Sunday, June 30, 2024

Daily Update, June 29, 2024

    On Saturday, I stayed home and relaxed some more. Again, I didn't even phone folks. {Smile} 

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was sitting quietly with her eyes open when I went in today. She sometimes closed the, but mostly opened them with some encouragement, especially for the baby pictures.  She responded a few times, too. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read a long Christmas card from a friend. Next, I finished _The Picture Book of Babies_, the one with a lot of costumes and a few multiple picture pages. After that, I read four long poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I backed up and read some I'd read when she was sleepier. I finished with the 29th of June's story, "What Are Honey Mice?" from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. Well, almost finished. Because after that I showed her the front and back covers of Picture Book: Babies, which I plan to read to her next. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises and my standing arm weight training exercises after I was done teaming in City of Heroes: Homecoming. After a break, I did my sitting arm weight training exercises. Then after a short break, I did my leg exercises. The leg exercises left me a little winded, so I felt they were a good place to stop, but I have gotten back to where I was right before my dentist removed my crowns. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I played a lot of Cross Stitch World, and read maybe an article or two and a little web fiction. Then I wrote up Friday's daily update before and during lunch. I read more web fiction after lunch, and played more Cross Stitch World, too. Then I cleaned myself up. I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming late. There, I chatted with Pierogies on and off while doing paperwork until he finished the later short, large-group event. When he was done, we teamed up, and did two or three missions on our villains. Dennis said hi, but was busy, and didn't join us. This took us up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Ulty and her friend and joined them and some other friends for some roleplaying. then Pierogies said hi, and wanted to play, so I excused myself. pierogies picked a high-level individual mission, which was just about right for him, because he went to bed comfortably tired afterwards. Then I went back to roleplaying with Ulty and friends. I also chatted with Nox on chat server. The roleplay broke up when Ulty went to bed. My new friend and I started with some of my missions on a low-level character. A friend of hers joined us who recognized my character. We did three old missions my character had that couldn't be quite my level but were still easy to boost to a nice level of difficulty.  She'll be ready to start with missions right at her level when she continues. After that, we stopped. I exercised, doing paperwork around the exercises and afterwards. Then I wrote this up, doing more paperwork intermittently, yet still got to bed slightly earlier than I have recently. That was good, since the next day's church. {Smile}

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Daily Update, June 28, 2024

    On Friday, I stayed home and relaxed after all the recent medical and dental stuff. I didn't even do much with the phone. {Smile} 

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was sitting quietly with her eyes closed when I went in today but opened them readily enough when I started talking. She only closed them much after the baby pictures.  She responded a few times, too. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read four cards: from the nursing company, church, and one from each of her sisters. After that, I continued reading _The Picture Book of Babies_, the one with a lot of costumes and a few multiple picture pages. Next, I read eight short poems and three long ones from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I would have read one more, but she was tired. So, I just finished with the 28th of June's story, "Balouka's Trip," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises after dinner. Then I did my arm weight training exercises after I was done playing City of Heroes for the evening. I did the standing ones and one of the sitting ones first, then the other three sitting ones after a break. Next, I did my head exercises without a break between them and the later arm weight training exercises. 

   After breakfast, I read web fiction and played Cross Stitch World. Then I wrote up Thursday's daily update before lunch. After lunch, I read comics and played Cross Stitch World. Then I cleaned myself up. I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming late again. There, I teamed up with Pierogies for a couple of missions on a low-level character. Dennis joined us for the last one before it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and exercises, I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I soloed on the same low-level character, doing a mission with a lot of reading and a bunch of talk-missions. Then Dennis came in and helped me with the last mission in the arc. Next, we switched to higher level characters, and I helped him with some of his missions. I also chatted to Nox on the chat server. I played with Dennis until he left for bed. After he left, I caught up on paperwork, then did a few exercises, with Cross Stitch World in between sets of exercises. Also, I wrote a little of this. Afterwards, I read web fiction and comics. Then I made notes in this, occasionally checking City of Heroes: Homecoming. {Smile}

