom. I eventually moved out to give our relief nurse room to prepare for handing us off to our main nurse. On my computer, I read a comic, the played Cross stitch World before I wrote up Friday's daily update. I started playing City of Heroes: Homecoming during lunch. First, I did some paperwork. Then I found Div, and we teamed up. I helped them with one mission, then they helped me get that character further along. Next, they left, and I did some paperwork before I cleaned myself up. After that, I did more paperwork and played some Cross Stitch World before I read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this up and making notes in it. Then I played a little Cross Stitch World before hopping back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Ulty and Jenny's Player, then said hi to Michiel. We teamed up, and he helped me with another mission for that character. I talked with Dr. Faustus about getting together, but he was joining a task force. Michiel left after that mission, so we said goodnight. It was too late to join Dr. Faustus, so I did some paperwork. Then an acquaintance invited me to a team that filled before I could invite Dr. Faustus to it. I left after one mission and joined Dr. Faustus for a mission that got one of my littles a badge they need. After that, he left, and I did more paperwork. Next, I played Cross Stitch World and read some comics. I finished the evening later than I meant to by hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming to play a little by myself and making notes in this. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Daily Update, August 23, 2024

    Friday, the housekeeper came. The house is, as always, much better for her attentions. I'm no housekeeper, especially with my severe permanent vertigo's help {Smile}

   Also, I had a nap right after breakfast with Mom. I'd gone to bed a little late, but that doesn't explain the length of that nap. Healing the toe must be taking something out of me. {smile}

   I got a nice phone call from Auntie Barbara after dinner, checking how I was doing, and just catching up with each other. It was great to hear from her. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I came in at a typical time again. That's when I happened to finish cleaning myself up today, too. Mom was drowsy and rested a lot, but she seemed to enjoy the reading. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I read four cards, one each from her cousin, a friend, and one from each of her sisters. Then I considered another baby picture book, but she seemed a bit tired for that. So, I read three short stories from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with reading the 23rd of August's story, "The Space Fairy" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I didn't exercise again. I'm still trying to follow the doctor's instructions about taking it easy. {Smile}

   After my nap, I checked online and began writing more of Thursday's daily update. Next, I had lunch with Mom. Afterwards, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did some paperwork. Then I found Div and we teamed up. He wanted to help a character of mine get through the stories and missions I want him to do before he gains level. We did quite a few over the afternoon. Pierogies joined us partway through, doing several missions with us. Then I said goodnight to them and cleaned myself up before I read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this daily update up. Then I finished writing up Thursday's daily update. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's Player when winding down with that paperwork. I also began chatting with Nox on the chat server. Then Dennis said hi. He was struggling with the laptop he's using this week. I told him I'd had trouble with some lag this afternoon and earlier this week, which is really unusual for me. about the time I said goodnight to Dennis, Michiel said hi, and asked to team. I got the character I was trying to run through content on, and we ran a few missions, talking while we did, on and off. After he left, I ran a hunt by myself and did some paperwork. I also finished making notes in this update. {Smile}

Friday, August 23, 2024

Daily Update, August 22, 2024

    Thursday morning, right after breakfast I had my video counselling. It was a good session. We talked mostly about how I need a better support system, since the one I had is largely lost, and more is going. She suggested looking into the Office of Aging, where the county helps seniors My first forays suggest that what she was thinking of is actually handled by a division of Parks and Recreation. {smile}

   I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I came in at a typical time, because that's when I happened to finish cleaning myself up. Mom was awake and seemed to enjoy the reading. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I read three cards, one each from her cousin's granddaughter, and one from each of her sisters. Next, I finished _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_. She does like pictures of kids as much as of babies. Then I read three stories from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_, two short and one medium length for that book. I ended with reading the 22nd of August's story, "A Trip to the Sea" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I didn't exercise on Thursday. A friend pointed out I really should consult with my doctor before I do that, and I have to admit they have a point. The podiatrist did say to take it easy. {rueful smile}

   After my counselling, I played Cross Stitch World while I thought about what we'd talked about. Then I had lunch with Mom. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Div. We talked, and then teamed up to run several missions through the afternoon. Then we said goodnight, and I cleaned myself up before I read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I wrote up Wednesday's daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork. Somehow, I missed talking to Ulty and Jenny's player, so I did a little solo play, and started talking with Nox on the chat server. I also talked to Azurette. We teamed up to do the type of individual mission a character is getting a badge for; the type of mission Div helped me get the first badge for a few days ago. I got the middle badge Thursday night, and then did a mission with a particularly nice reward at the end. I have one more like it ready to be done. Then I said goodnight to Azurette, and did a little paperwork. Next, I wrote a little of this and made all the notes I needed to write it up from the next day, since I forgot to do any of that earlier. I also did a tiny bit of research related to City of Heroes. {Smile}

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Daily Update, August 21, 2024

    Wednesday, I took things easy. I didn't need to keep my foot as high as yesterday, so I went back to my computer, where I could prop my foot up and still use the computer. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I actually came in slightly earlier than usual, because I'd just finished cleaning myself up, and didn't really have time to sit at the computer before reading.  Mom was resting, but roused when I greeted her, and seemed to enjoy the reading. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read three cards, one each from her cousin, her nephew, and me. After that, I continued _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_. Next, I read two stories from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with reading the 21st of August's story, "Cakes of Soap!" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises late in the evening. I figured that nodding and shaking my head, even while holding up or moving my arms shouldn't be too strenuous, and my foot was up for them all. Then I did my arm resistance exercises. One could be done sitting, too, so I did it that way. The other does need me to stand in the hall, but I'm not doing anything with my foot, and it didn't take all that long. {Smile}

   During breakfast, I started playing Cross Stitch World, and just kept playing it right through the morning into lunch. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming during lunch. There, I found Div, who helped me move one more character into their new supergroup - one of my main ones, who is cousin/niece to the ones moved in yesterday, or already were in there. Then we teamed up and ran some of Div's missions. We also ran one for me to get a badge, since I was one mission from getting a particular badge. I slipped in writing some of yesterday's daily update over the afternoon. After playing, I picked out storage in the supergroup. Then I cleaned myself up before reading to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I finished writing yesterday's daily update and shared it. Then I started writing this update. Next, I played a tiny bit of Cross Stitch World before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I talked a little with Jenny's player, and with Azurette. The latter mentioned a story arc she needed to do. I offered to help with it. Azurette found another friend who wanted to bring their new character along little to earn experience. We three ran the story arc over the course of the evening. I also talked with Nox on the chat server a fair while. After the story arc was done, Azurette and her friend both left. So, I did some paperwork and talked with Divi. Afterwards, I played Cross Stitch World. then I tried a little exercise and read some comics. I finished out the evening writing more of this, and making notes in it, too. {Smile}

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Daily Update, August 20, 2024

    On Tuesday, the driver who takes me to the monthly picnic called when I first got up that morning. I explained that I felt going the day after my toenail was removed seemed a bit too ambitious, but I should be fine for next month. She thanked me and hoped my toe gets better. {Smile}