Friday, June 28, 2024

Daily Update, June 27, 2024

    On Thursday, my video counselling started while I finished breakfast. It was a good session. {Smile}

   After lunch, I contacted Uber, and a fellow came took me down to my dentist. My dentist came in and started explaining that he'd take the front crown off and if it couldn't be saved, I'd need the back tooth, but otherwise... At that point I stopped him. I explained that I'd talked to my financial adviser, and she'd promised me I could afford to save both teeth. I should not run out of money because of saving both teeth, so I would like to do so. {smile}

   My dentist went ahead and took off both crowns and told me we could save both teeth. So, he put temporary crowns on them both and sent me home, happy my teeth would be ready for the endodontist on July 3rd. Then I contacted Uber, and a fellow came and took me home. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was resting with her eyes open when I went in today. She responded a few times and looked at all the pictures, particularly the ones of babies. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I read five cards: from the nursing company, her cousin's granddaughter, church, and one from each of her sisters. Then I finished reading _Picture Book of Happy Babies_. She was looking at all the babies with interest, and it ended before I expected. So, I picked out _The Picture Book of Babies_, the one with a lot of costumes and a few multiple picture pages and started that. After that I read a story, a long poem, and another story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 27th of June's story, "Three Pink Pigs," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises waiting for Uber to come take me to the dentist. Then I did my head exercises in the waiting room, while I waited for them to call me. After I'd done most of my City of Heroes: Homecoming stuff for the evening, I did my standing arm weight training exercises and one of my sitting arm weight training exercises. Then, after a longer break than I meant to take, I did the other three sitting arm weight training exercises. By then, it was too late to do much more, especially when I honestly didn't feel up to my leg exercises, let alone walking or salsa dancing. Still, considering the tooth work, I think I did pretty well. {Smile}

   After counselling, I played a little Cross Stitch World before lunch. After lunch, I went to my dental appointment. While waiting in the waiting room, I exercised, then read some web fiction. I read more of the same web fiction after getting home, along with playing Cross Stitch World. Eventually I finished writing Wednesday's daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes; Homecoming far later than I meant to, given how early I got done with my dentist. I did find Kitten and Pierogies immediately, and l teamed up with them on the low-level character I've been working on, since Pierogies joined Kitten and me when he got done with the later long, large-group event. When all three of us were ready, we ran two short missions I had before it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Dennis and Kitten. We teamed up with me on the same character, and we ran the long mission we didn't have time to do last time I teamed with Dennis. Then we talked about starting the next contact or doing something else. Instead, Dennis and Pierogies left for bed. Kitten and I did two regular missions my character had that were pretty low-level for her, along with a couple hunts and a slightly low mission or two. Then Kitten went quiet. I did some hunts on her by myself. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server. When I was done with the hunts, I did some paperwork. Then I did my exercise, and played Cross Stitch World before I wrote this up and did a little research. {Smile}

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Daily Update, June 26, 2024

    On Wednesday, I called my dentist. They answered the phone right away, and we settled on an appointment the very next day after lunch to get the crowns off for my upcoming appointment with endodontist on July third. Then I called my podiatrist, got their answering machine, and left a message. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was sitting up and looking around when I went in today. She even responded a few times and looked at all the pictures, especially the ones of babies. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I read the last part of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. Next, I continued reading _Picture Book of Happy Babies_. She was looking at all the babies with interest. Then I read two longer poems, seven shorter poems, and a story called "How Butterflies Came to Be" from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 26th of June's poem, "Summer Heat," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and eating dinner. Then I did my arm swinging exercises and arm resistance exercises right after dinner. Then, after playing and paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming, I did my standing arm weight training exercises. After I cleaned myself up, I did my sitting arm weight training exercises and my leg exercises. Still no salsa dancing, but I'm doing more each day. That will probably back up tomorrow, since I have dental work scheduled, but the dental work needs doing. {Smile}