   Then I called the picnic's group leader and explained the same thing. She also thanked me and hopes my toe gets better. So that went well. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. i was back to a mostly full reading today, in spite of starting late because I lost track of time. Mom was sitting up when I went in. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I read two cards, one from church, and the other from a friend. Then I continued _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_. After that, I read six short poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 20th of August's story, "The Shelter," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   No exercise today - the podiatrist specifically said I should stay off my feet for a week, though I only had to lie flat for the rest of the day, so I'm back up at my computer more. {Smile}

   Over breakfast, I read articles and switched to Cross Stitch World some time afterwards. Then I cleaned myself up before lunch. During lunch, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Div. We teamed up and ran several missions. Div added my character to a SG he's developing. Then Div left, so I did some paperwork. Then I played cross Stitch World before I wrote up Monday's daily update. I began sharing it when I realized it was past time to read to Mom, and dashed off, leaving it incompletely shared. {Smile}

   After dinner, I finished sharing Monday's daily update. Then I started writing this daily update. After that I played some Cross Stitch World before hopping back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Ulty and Jenny's player, who were both winding down. Then I noticed a taskforce and joined it. The group then went on to a sequel taskforce this particular one has. My character needed it, too, so I stayed for that. Afterwards, I did some paperwork. Then Div came in, and we teamed up. We did two timed missions I had. We would have done more, but the first was long. The second was shorter, and we turned down the difficulty because we both had to leave before too much longer. Div added the character I was on to the same supergroup as the earlier one - they were relatives anyway - grandson in the morning, Grandpa at night. Their daughter/mother was already in it. Then we added Grandma and picked out storage. I said have a good day to Div, and he wished me good night. Then I made notes in this. {Smile}

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Daily Update, August 19, 2024

    Right after breakfast Monday, Auntie Barbara and Michelle came to house. Auntie Barbara came in in for a quick visit with Mom. I was going to try to sing with them, but I got a call from the driver who takes me to the monthly picnic asking if I was going. I told her I didn't know, because I was having a toenail removed this morning, and really didn't know how I'd feel the next day. I promised to call early, when I knew. {Smile}

   Anyway, Michelle and Auntie Barbara took me down to the podiatrist. Michelle waited in the car while Auntie Barbara came in with me. She signed up to get hers seen to and was delighted that they'd take her that very day. The doctor's folks warned me the numbing up would be the worst part, and they were right. The actual removal was quick and simple. I checked out, then waited while Auntie Barbara saw the podiatrist. {Smile}

   Next, we went to Longs Drugs to pick up the painkiller the doctor prescribed. However, they were backordered. We tried calling Safeway to see if they had it before making the trip, but it seems it's controlled. They aren't supposed to tell folks if they have it until the pharmacist has studied the written prescription and determined it's legitimate. Longs had suggested the hospital pharmacy as the most likely pharmacy in town not to be out, so we went there. They did have it, so we got it. Then Auntie Barbara and Michelle took me home. {Smile}

   Later. I straightened out a misunderstanding on my part. I'll be taking care of this wound myself. I can, so I should. {Smile}

   Today, I still ate dinner with Mom, and still read to her before that, but I kept the reading to a minimum. I stuck to the two dated ones, meaning I started with Monday's scripture and thoughts about it. Then I went straight to the 19th of August's entry in _366 Stories for Bedtime_, "Billy's Picture." Mom seemed to enjoy being read to, even if it wasn't as long, and only had one picture. {Smile}

   I didn't even try to do any exercise today. Actually, I have strict orders to stay off my feet for a week starting tomorrow, so I won't be doing much for a while. {Smile}

   When I got home, I had lunch and wrote a bit of Sunday's daily update up. Then I lay down and put my feet up. I read, texted by phone and drowsed most of the afternoon, trying and completely failing to keep cook when my room has no fan, and my bed is a heat sink when I'm on it. I got up once or twice for drinks and such, then lay back down and read and texted by phone. Then I got up to read to Mom and eat dinner with her. {smile}

   After dinner, I finished Sunday's daily update and City of Heroes: Homecoming as I ate. Then I lay back down, texting and playing games on my phone. Yes, that included talking with Nox on the chat server for a while. I got up for one more snack and made more notes in this before going to bed. {Smile}

Monday, August 19, 2024

Daily Update, August 18, 2021

    On Sunday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber. A fellow came and took me to church. For once I'd gotten up early enough, and Uber arrived promptly enough, I got to church slightly early. Our priest even noticed and commented. I'll have to try to move my mornings at early enough, this happens even on Uber's late days. {Smile}

   The service was nice. After wards, I had lunch on the lanai with Auntie Barbara and a few of the other regulars. I did enjoy that, though Michelle didn't come. Auntie Barbara came for both services so she could do Sunday School at the later, though no kids came. Two services were too much for Michelle. Auntie Barbara had someone else to take home, and had plans to help me get my toenail off the next day. So, we parted after lunch, and the Pennys took me home. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake but quiet when I went in. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I finished her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Next, I started _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_. then I read a log story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 18th of August's story, "A Sunshine Song," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner Then, after playing City of heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. After only a short break, I did my less structured salsa dancing. Then I was too dizzy to do more immediately, and it was too late to do more later. {Smile}

   When I got home after church, I hopped right into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Div. We teamed up and started doing my missions. Austin joined us after the first mission, and switched characters after the second. We continued, running a few more missions, and almost finishing a story arc. They both left one mission before the end. Then I broke to clean myself up. After that, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Kitten. We tried to team up, but they went quiet at the beginning of the first mission. Unfortunately, it was timed, so I'd lose it if I just left it. I tried to do it anyway, but it was set harder from when Div and Austin were teaming with me. Then Dennis came in. I quickly invited him, and he started helping. Then Kitten finally joined us. We got it done, but we ended so close to time to read to Mom that we just talked a bit until I left to read to her. {Smile}

   After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World, then wrote up Saturday's daily update before I played more Cross Stitch World. Next, I began writing and making notes for Sunday's update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Dr. Faustus, Jenny's Player, and Ulty, all of whom were just leaving. So, I badge hunted by myself while talking with Nox on the chat server. Then I joined a team doing individual high-level missions. When they were done, the same team did a high-level story arc. The others left after it was done. Shortly after that, Kitten said hi. I switched to a mid-level character, and we teamed up and did a mission. I debated and did another. Div joined us part way through, helping us finish. Then we said goodnight, talking a little, before I left to start my dancing. I played Cross Stitch World in the break. Afterwards, I watched a couple of videos, played some more Cross Stitch World, and read some webcomics. I finished the evening with writing a little more of this and making notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Daily Update, August 17, 2024

    Saturday was pretty quiet. I stayed home, and didn't even use the phone much. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I left the game late again. Mom was awake but quiet when I went in. She did rouse when we got to the baby pictures and stayed awake after that. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I finished _The Happy Book Babies_. Next, I read two poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. The story after that was long, so I just finished with reading the 17th of August's story, "The Lonely Spring," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and eating dinner. Then I did my arm resistance exercises and arm swinging exercises after dinner and some Cross Stitch World. After teaming for much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. Then, after a longer break than I meant to take, I did one less structured piece for 14 3/4 minutes of salsa dancing {Smile}