   Around the phone calls, I played Cross Stitch World and read web fiction. Then I finished writing up Tuesday's update before lunch. After lunch I read more web fiction. I actually read the rest of the part of that that story which will be coming down soon. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I found Pierogies and Kitten. We teamed up and did missions Pierogies left as Dennis joined Kitten and me. We did two more missions on our low-level characters before time to read to Mom, taking us right up to the finale, which is long, so had to wait till another day. {Smile}

   After dinner, I did some exercise and started writing this up. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I talked with Mysty, and then with Ulty. I joined Ulty in a farm run by her friend. I talked with Azurette on the side at first. I also established a connection with Ulty's friend. After a couple of missions, Ulty left. Her friend stayed for part of another mission, because a second character of hers was almost to the next level. Then the farmer friend left, too. I talked with Nox on chat server, and I did a bit of paperwork I'd fallen behind on. Then I soloed one old mission on the low-level character I've been working on while continuing to talk with Nox. After they left, I did some exercise. Then I cleaned myself up before doing more exercise. After that, I wrote a little more of this, looked at some comics, and read about some web fiction before I made notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Daily Update June 25. 2024

    On Tuesday, after breakfast, I called Alan. He came and got me and took me down to Safeway. On the way, he got a call asking him to help someone else. Still, he waited for me at Safeway while I picked up two medicines. He took me home again afterwards, before getting the folks who called. We had a great talk over and back when he wasn't on the phone. He pointed out one thing I never thought of: when you drive for a living, sightseeing where you do your own driving doesn't feel much like a vacation. {Chuckle}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was awake again when I went in. She was sitting up and looking around. She even responded a few times and looked at all the pictures. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read the next part of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. After that, I started reading _Picture Book of Happy Babies_. She was looking at all the babies with interest. Next, I seven poems and three stories from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. The last story, "Billy Fox is Bored," was longer, but she was alert enough, I felt I could do one more. I finished with the 25th of June's story, "Sleepy Starlight," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises, arm swinging exercises, and head exercises while wait for Alan to come get me. I finished just a little before he arrived, which worked out perfectly. Then I did my standing arm weight training exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my sitting arm weight training exercises while I was winding down for the night. {Smile}

   Between breakfast and the trip to Safeway, I did play a little Cross Stitch World and read an article or two. I played more Cross Stitch World and read comics over lunch. Afterwards, I finished writing Monday's daily update. I played more Cross Stitch World and read some web fiction after lunch, too. One series I like will suddenly have part cease to be free soon. Unfortunately, it's the part that I'm not quite done reading. I'm not sure I can read up to the still-free part in time. We shall see. {rueful smile}

   Anyway, then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies, and we teamed up. We did one mission and started another. then Mysty invited me to "role-play player-vs-player " with some mutual friends we've known for years. I continued with Pierogies until he decided he was too tired and left. Then I joined Mysty and friends. I enjoyed seeing everyone, but unfortunately, the scenario they were playing turned out to be disturbing, largely because it was a particular type of horror that gets to me pretty consistently. It didn't help that one player I didn't know was talking about being fine with his character being killed off permanently in this. I was relieved when it got so close to time to read to Mom, I could bow out for that. I don't miss that if I can avoid doing so anyway. {smile}

   After dinner, I saw most of the same friends on. I said hi to Mysty, who invited me to the team. I hoped they'd toned down the horror after my and some others' reactions to it, since I wasn't the only one to have their character react negatively to the initial report. They hadn't toned it down much. I still felt committed, so I stayed until they were winding down and planning another session. Then I let them know my discomfort, and some apologized. I was one of the earlier ones to leave. Afterwards, I started talking to Nox. I remembered they read horror, and hoped they had suggestions to put disturbing stuff behind them. However, they read horror because it doesn't upset them. Talking with them still helped. I also looked at my friends list in the game. The person I was most comfortable with who wasn't part of the group I'd just left was Azurette, so I joined her, and we ran some missions. I think I had trouble at first, but we talked, and I talked with Nox, and things got better over the evening, though I still didn't feel as happy as usual. Nox left, came back, then left the for evening. Azurette and I ran missions until she wanted to show me a base on a different part of Homecoming. We toured the base, and she told me stories of her life. Eventually, I said I had to leave, and she wanted one more story. Then I cleaned up and did my exercise. Next, I read comics and web fiction. Then I wrote a little of this and made notes to write from next day. {Smile}

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Daily Update, June 24, 2024

    Monday was a morning of phone calls. First, I called my doctor to order new medicine. The yeast infection isn't quite gone, and the bacterial infection is mostly stalled. Neither involves refills because when they're done, they're done. {smile}

   Next, I call my dentist. I learned they'll be back Wednesday and left a message. After that, I called my podiatrist to learn that he'll be back Wednesday. too. So, I made notes on my calendar to call both my dentist and my podiatrist on Wednesday. {Smile}

   Then I got a call from the nursing company secretary confirming plans to go with me to surgical consultation the next day. Not long after, I got a call from the surgery center asking me to reschedule the consultation to next week Tuesday because the doctor will be in surgery when we're supposed to have our consultation. I hung up and checked calendar; since my phone will hang up if I try to leave during a call. The day was free, so I added that appointment. Next, I called the nursing company secretary to tell her about the schedule change including why it couldn't be the next day as originally planned. After that, I called the surgery center to confirm that I could make it next Tuesday, since I didn't know if I could until I checked my calendar. {Smile}

   One conversation wasn't a phone call, but a notably slow but long text-conversation with a friend on the chat server. That was very nice indeed. {SMILE}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was awake this time when I went in. Her eyes were already open and looking around. She was quiet but responded a few times.  I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I read the next part of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. Then I backed up to the pictures I showed her when she was sleepy and ended up reading the whole latter half of _The 40 Cutest Babies in the World_. Seh stayed with me right to the end. She does love baby pictures. I was right to save it for a day when she could enjoy it more. After that, I reread "That's Not My Brother!" from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. She seemed interested enough, i tried singing "This Old Man to her, too. She even joined in a couple of times, which really made my day. Part of me wanted to go on, but I don't want to tire her too much just because she's awake, so I ended with the 24th of June's story, "A Fairy Story," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did both my arm swinging exercises and my head exercises between reading to Mom and eating dinner. Then I did my arm resistance exercises and my standing arm weight training exercises while winding down after City of Heroes: Homecoming. Slowly but surely, I'm getting my exercises back after the root canals got started. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read comics around the phone calls. then I wrote up Sunday's daily update over and after lunch. When it was done, I played Cross Stitch World and read comics and articles. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I checked some paperwork before I talked with Dennis, who told me Pierogies had just left for bed. We teamed up and ran a few missions on our low-level characters. Mine gained a mission I didn't expect, or want yet, but that's my fault for not turning off experience when I meant to. {smile}

   After dinner I started writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I checked, and still got missions from a contact I was afraid I'd out levelled. The Denis said hi, and we got together to team up on the same characters and start the contact I'd just discovered I hadn't out levelled. then we started the next contact with a hunt before he said goodnight. After he left, I checked other contacts... some might still work, and others pass me on to others. well, that's what the extra level did. Then I cleaned myself up. Afterwards, I came back to City of Heroes: Homecoming to play solo a bit, mainly on characters on another part of Homecoming than I normally play on. It's larger, so it might be better for socializing, especially later in the evening. Then I took a break to exercise, followed by writing more of this and making notes in it too. though I kept sneaking back to City of Heroes: Homecoming despite my best intentions to get done earlier. I did not manage to get done earlier. {rueful smile}

Monday, June 24, 2024

Daily Update, June 23, 2024

    On Sunday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber. They assigned Alan to come get me, so we had a great time catching up on the way down to church. {Smile}