   After breakfast, I read articles and comics and played Cross Stitch World most of the morning. Then I finished writing Friday's daily update into lunch. then I hopped into City of Heroes Homecoming, where I did a little paperwork before I teamed with Div. After some talks and a mission, he left, and I did more paperwork. Then I cleaned myself up before I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I worked on paperwork and ran through a bunch of talks left from playing with Div. Then Austin invited me to a light role-playing mission team with him and someone I don't know. Kitten meowed at me but was too tired to join, I think. Dennis said hi, and did join us. The four of us finished the story arc. Austin actually told a different story centered on his character while we played, which I thought was neat, giving himself unique motivations for what he did, and adding a few things, too. Austin and the one I don't know left after the story arc was done. Then Dennis got a different character who'd outlevelled a mission I had, though they still had it. We did mine, and both got credit for completing ours while fighting folks of a reasonable level for us. After that, I left to read to Mom, after promising to continue the arc with them so we can continue to both get credit for stuff that counts. {Smile}

   After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and began writing and taking notes in this, pausing to do a few exercises before continuing. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Dr. Faustus, Ulty, and Jenny's Player. They all responded, and we started to talk. Dr. Faustus was in a task force. They were reforming, but I checked for characters who needed it, and didn't get back to them in time. He promised to team and badge hunt afterwards, having a couple of good missions for that. I searched my characters for ones to do it at leisure. My top three badgers all had them, and they were villain missions, so I checked my villains. My top villain had one and got the other easily on her own while I waited for the taskforce to finish. My second villain got both. My third villain got one that Doctor Faustus farms. That meant we went in, got what we wanted, and come out without properly finishing, so he can do that again. We also farmed something else for my second villain, but we didn't get enough. During this, I tried to talk with Nox, but they were tired and left before I noticed they'd responded. I was seriously distracted by teaming with Dr. Faustus. Then Dr. Faustus had to leave.  I tried to get more but ended up just doing paperwork. Then i did my dancing, with Cross Stitch World in the break. Afterwards, I did more Cross Stitch World, some City of heroes: Homecoming paperwork, and took notes and wrote in this. {Smile}

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Daily Update, August 16, 2024

    I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara after dinner. She thought I'd had the toenail removed today and wanted to know how that went. No, that Monday. She's actually free Monday, and 10:30 isn't too early for her, so she wants to take me. I'm so relieved! I didn't fully realize it, but doing this by myself is more than a little daunting. {relieved smile}

   I've started using the workbooks, kind of. I'm answering the first question in the grief journal in a blank book journal. they provided 1 1/2 pages for an answer that will take a few pages at least. I'm sure some other time, they'll provide more space than I really need. So, I write in a separate, blank book that will let me write as much or as little without making me cram here or teasing me with empty space there. I'm mostly writing during meals so far. {smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I left the game later again. Mom was resting when I went in. She did rouse and stayed awake even when i was interrupted. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Then I continued _The Happy Book Babies_. I was just winding down when the nurse said someone wanted me at the front door. Sure enough, it was the yardman with the monthly bill. I took care of that, then went back to Mom. After that, I read a story and two poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 16th of August's story, "Planting Roses," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my standing arm weight training exercises, and my arm resistance exercises a little while after dinner. After teaming in City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. However, I felt so dizzy afterwards, I tried to treat myself for unstable blood sugar and didn't manage to get it feeling good enough to try more exercises after that. {rueful smile}

   After breakfast, where I think I started writing in the blank book journal, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World. then I cleaned myself up before I had lunch with Mom. Next, I played more Cross Stitch World while thinking. Next, I finished Thursday's daily update. Then I hopped into city of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Pierogies, who wanted to make new characters and team on them. I took a while making one but did. Then we teamed up. We did the first story arc hero characters can do, and part of one of the sequels together. Kitten and Dennis joined us part way through the second one, not long before Pierogies left. Then I got some other missions and did a couple of them with Dennis. After that, I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner with Mom, I played Cross Stitch World and began taking notes and writing in this. Next, I did some exercises and wrote more in this. Then I played Cross Stitch World before hopping back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found Kitten. We started to team up as I started talking with Ulty and Jenny's player. We joined them for a mission. Then Jenny's player left, tired. Ulty did one more, and Dennis joined us. Then Ulty left. I started talking with Nox on the chat server and continued off and on through much of the evening. Dr. Faustus said hi and joined us after Ulty left. We did a couple of Dennis's missions before Dennis left. Then we did a couple of my missions Kitten went quiet during the second of them. Dr. Faustus left after the second, so I worked on some paperwork. Eventually Kitten went offline. I did my salsa dancing, then tried to fix my blood sugar. That didn't work as well as usual, so I played Cross Stitch World, read comics, and worked on this, both writing and making notes. I broke for the Friday paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming, which I almost forgot. Then I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Friday, August 16, 2024

Daily Update, August 15, 2024

    On Thursday, I stayed home and took it easy. My only notable phone call was from the podiatrist, confirming my Monday appointment to get the toenail removed, fungus and all. {Smile}

   I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I left the game later again. Mom was resting when I went in. She did rouse, but she rarely answered. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Next, I continued _The Happy Book Babies_. She was interested enough in the baby pictures, I read a fair bit to her. then I read a story and six short poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with reading the 15th of August's story, "Toby's Concert," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. then I did my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming most of the evening, I did my warmup set for salas dancing all in one go. then, after a longer break than I meant to. I did try another piece, but only got three-and-a-quarter minutes into it before I admitted I was tiring too quickly to continue. Still, that meant I'd done almost twelve minutes of salsa dancing, which is a distinct improvement over just over eight and a half. So, I'm still improving. {Smile}

   Over breakfast, I read articles. Sometime after breakfast, I switched to Cross Stitch World while I thought about stuff. Eventually I realized it was time to break to clean myself up. After that, I had lunch with Mom. Then I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming, checking who was on and doing some paperwork. Then I wrote up Wednesday's daily update. Next, I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did more paperwork. Pierogies said hi but left quickly due to just not feeling up to playing. So, I continued the paperwork. Then Dennis came in. He warned me he'd be going to bed earlier. We teamed up and did a mission or two of his before it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I began writing this up. Then I played a little Cross Stitch World before I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with soloing some particularly low-level characters. I also said hi to Ulty and to Jenny's player. They invited me to join them for a couple of missions. I switched to a much higher-level character for that. Direct X joined us too. Then Ulty and Jenny's player both left. I said goodnight to Nox on the chat server. I began arranging to roleplay with Direct X when Dennis came in and invited me to team. I realized I really needed more time to think about the roleplay scenario with Direct, so apologetically pulled out and teamed up with Dennis. I suggested a story arc he was ready to start. I found a character who didn't have it and got it so we'd both get credit. We ran a mission. Then I got invited to a giant monster fight. I know Dennis loves them, too, so we joined that on the same characters. Neither of us got the badge, but some other time. Afterwards, Dennis invited Azurette to join us, and we ran two more missions in that story arc. Next, Dennis left for bed, and Azurette and I talked until I left to exercise. I started my salsa dancing, wrote some of this, and played some Cross Stitch World. Then I did more salsa dancing. Afterwards, I wrote more of this and made notes, with a break for Cross Stitch World and City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork. {Smile}