   The church service went well, as did the lunch afterwards. I did enjoy talking with people at lunch, too. {Smile}

   Afterwards, I went home with Auntie Barbara. She said folks had offered, but it had been weeks since she'd visited with Mom. I was very happy; riding with her is some of the best time to talk, between fewer interruptions, better focus on us, and more privacy. It took persistent trying on Auntie Barbara's part to get Mom to sing a couple of songs with us. Then Mom stopped before the rest of us were ready. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was sleeping when I went in. She was very reluctant about opening her eyes, and only really responded a couple of times.  Still, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I read the next part of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. After that, I tried _The 40 Cutest Babies in the World_, but she was reluctant enough about opening her eyes, I decided to save it for a day when she could enjoy it more. So next, I read a longish story, "That's Not My Brother!" from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 23rd of June's story, "A Fairy Story," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises while waiting for Uber. Then I'm not sure if I did my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner, so I did them when I was done playing City of Heroes for the evening. After a short break, I did my arm swinging exercises, too. Then I was tired, and it was getting late, so I quit. {Smile}

   After church, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles, thinking home communion might come. When they didn't, I started writing Saturday's daily update up. then I read some comics. Next, I cleaned myself up. then I remembered to finish writing Saturday's daily update up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies, and we teamed up. We tried to get Kitten to join us, but they didn't respond. So, we ran a couple of missions. Then Kitten responded and joined us. We shared gifs and videos on the chat server while running a few more missions. This lasted until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Dennis teaming with Kitten. Dennis was on a villain, so I got one too, and we ran several missions. Dr. Faustus joined us after most of those, and we ran a couple more. Then Dennis left for bed. Dr. Faustus, Kitten, and I ran a mission or two of mine before Dr. Faustus left to attend to work. Then I switched to the low-level character who'd gained two important levels last night. Kitten and I ran a story arc I wanted to get done before they gained another level. Pierogies joined us part way through the last mission. Then we ran a mission in a story arc I'd started a while back, and not finished. Pierogies disappeared after that mission. Kitten waited while I talked to several non-player characters to continue the story arc. I actually gained a level at the end of those talks, to my surprise. Then Kitten and I ran the last mission of that story arc. It was set higher than I meant, but Kitten is so tough, we managed with some difficulty. After that, I worked on the paperwork I'd just made, and checked on some Paperwork I'd done earlier. Then I exercised before I wrote a little of this and made a lot of notes to write from the next day, with hopefully short breaks for a little more paperwork. {Smile}

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Daily Update, June 22, 2024

    On Saturday, I pretty much stayed home and took it easy. but one exciting thing happened: Pierogies said his son set up the chat server on his computer. We've started a conversation there, and another with him, Kitten, and me, and yet another with him, Dennis and me. We have used them already, enjoying sharing GIF-pictures and chatting. {SMILE}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was resting when I went in again. She was not quite as slow about opening her eyes, especially for the baby pictures, so she wasn't quite as tired as yesterday, but she was still tired. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I reread the part I read Friday of her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. Then I reread the part I'd read yesterday of _The 40 Cutest Babies in the World_ and went just a little further this time. Then I read the two poems I read Friday from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_, skipped the next story, and sang "This Old Man" for her. I ended with the 22nd of June's story, "The Swallows," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. I wasn't as tired as yesterday, but I didn't feel like doing more just then. After playing on City of Heroes: Homecoming I did my arm resistance exercises, too. I was too tired for more, but that's better than yesterday. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles. Then I wrote up Friday's daily update before and during lunch. After lunch, I went into City of Heroes: Homecoming specifically to check some paperwork. Then I cleaned myself up. next, I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Pierogies, and chatted, learning that he'd joined the chat server, Discord, with his son's help. Then Dennis came on, and we teamed up with him to run missions. Kitten joined us a little later. I told Dennis and Kitten about Pierogies being on the chat server, because they're both active there. We played until I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis just breaking a team with Kitten because they'd apparently fallen asleep. We teamed up on a villain of his and a character of mine who was visiting the villains' area and ran a few missions. Then he left for bed, and I started chatting with Ulty. She was roleplaying with several friends. I joined them and we chatted both In Character and Out Of Character. The friends left as they got tired. I also said goodnight to Nox on the chat server. When Ulty and her last friend left, I got a low-level character and played stuff to get her a level. That was harder than I expected. Then I remembered she had easier stuff, and I got her another level with that. She's still low-level, but higher than she was, enough higher for some distinct advantages to kick in. After that, I exercised. Then I wrote a little of this and made notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Daily Update, June 21, 2024

    On Friday, late in the morning, I contacted Uber. A somewhat chatty fellow came and took me to Hilo Hearing Aid, also called Hearing Solutions Hawai'i. I arrived a little early, since I can't really plan to arrive on time with Uber; only early or late. I got my hearing aids checked out. He said the left one checked out fine, and suggested the chugging engine noise it made might have been due to moisture. He checked the right one, that's been taking longer to recharge, and it's fine, too. It's just set enough louder it's using more energy. We finished about the time I was supposed to start. I contacted Uber, and a less chatty driver took me home. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was resting when I went in. She was slow about opening her eyes, even for the baby pictures, so she must have been pretty tired. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. Next, I continued _The 40 Cutest Babies in the World_. reading a few pages. Mom was so sleepy, that she was slow even with these. I think I'll try them again when she's more awake. Then I read two poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 21st of June's story, "Billy Know-All," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises after teaming and some soloing today. My body thought that was enough exercises the day after starting two root canals, because I was tired right after that. Still, it's a start. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles and comics before going to get my hearing aids checked. When I came back, I wrote up Thursday's daily update before lunch with Mom. After lunch, I ducked into City of Heroes: Homecoming specifically to work on some paperwork best done on Friday. I think I also played a little Cross Stitch World and read some comics before cleaning myself up. After that, I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I found Dennis. We chatted, then teamed up for some missions. A while after we started, Pierogies came in and started chatting. he joined us for some mission. The three of us teaming went up to time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this up, and jumped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Ulty, who was casually roleplaying with friends as a way to wind down after running missions and such earlier. Her friends gradually left as they got tired enough, and one came in after me. I also chatted with Nox on the chat world. Then Dennis came on to say hi and see if I wanted to play after watching a movie. I said goodbye to Ulty and her friends, and Dennis and I teamed up and did a couple of missions which were tougher for us than I'd expect, especially after I lowered the difficulty on the first one. It wasn't as much lower as I expected. then Dennis left, and I soloed on a very low-level character, in part because she needed to be played to preserve her name, since Homecoming has started reclaiming the names of very low-level characters who haven't been played for a month, but they do warn you before that will happen. Then I got a similarly low-level character out to save her name, too, but decided against playing exactly the same stuff twice in one night. Instead, I soloed a slightly higher character until they were ready to go up, and prepared them for their next missions, including hunts. Then I okayed some Cross Stitch World and did the little exercise I got done before I made notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}

Friday, June 21, 2024

Daily Update, June 20, 2024

    On Thursday, right after breakfast, I had a video counselling session. We're doing more, between me being in a rough patch in life, and her going on a trip soon. We had a good session. We focused on my health difficulties, since some big things are coming up in that area, like my trip in the afternoon. {smile}

   I contacted Uber a while after lunch, and a fellow came and took me to my endodontist. He wondered if my back tooth is worth saving. He also wondered if it needs a root canal. Then he started work on both teeth. He worked to a point, then told me to call my dentist on Monday, when he's back in the office, to get him to "take the crowns off and see if either tooth can be saved." Something tells me they're worse than they first looked, especially the back one Anyway, I contacted Uber, and they took me back home. I notice I've been feeling better since I got this done. I don't know how much is just not have two entire root canals looming, and how much is getting some of that decay out of my mouth. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was resting when I went in. Mo had only one eye open at first; the second eye opened sometime during the baby pictures. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. After that, I started the _The 40 Cutest Babies in the World_. I think I read the first half of it. She kept looking like she wanted to see more babies, so I kept going. Next, I read a story and two poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 20th of June's poem, "The Bee's Song," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I didn't even try to exercise the day I got two teeth worked on, one of them with a really big cavity in it. {smile}