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Daily Update, August 14, 2024

    On Wednesday afternoon I had a telehealth appointment with the nutritionist. A bit early, I tried to get into the online appointment. I signed in and waited for the nutritionist to join. And I waited, and I waited. Finally, I tried phoning and got her answering machine. I left a message. She finally came online, but we barely said hi before her picture froze, and I stopped hearing her talk. I tried to call again. On my third try, she answered, and we conducted our appointment by phone. She blamed the website for the trouble, which makes sense to me. We did start late because of trying to get online working first, though I actually started that early. Anyway, we had a productive appointment. She suggested some vegetable snacks I'll have to try, between her recommendation and the surgeon's. We decided to use my health insurance's system next time. We've both used their video appointments and like them. I think it's only gotten messed up enough to need a backup system once for me, and it's the usual system for my online counselling. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I left the game slightly earlier again. Mom was sitting up when I went in but didn't always answer. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I finished _The Picture Book of Babies_. She was definitely interested in those cute babies. Also, there wasn't much left in that book, so I got out _The Happy Book Babies_ next, and starting it. Next, I read a longish story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 14th of August's story, "The Bumble Bee," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   A little while after finishing Tuesday's daily update, I did my head exercises. then, after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming much of the evening, I did my first warmup piece. Then I took a break and did the rest of my warmup for 8 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing. I was more winded than I expected after the second part of the salsa dancing, so I took a short break, and did my arm swinging exercises. Then I had to admit today had been hard enough, that was enough somehow. {Smile}

   Over breakfast and a bit after that, I read articles. Then I played Cross Stitch World and read comics until late morning, when I cleaned myself up. Next came lunch, during which I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did some paperwork. Then I played Cross Stitch World until my online appointment. After the appointment, I played Cross Stitch World while I calmed down from the stress of not getting the online appointment to work. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Pierogies. We teamed up and ran missions together. Dennis joined us. The three of us ran up to time to read to Mom that way. {smile}

   After dinner, I wrote up Tuesday's daily update. Then I did some exercises and started today's daily update. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I started with paperwork as I talked with Jenny's player and Owl Girl. I joined Owl girl for a mission, then switched characters for another mission. Then the team broke up, so I did some more paperwork. When I spotted Phonso, I said hi. I joined him for a taskforce he was just starting to get together. I started talking with Nox on the chat server while waiting. Then Dennis said hi and joined Phonso's taskforce, too, so I introduced Dennis and Phonso to each other. Then we ran the taskforce. Afterwards, most of the team left. Dennis, one other and I started hunting giant monsters. We got a good team going that grew to a small league which Dennis had me lead. I kept at it until Dennis and I both had to leave, him for bed, and me for dancing and exercises before bed. I did find someone else to take the league, since it was going strong. Then I did my salsa dancing and exercise, playing Cross Stitch World and writing in this and talking notes here during the breaks. Afterwards, I continued to write and take notes here, with a break to check a couple of comics. {Smile}

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Daily Update, August 13, 2024

    On Tuesday after dinner, I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara. It was good to hear from her. We had a nice talk. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I left the game slightly earlier again. Mom was resting when I went in but roused somewhat when spoken to. She particularly roused for the baby pictures, those she rested more afterwards, too. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Then I continued _The Picture Book of Babies_. Though she was drowsy, she did rouse to look at the cute babies. After that, I read six short poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. Then next story was long, and Mom looked tired, so I just went on, finishing by reading the 13th of August's story, "The Apricots," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then, after dinner and finishing Monday's daily update, I did my arm resistance exercises. Then, after playing City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of my evening, I did the first of three pieces in my salsa dancing warm up. After it I needed a break to catch my breath, but when I took it, I realized I could do more, so I did the second piece. To my surprised, this time I wasn't even winded, though that one is faster, and I did a restart, so it was longer than usual. So, I did the third piece for my full warmup, though it was in two sets, not one. Because of the restart, I did a bit over the usual 8 1/2 minutes, but I can't say how much. {Smile}

   Over and after breakfast, I read articles. Then I cleaned myself up. Next, I had lunch and wrote a little of Monday's daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Div, teamed up for some missions including both his and mine. Then Div left. I did a bit of paperwork our playing had produced before Pierogies found me. We teamed up, and Pierogies said he had a mission he wanted help on. Kitten joined us as we were getting ready, so the three of us did that mission together, helping Pierogies like he hoped. Next, I meant to pick a mission Kitten really wanted, but l picked one that sounded similar but didn't count for what Kitten wanted it for. When we finished, it was about time to read to Mom, so I left. {Smile}

   After dinner, I finished writing Monday's daily update. Then I did some exercise before I started writing this. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I quickly found Kitten and we teamed up. I started to get the mission they wanted when Phonso invited us to the taskforce we didn't finish the night before. that was slow recruiting, so I started talking with Nox on the chat server while waiting. We got more players, including Soothing Darkness, and then ran the taskforce, and finished this time. Then the team broke up. I tried to team with Kitten again, but they went quiet. However, Pierogies said hi. We teamed up and ran one mission of the type that Kitten wanted, but we can run more for Kitten. I need more than they do at this point, several times if you count all the characters interested in it. When we were done, I did some paperwork, then some dancing. Next, I played Cross Stitch World during a break in the dancing. Afterwards, I watched videos, then finished making notes and writing in this. {Smile}

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Daily Update, August 12, 2024

    Monday morning, I had a nap. I'd been late to bed again, and just needed one. It was longer than I hoped for, but I did feel somewhat better for it. I guess I needed it. I was still frustrated that I lost my morning to it. I'm going to try harder to get my nights and mornings earlier, so I have more of a morning to do stuff in. Maybe then I can get into City of Heroes: Homecoming when more friends are around. {Smile}

   I also had a phone call with our former nurse after dinner. It was short but ended with a promise to talk more soon. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I left the game slightly earlier. Mom was sitting when I went in but slightly slow to respond. She was better with pictures to look at, especially the baby pictures and the ones that followed them. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Next, I continued _The Picture Book of Babies_ and was again rewarded with seeing her pay more attention. Then I read two stories and a longer poem from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished by reading the 12th of August's story, "The Sand Castle," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my head exercises after dinner. After a short break, I did my arm resistance exercises, too. After playing for much of the evening, I did my first eight exercises and paused because I was worn out. I took a break, and then did my other six walking exercises, again wearing myself up. I didn't have time to recover and work on the arm weight training exercises and leg exercises, but considering I was notably tired twice, I think I did okay. {Smile}