   After counselling, I played Cross Stitch World and started writing up Wednesday's daily update. Then I took a break for lunch with Mom. Afterwards, I finished writing up that daily update. Then I read some comics and got ready to go out. After the endodontist, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis, who was playing with his friend. I said hi and joined them. After a while, Pierogies joined us, too. Then Dennis's friend left for bed. I squeezed in a high-level individual mission before leaving to read to Mom, myself. {Smile}

   After dinner, I read comics and began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Few I know were on, but I spotted a group running missions, and joined them. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server. That group broke up after several missions. Then I did some paperwork, and watched some videos before I made notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Daily Update, June 19, 2024

    After breakfast on Wednesday, the Fireant Guy came, and came to front Dorr. While I made out his check, and for a while afterwards, we talked about how we have sugar eating ants and termites, and he suggested how to treat each on my own, since he doesn't want to vouch for which exterminators will be honest. I understand his reluctance. {Smile}

   Later, I called doctor and got their answering machine. So, I called Safeway's pharmacy, and confirmed that the antibiotic is waiting for the nurse to pick it up while he's off work. That was reassuring. {Smile}

   I noticed a newsletter from church in my email. So, I texted my cousin Kim, who'd asked about getting her email back on the mailing list. I submitted both of our emails at the same time, twice. I asked if she'd gotten one too. She had. We were both happy. {Smile}

   In the evening, Auntie Barbara called. We had a nice chat. We arranged to at least talk again this week, since getting together may not happen. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was mostly awake and sitting up when I went in. Mom was good at looking at the pictures and paid particular attention to the baby pictures. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. Then I read over half of the _Calm Babies Picture Book_ finishing it the day after I started it. She kept looking like she wanted to see more babies, so I kept going. I followed that with a book I plan to start tomorrow: _The 40 Cutest Babies in the World_. I told her all babies are cute, so I'm not sure about the 40 cutest, but we'll see lots of cute babies. After that, I read "Muddypaws!" a 4-page story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 19th of June's story, "Lucky Smokey," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

I started to do my arm weight training exercises between reading to Mom and dinner, but only got four done. I kept procrastinating getting back to them after dinner. Then I did my arm resistance exercises a while after dinner. After playing City of Heroes for the evening, I tried salsa dancing, but was too dizzy. So, I finished my standing arm weight training exercises instead. Then, after a break, I did my arm swinging exercises. After another break, I did my head exercises. I remembered that tooth trouble has made my balance more variable when it's bad. I hope the upcoming root canals and other health improvements will help. 

   After breakfast, around the Fireant Guy and phone, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World. Then I wrote up Tuesday's daily update before lunch. After lunch, I read comics. Then I cleaned myself up. After that, i hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I found Dennis, who was surprised to see me so early. first, we talked. Then we teamed up and did a few missions. Pierogies said hi during one of the missions but didn't feel up to playing. Dennis and I played until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I played Cross Stitch World and started writing my daily update. Then came Auntie Barbara's phone call. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. No one I particularly like to team with was on, nor were many public events going. I wasn't feeling up to starting something myself, so I just soloed on a little character in a story arc with a lot of reading, until I reached a mission with more fighting and less reading. Then I tried to exercise with less success than usual. Still, I tried, with Cross Stitch World and writing and making notes in this during the breaks and afterwards. {Smile}

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Daily Update, June 18, 2024

    Just after breakfast, my ride to the monthly meeting arrived, with another passenger who likes to talk already in the back seat. We had a nice talk on the way down. {Smile}

   It was a nice meeting. First, we talked in the meeting room. Then we adjourned to the lunchroom, where we talked less formally while we ate lunch. Then we played most of a game of Yahtzee before we finished. 