   Over and after breakfast, I read articles and comics. Then I took that nap. Next, I finished writing Sunday's daily update. That took me into lunch. When I finished, still during lunch, I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming to see who was on. Then I did some paperwork there. Next, I broke to clean myself up. I got back into City of Heroes: Homecoming earlier than sometimes. I started on more paperwork. Then I said hi to Pierogies. We talked and teamed up. I helped him with a couple of high-level villain missions. Kitten joined us. Then Dennis said hi, and he joined us, too. Kitten picked individual missions that get badges as you do more of them. We did one before it was time to read to Mom. I think they might have continued after I left for that. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I began writing this up, Then I did a few more exercises before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I said hi to Kitten. We teamed up. As usual, Kitten wanted me to pick what to do. As I was deciding, I spotted Phonso, and said hi. We joined the strike force he was organizing and ran it. I also talked with Nox on chat server. After the taskforce, the team mostly broke up, but Kitten, I and one other stayed. The new one organized a task force, but only got two more. We tried to run it with a small team. We actually did just fine until a mission to get a particularly nasty monster and its associates. We got about half the associates, but that left the other half and the monster itself. I suggested everything I could think of, but our first tries failed, and the others weren't in a mood to tough it out, which to be honest, was looking less promising when we decided to just give up. The leader, Kitten and I stayed on the team long after. I did paperwork while we all talked, helping the leader prepare to set up an expensive type of character that does earn good money. Eventually, I quit to do exercises. Then I went back and forth between checking City of Heroes: Homecoming, playing Cross Stitch World, checking comics, and writing this around my exercises. After the exercises, I did more writing and also note taking in this. {Smile}

Monday, August 12, 2024

Daily Update, August 11, 2024

    On Sunday after breakfast, I contacted Uber. A gal came, and we had a nice chat as she took me to church. There, I sat with Auntie Barbara and Michelle. It was a nice service. For lunch on the lanai, I sat down near my usual place. Auntie Barbara and Michelle sat at another table, so when I got up to check the desserts, I moved to sit with them to finish up. {Smile}

   After lunch, we went to island naturals because it was their customer appreciation day. Then they took me home. Auntie Barbara came in with me to visit with Mom, while Michelle stayed outside, and checked our lemon trees, picking a lemon or two despite them being green. They insist the green ones have plenty of juice, though Dad said you got more if you let them ripen. At this point, I'm not arguing, since they're the main ones picking anyway. It's hard for me to walk on the grass around them, even though they're really close to the driveway. I can check a little of the bigger one from the driveway, and that's it. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I left the game moderately late. Mom was resting when I went in but responded and woke up pretty well.  She was slightly slow looking at the pictures at first, but the babies helped wake her up, and then she was awake. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I continued _The Picture Book of Babies_ and was again rewarded with seeing her pay more attention. Next, I read two longer poems and a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended by reading the 11th of August's story, "Peter's Fish," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my head exercises while waiting for Uber. Then I did my arm swinging exercises after dinner. After teaming for the early evening, I did my standing arm weight training exercises. then, after a longer break than I meant to break, I got my sitting arm weight training exercises done. After another short break, I did my leg exercises. Then, after a longer break, I did seven of my 14 walking exercises. then I was tired enough, I had to sit down, and it was late to continue later. Maybe I should add that the eighth and the fourteenth are very tiring, and the seventh and thirteenth only somewhat less so. I was tired enough after the seventh tonight, I knew I wasn't ready to tackle something even worse. {rueful smile}

   After Auntie Barbara left, I sat down at my computer. A quick check of conversations on the chat server turned into well over two hours of checking music videos, first for examples, then for a poignant song, then for less poignant songs to break the mood that had inspired. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paperwork and was still at it when Pierogies found me. I dropped the paperwork (it will keep) and we teamed up. Then Dennis came on, found me and joined us. We did a mission or two of mine. Then we did a mission Dennis had that got us each a badge. Next, we ran the story arc that mission was in for another badge. After that, I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I started writing this up. Then I read some comics before I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started with paper, and talked with Ulty, who was just winding down, until she left. Next, I looked around and spotted someone doing a couple of individual missions I often solo. I joined them, and another joined us, too I must say it's more fun with company. After two of those missions, the others left. I got back to my paperwork until Dennis came in and said hi. We talked and teamed up. We started with another badge mission, netting each of us two more badges. Then I switched characters, and we did a few of my missions, making five in one day for my fourth best badge collector. She's gotten the easiest that rack up fast, so this is a good haul for her. During this, I said hello to Nox on the chat world, but didn't notice when they responded until a fair while later. In the meantime, they'd gone to bed, so I just said goodnight too. Then I started my exercises and got back to writing a little of this. Next, I watched some videos and played some Cross Stitch World before I wrote some more of this and started making notes in this, too. then I did more exercises and wrote more of this and made more notes. After that, I played a little Cross stitch World before finishing what exercises I did that day. I finished out the evening with some City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork, reading another comic, and finishing making notes in this. {Smile}

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Daily Update, August 10, 2024

    I've been doing a lot of thinking about things... the story that's badly stuck, as well as the new or deepened relationships I hope to develop... {bite lips}

   I guess I'd always hoped they be there to see, support, and celebrate these milestones with me. How can I include them when they're not? {bite lips}

   I will say that a problem I've had gathering my thoughts has eased. Just recognizing it as "grief brain," as the bereavement support group called it eased it a lot. Not that I'm over it, but... it's better. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I left the game moderately late. Mom was resting when I went in but responded. At first she just cracked her eyes open when prompted, but as we got into the baby pictures, she began opening them more and keeping them open longer. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Then I started _The Picture Book of Babies_ and was rewarded with seeing her wake up and pay more attention. After that, I read six short poems and a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished by reading the 10th of August's story, "The Old Days," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   Between reading to Mom and dinner, I did my head exercises. Then after dinner, I did my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises. After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did my sitting arm weight training exercises with a short break. After another short break, I did my standing arm weight training exercises. After another short break, I did my led exercises, pushing myself to do a little more of most of the exercises, while yesterday, I just tried to get in enough of each that I didn't feel guilty saying I'd done them. {wink} Then after a longer break, and a longer one than I meant to take, I did five of my walking exercises before I admitted to myself that I was unsteady enough and it was late enough, I really should stop for the day. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I read articles, then played Cross Stitch World while I did a good bit of thinking. Then I started writing up daily update. I checked out City of Heroes: Homecoming over lunch. Then finished writing up my daily update. Next, I cleaned myself up. Then I got back into City of Heroes: Homecoming earlier than I have recently. I saw someone advertising a team doing a kind of individual missions in a row and joined it. Then I discovered it was led by bowlofdro and Soothing Darkness. I ran with them for a few missions that lasted well over an hour, right until Pierogies said hi and invited me to the later long, large-group event. Then I switched and ran it with him. We talked a bit afterwards, but I left to read to Mo fairly quickly. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I began writing this up. Then I read comics and got back into City of Heroes: Homecoming earlier than usual. I started with paperwork. Dennis came in and said hi before I was done, so I left it for later, and we joined a giant monster team together. We ran with it all evening, even when it switched leaders, and even when it started repeating monsters. I said goodnight to Nox on the chat server sometime during that run, having missed talking. After Dennis left and the team broke up, I went back to that paperwork, along with more than had piled up during the evening. Then I played by myself a bit before I started my exercises. Then I played alone some more and did more paperwork. Next, I wrote more of this and started making notes in it. I finished out with more exercises, followed by finishing writing and making notes in this. {Smile}

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Daily Update, August 9, 2024

    Friday, I did a lot of thinking. Some was helpful. I noticed over the morning that I'm really struggling to read the textbook on friendship which I clicked with when I read samples online. I realized that I kept thinking about Dad and Jennifer, who both died a few to several years ago. I'd noticed a textbook and commercial journal on grief that I'd picked up after losing Dad and tried them during lunch and dinner. I'm doing better with them, though not with the acknowledgements section, but I did better with the forward and introduction so far. Maybe I need to deal with the fact that they'll never see this part of my life, and I won't have their support, encouragement, and yes, advice while I work on friendships and try dating and hopefully romance. Not that either was a master at dating, but they'd both done more than I have. I guess I always assumed I would with them, in Dad's case all my life, and in Jennifer's since we became friends. I know they would support me in trying to date and improve other friendships but knowing that is a poor substitute for getting their support and help while I get started. {rueful smile}

   The housekeeper came, too, and the house is definitely better for her attentions. {Smile} 

   I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I left the game moderately late. Mom was resting when I went in, but responded, and cracked her eyes open when prompted... barely. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Next, I skipped over a picture book, since she wasn't opening her eyes much. Instead, I read a longish story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended by reading the 9th of August's story, "Lady Scarecrow!" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   After dinner, I did my head exercises, my arm swinging exercises, and my arm resistance exercises with only short breaks. After playing CoH much of the evening and winding down with Cross Stitch World, I did my standing arm weight training exercises. After a little break, I did my sitting arm weight training exercises. After an even shorter break, I did my leg exercises. I'm adding a little each day since the root canal got finished. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World while I did a lot of heavy thinking. Then I had a late lunch, after which I read more articles as well as some comics. Then I played more Cross Stitch World before I wrote up Thursday's daily update. After that, I cleaned myself up. Then I checked the chat server before I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming particularly late. there, I found Pierogies, who wanted to watch the next episode of the _Cursed Princess Club_. When it was done, I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World, read comics, and checked the chat server before I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I worked on paperwork until Dennis came in, since he did so pretty quickly. I said hi, and we teamed up. Dennis and I did a few of his missions and a couple of mine before we said goodnight and went our separate ways. I also talked with Nox on the chat server. After Dennis left, I did a couple of hunts on my own. Then I played Cross Stitch World and read some comics before and around my exercises. Afterwards, I wrote more of this and made notes in it, with a little City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork mixed in. {Smile}

Friday, August 9, 2024

Daily Update, August 8, 2024

    On Thursday, breakfast ran into my counselling session, though I mostly ate it before we got started. It was a good session. We talked about things I've been concerned about and planned how to start working on things, including what resources to get next. I found too much to want to get all of it now. {Smile}

   Then I had a few phone calls from the dentist's office, which prompted some with my financial adviser, too. the dentist's office was calling about the crowns for the teeth with the root canals. As the dentist knew and I remembered before the final call, those two really need to be done now. the old crowns were removed at the request of the endodontist. There's no way they won't need to be replaced before next January, when my insurance renews, but fortunately, my financial adviser assures me I can really afford them. I do need one more crown, but that one can wait until January, when the insurance should cover half of it, or close to that. {Smile}

   I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I left the game moderately late. Mom was resting when I went in, but responded, and roused over the course of reading. She was fairly good at looking at things today, especially baby pictures. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. After that, I finished _Picture Book: Babies_. She was really looking at those babies, though she claimed she didn't enjoy the book. I think this is a good example of how confusing late-stage dementia can get. Next, I read a story and six short poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with reading the 8th of August's story, "Gino's Oasis," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then, a while after dinner, I did my head exercises and my arm swinging exercises. then after playing on City of Heroes, Homecoming for most of the evening, I did my standing and sitting arm weight training with only a couple of short breaks. I hope that's a good improvement for my second day after the root canal got finished. {Smile}

   After counselling, I played Cross Stitch World while I thought about what the counselor and I discussed. then I read at least one comic. After lunch with Mom, I played more Cross Stitch World while I thought some more. Then I read articles before I wrote up Wednesday's daily update. Next, I cleaned myself up. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I talked with Dennis Pierogies, and Kitten. I teamed up with Dennis, and Pierogies and Kitten joined us to do the last mission of the story arc I so wanted to finish on that moderately low-level character I played the other day. With that story arc done, she is finally ready to gain a few levels. So, with that, I broke to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I played more Cross Stitch World while thinking. Then I read the Amazon sample of the textbook of a textbook and workbook set my counselor favored. It does look particularly promising. After that, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started saying hi to friends. Michiel was leaving. Phonso was busy. Dennis came in, and we teamed up. Kitten joined us for most of it, too. We finished a story arc Dennis was near the middle of. Dennis left for bed. I think Kitten and I did one more mission. then they went quiet, then went offline. so, I worked on some of the paperwork that playing had produced. then I started soloing on a different character. I took a break to play Cross Stitch World, then went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to do more of the paperwork. Then Pierogies came in, and we teamed up. We ran a mission that was slightly low but could be worse after we boosted it. Then I did what exercises I got done. Next, I wrote a little more of this and started making notes. I did peek on Amazon at the workbook of the set my counselor favored before I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Daily Update, August 7, 2024

    On Wednesday, I mostly took it easy, since it was the day after I got my root canal finished. {Smile}

   I did get a nice phone call from Auntie Barbara in the evening, after dinner. We had a nice talk, and she confirmed how well the root canal went. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I left the game as early as I'm trying to now. Mom was sitting up when I went. She was good at looking at things today, especially baby pictures. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. Then I continued _Picture Book: Babies_. She was really looking at those babies. After that, I read a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 7th of August's story, "Pom's Big Catch," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises and arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Later in the evening, I did my arm swinging exercises. I'm encouraged that this was more than I was able to do the day after the last root canal. {Smile}

   At and after breakfast, I read articles. Then I played Cross Stitch World. I began writing up Tuesday's daily update before lunch. After lunch, I checked city of Heroes: Homecoming. Then I finished writing up Tuesday's daily update. After that, I cleaned myself up. then I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Pierogies grabbed me right away. He had Kitten with him, and they wanted to run a player-made story arc. Dennis joined us before it began, so we all ran the whole thing. We all liked it, too. It was pretty well written. It also ended just about when I want to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World. then I began writing this up, and also talked with folks on chat server before I tried to find someone to talk to. Michiel was just leaving. Phonso invited me to a taskforce, Dennis came in and said hi, and then Auntie Barbara's phone call happened. When it was finished, Phonso's taskforce had filled, so I just teamed up with Dennis. He helped me do a few missions in a story arc on a moderately low-level character. I'm eager to get it done, because after this, she'll be ready to gain a few levels. I spend more time delaying gaining levels to do more content at level, when they let you add folks any time. After a few missions, Dennis left for bed. I also talked with Nox on the chat server, along with some others. then I did some paperwork. Next, I played Cross Stitch World and read comics, before doing what exercise I felt up to. After that, I wrote more of this and made notes in it, along with doing some City of Heroes: Homecoming paperwork and reading more comics. {Smile}

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Daily Update, August 6, 2024

    On Tuesday, after lunch, I contacted Uber. A fairly chatty fellow came and took me down to my dentist's and endodontist's office or tried to. The road was blocked off at the intersection just before their driveway on account of roadwork. so he dropped me off near the intersection, and I walked in. that was okay, but I really hoped for another solution after the root canal. What was a perfectly doable walk in would be much more difficult right after the operation. {rueful smile}

   The endodontist took me quickly and started to root canal promptly. He said at the outset it would be tough. It did take the better part of two hours, but at the end, he was happy with it, and said it turned out fine. So I went to office, to check out. {smile}

   While getting the bill sorted, I mentioned not wanting to walk out to the road, since as I'd expected, I wasn't feeling nearly as energetic as I did on the way in. She said to tell the driver to come in from the side I'd walked from, because the actual work was beyond, and not passable. I texted the driver, and he came to get me, apologizing when he took over twice as long as Uber initially estimated it would take to get there. He blamed all the road work, and I just nodded. We had a nice talk on the way home. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I left the game later than I like, though I've been even later. Mom was mostly asleep, though she did respond a few times, and even opened her eyes to look at pictures. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that I started her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2020. She surprised me by looking at the pictures more than I expected, so in spite of earlier doubts, I tried to continue _Picture Book: Babies_, and I was happy to see her open her eyes to look at the babies. I read a few pages of that. Then I moved on and read a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 6th of August's story, "Where's the Wolf?" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I got at least five minutes of walking because Uber dropped me off outside the construction cones for the road work on the way into the endodontist. That was it for exercise today. After the endodontist, I didn't feel up to doing much. {rueful smile}

   After breakfast, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World. then I searched for some clothes that have been going missing, I found one, which means there are about eleven still missing, but it's enough for the moment. then I had lunch followed by the endodontist. After I got back from the endodontist, I read article and comics and played Cross Stitch World as I rested. then i hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I teamed up with Pierogies, with me on a moderately low-level character. Dennis joined us, and we did a hunt of mine. Then it was almost time to read to Mom, but we hadn't done a regular mission, so I squeezed one in anyway. {Smile}

   After dinner, I finally wrote up Monday's daily update. Then I played Cross Stitch World and read comics. Next, I began writing this up. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Michiel. He was fiddling with a character, then leaving for bed. I talked with another friend, who was street hunting before bed. That's like the hunts, but for our own goals, not assigned by a contact. I joined her until she left for bed. Then I switched to the moderately low-level character from that afternoon, and was just starting on her hunts when Dennis came on
We teamed up and did about three door missions with her. I also chatted with Nox a little on the chat server. then the last door mission was done, I said goodnight to Dennis and ran through this character's hunts. Then I switched to a character I'd used the day before who's barely higher level. I realized I should get ready for bed, but quickly ran through a mission first, afraid I'd out-levelled a story arc. Thankfully, I discovered at end of mission that she's got the story arc after all, though she'd better not gain too many levels before she finishes it, or it will be less fun. Next, I wrote a tiny bit of this and started making notes. I paused to update the character's contacts who give missions and story arcs. I also talked briefly with Kitten, planning to get together the next day. then I finished making notes in this. {Smile}

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Daily Update, August 5, 2024

    On Monday, I contacted Uber after lunch. They took me down to my podiatrist, for I had an appointment with them on my schedule. However, the Podiatrist's secretary said I didn't have an appointment with them that day. When I called about my toenail fungus, they moved up my appointment, cancelling the later one, but didn't make that clear. I'd been expecting to get my toenails trimmed, so they gave me one for next week Tuesday. by dinner, I'd decided to cancel it, since I really can trim my own toenails. I have clippers. It won't be as pretty as when the podiatrist does it, but it's not worth the fuss and money for this appointment, and the Uber rides involved in getting there and back. Anyway, I ended up taking Uber back home. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I left the game earlier, around the time I want to. Mom was still mostly asleep, though she did respond a few times, including later int eh session than I expected. I think I'll blame the weather. It finally feels like summer, which means hot enough to be less energetic. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I read a card from her sister's friend. After that, I tried to continue _Picture Book: Babies_, but Mom wasn't as interested. So, I moved on, figuring she'd enjoy it more on a day when she was more awake. After that, I moved on and read a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 5th of August's story, "The Windmill," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises, and my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises after dinner. Late in the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. after a break, I did my salsa dancing less structured set. After another break, and later than I wanted to, I started my walking exercises. I got dizzy at the end of the fourth exercise, and had to stop, even knowing it was too late to do more later. Looking back, I wonder if trying to rush the tricky steps helped make me dizzy. {rueful smile}

   I read articles over and after breakfast. Then I switched to Cross Stitch World until I broke to clean myself up. After that, I had lunch and checked City of Heroes: Homecoming over lunch. I found Div and apologized for not being able to play due to podiatrist appointment. I also apologized for a similar problem the next day with a root canal sch3eduled barely later. I told him the rest of week should be better. After my trip to the podiatrist, I read comics and played Cross Stitch World. Then I talked with Kitten and Pierogies on chat server while writing up Sunday's daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I teamed up with Pierogies. I warned him when I'd want to leave to read to Mom. We did one... possibly two missions, but the last was long. It ended at a good time, and I happily left to read to Mom. She was still very tired when I go there. {small smile}

   After dinner, I read web comics and played Cross Stitch World. Then I began writing this up and making notes in it. Next, I did a little exercise. Then I continued writing this. After that I played a little more Cross Stitch World before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Michiel, and learned he was just finishing up one last mission before bed. Then I said hi to Ulty and to Jenny's Player. Ulty answered, and said she was roleplaying with Jenny's player before bed. So, I read comics and browsed Amazon for a while. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Dennis. We teamed up and ran a mission of his. Then we talked while badge hunting. At the end of that, we said goodnight. I also said goodnight to Nox on the chat server. Then I did paperwork in City of Heroes: Homecoming and read comics. Next, I played Cross Stitch World before starting my salsa dancing. I played it and wrote some of this, making some notes as well, between salsa dancing sets. Then I played more Cross Stitch World afterwards, and wrote some of this up, and made notes in it, too. More Cross stitch Word and more writing this up and making notes came before I did what walking exercises I got done. Afterwards, I browsed Amazon and finished writing this up and making notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Monday, August 5, 2024

Daily Update, August 4, 2024

    On Sunday, I contacted Uber after breakfast, and a fellow came and took me to church. I arrived just as they were finishing the announcements and starting the processional, though I thought I might be later. I sat with Auntie Barbara and Michelle, both during the service, and afterwards, during lunch. Then Auntie Barbara and Michelle took me home, and Auntie Barbara came in to visit with Mom. She was eager for that, since she'd missed visiting with Mom entirely last week. {Smile}

   A while later, home communion came. I joined them, and thought it was a nice service, if quick. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I left the game later again, because the last mission was long and ran late. I wasn't comfortable leaving Pierogies to finish it alone. She was more tired, so I'll have to try harder to end sooner. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I read a card from her nephew, and one from her cousin. Then I continued _Picture Book: Babies_, describing each picture and reading the facts about babies provided on each page. After that, I read two stories and two longer poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 4th of August's story, "The Lake Fairy," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my head exercises while waiting for Uber to come take me to church. Then I did my arm swinging exercises after dinner. Then, after playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. I did my less structured salsa dancing set after a break, for just over 20 minutes of salsa dancing, with the second piece a newer, fast one. Then i missed my walking exercises because it got too late before I got to them. {rueful smile}

   After Auntie Barbara left, I read comics and played Cross Stitch World until home communion came. After home communion, I hopped on City of Heroes: Homecoming, but didn't spot Div. So, I finished writing up Saturday's daily update, then washed myself up before going back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. This time, I teamed up with Perogies, doing a couple of his missions. The second one ran past the time I've discovered worked better for reading to Mom, but I saw it through. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I played a little Cross Stitch World and did a little comic browsing before hopping back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. there, I caught up with paperwork until Dennis suddenly came in and said hi. I happily dropped the paperwork so we could team up. Dennis suggested we join a group getting a giant monster. Then he spotted another, which turned out to be a team getting a few giant monsters in a row. I also talked briefly with Nox on the chat world, mainly saying goodnight. When the giant monster team broke up, Dennis and I did a couple of missions together. Then I did some more paperwork before I started salsa dancing. I watched a video and did more paperwork before the second set of salsa dancing. Then I wrote some of this and made notes while talking with kitten. Somehow, I got so caught up in that, I missed my walking exercises because it got too late. {rueful smile}

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Daily Update, August 3, 2024

    On Saturday, I found a text from nurse when I got up, before breakfast, asking me to call. I called after breakfast, since, with the relief nurse here, I was eating with Mom and the nurse, which has the worst cell reception in the house. I just waited until afterwards. When I was in a room with more reasonable reception, I called, and we had a nice, fairly long talk. It was good to hear from him, but he's back from a trip, so talking is easier again. The trip involved areas with worse reception than the room I ate breakfast in, so we didn't try. {chuckles}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. I left the game around my old regular time again, in hopes she'd be more awake. Sure enough, she was resting but responsive, and willingly cracked her eyes to look at things when prompted. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I read a card from her niece, and each of her sisters. Next, I continued _Picture Book: Babies_, I described each picture and read the facts about babies provided on each page. She seemed more interested in those pictures than most I showed her today. then I read a longer story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with reading the 3rd of August's story, "The Timid Fawn," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner, and my leg exercises after dinner. Then I did my standing arm weight training exercises after a short break. After playing much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. After another break, I tried to do my walking exercises, but I needed to stop and readjust the corset a few times, finally starting all over with it to get it comfortable. Then I continued my walking exercises, but only got eight of the fourteen done before I got too winded and had to stop. It was too late to finish up later. {rueful smile}

   After breakfast and the phone call and played Cross Stitch World and read articles before I cleaned myself up. Then I had a slightly late lunch. I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming during lunch, and found Div. We teamed up to do a few missions. Pierogies joined us. Then Div said one more and proceeded to do three more missions to finish a story arc Pierogies had. After that story arc, Div left. Pierogies and I continued to do missions, and Dennis joined us. Then Kitten joined us, too. I slipped in finishing writing, then sharing my daily update between missions, trying for pauses. We switched to villains at some point, and stopped slightly earlier again, since it worked so well last time. It worked again, which was nice. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises. I read a comic. Then I began writing this up and taking notes. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Dennis. I teamed up with him, and we ran a mission of his. I also started talking with Nox on the chat server. We chatted off and on for much of the evening. After our first mission, Dennis spotted a strike force, and we joined it. Unfortunately, it was one with enough unusual tricks, it really needs a good leader well-versed in its quirks and idiosyncrasies. That was not the type of leader we had. I managed okay for the most part, but he really struggled. H complained of not enjoying it afterwards. We talked for a while before he left to try to calm down before bed. Just after he left, Michiel said hi. We teamed up, chose the characters we wanted to play, and ran a mission. It was trickier than I expected, but we pulled it off, and even kept going for a while after the mission was officially done. Afterwards, Michiel said goodnight and left the game. So, I did some paperwork, followed by some salsa dancing. Then I wrote more of this and took more notes in it. I also played a little Cross Stitch World before doing more salsa dancing. After that, I wrote more of this and took more notes in it and browsed on Amazon and the Public Library's websites before doing my walking exercises. I finished out the night by browsing on Amazon and the Public Library's websites some more and finishing up writing and taking notes in this. {Smile}

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Daily Update, August 2, 2024

    Friday... well, I got upset about the folks calling the gal with elevated testosterone a trans guy. I guess I am... or rather, was in my 20's, 30's, and maybe into my 40's, when my polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) elevated my testosterone to not even close to half of a man of a similar age, but a respectable enough amount for a man of 80. then my testosterone lowered, so I went back to being a woman. Considering all the physical features that didn't change, I assumed I was just a woman with hormone imbalance. My doctors seemed to treat me like one. {wry smile}

   I didn't have more balance trouble like Thursday night. Maybe it's luck, or maybe laying off the cough drops help. Unfortunately, all artificial sweeteners have problems as far as I'm concerned, so I have to use ones with a little sugar... but I need to be more careful with them. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I deliberately left the game at my old regular time, in hopes she'd be more awake. Sure enough, she was resting but responsive, and willingly opened her eyes to look at things. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read a Christmas card from a friend of her sister's. After that, I continued _Picture Book: Babies_, I described each picture and read the facts about babies provided on each page I was happy to see her looking at the pictures, so I read several pages to her. Next, I read a story and six poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with reading the 2nd of August's story, "Rufus's Hedgehog," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reding to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises after dinner. After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming for much of the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a moderate break, I did my less structured set with no balance trouble like last night. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I read that article while checking friends' recent Facebook posts, including the one about the gal in Olympic boxing that upset me so. Then I played Cross Stitch World for most of the morning while I cooled down. Next, I read a couple of comics. Then I began writing this up. After that, I had lunch with Mom. Next, I peeked into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I spotted Div. We talked a little, and teamed up for one tough, lowish level mission. Then he left. After that, I did paperwork until Pierogies said hi. We talked briefly before I left to finish writing up Thursday's daily update. Next, I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming to plan the afternoon with Pierogies. Then I cleaned myself up. Back on my computer, I had a brief talk with Nox on chat server before going back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I teamed up with Pierogies on moderately low-level characters. Dennis joined us, and we ran some missions. Kitten joined us for a few, too. Then I left a little earlier than I have been recently to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I began writing this up. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I said hi to Ulty and Jenny's player. Ulty responded, and I joined her and a friend of hers. We did one mission of mine before they left for bed. Next, I did some paperwork before I looked around some more. I said hi to Nox on the chat world. We had a slow conversation over the evening. Back in City of Heroes, Homecoming, Dennis said hi, and we teamed up. Dr. Faustus joined us. We did a mission of Dennis's, then Dr. Faustus left. Dennis and I did a couple more missions, then said goodnight. I did some more paperwork before I started my salsa dancing. I watched some videos between salsa dancing sets, and a little writing in this. After the dancing, I wrote and made notes in this before doing my walking exercises. Then I finished making notes in this and did a little shopping on Amazon. {Smile}