   On the ride back, the gal I'd ridden down with and a fellow were in the car too. The driver let the guy off first. then, with the other gal's okay, the driver stopped by Safeway so I could pick up a prescription and some probiotics. Then they took me home. {Smile}

   At home, I called my financial adviser, and left a message with someone on the staff. {Smile}

   I called my doctor, too, but had to leave a message on the answering machine. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I had to wait until the nurse cleaned Mom up before I went in. So, she was definitely awake and sitting up when I went in. Mom was okay at looking at the pictures, and paid attention to the baby pictures. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. Next, I said i was giving her a new book for no particular occasion. She doesn't really understand holidays anymore. Then I gave her _Calm Babies Picture Book_ and started reading it. Sure enough, she likes these babies, too. Then I read seven short poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I stopped there because the next story was longer, and because her attention was beginning to wane with no babies to look at. I finished with the 18th of June's story, "The Starfish," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises before dinner, when the nurse said to wait a bit while he took care of Mom. Then I did my head exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. I did my salsa dancing warmup after playing City of heroes in the evening. Then I cleaned myself up When I tried more later, I stumbled barely over two minutes into the first piece. I stopped, and it was too late to start again later, so i only got a little over 10 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing. {smile}

   After I got back from the meeting, I read comics and played Cross Stitch World. then I wrote up Monday's daily update before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I teamed up with Dennis and Kitten. We did two of Dennis's missions, and one of mine before it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I played CSW and started writing the day's daily update. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I teamed with a friend who has many characters and chatted with her. I chatted with Ulty too, and said goodnight to the friend, and to Ulty, since they were both leaving at about the same time. I also chatted with Nox on the chat world as I started soloing hunts in City of Heroes. Then I got invited to a "speed trial," where they try to get through it quickly. The leader turned out to be a Mollymauk76, a streamer who shares the trials and taskforces he leads on Homecoming over X, which used to be Twitter. His next trial was full, and I really needed to exercise anyway, so I did a little paperwork, then started salsa dancing. Next, I cleaned me up. I tried salsa dancing again but stopped when I stumbled. Instead, I read an article or two before making notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Daily Update, June 17, 2024

    On Monday, I had a lot of phone calls. I called my church, and again asked them to add a cousin and me to their mailing list. Then I called my doctor and asked for more anti-yeast and antibiotic. Next, I called Hilo Hearing Aid, and told them about the knock that disappeared with a few hours off. They thought that didn't sound good at all and gave me an appointment for Friday to get it checked out. Then I called the leader of the monthly meeting, and confirmed where it was, and that it was the next day. Next, I called the driver and arranged for a ride down to the meeting.  

   Also, I had three long talks with the nurse about how things may go when Mom goes. It's a tough subject, but I'm grateful. It helps me prepare mentally, as the nursing home didn't help me prepare in Dad's last days. No that a visitor is their concern, no matter how often them come. {smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake and sitting up when I went in. Mom was good at looking at the pictures, especially the ones of kids with animals. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. After that, I read over half of _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_, finishing it, because she seemed that interested in the pictures. Next, I read two poems and a story, "The Lion and the Mouse," from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 17th of June's story, "the Stowaways," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and four of my arm-swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. then I did the other eight arm swinging exercises after dinner. After playing City of Heroes for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. Then I did my less structured salsa dancing set after cleaning myself up. I would have tried to do more, but it had gotten late for that. {rueful smile}

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles and comics around then phone calls. then after lunch, I played Cross Stitch World, read web fiction, and wrote Sunday's daily update before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Dennis and Pierogies. Dennis was teaming with his friend, so I joined them, as did Pierogies. We four ran a mission. Then Dennis's friend left. Dennis, Pierogies and I ran two more missions, both Dennis's, before I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and a few exercises, I began writing this up. then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. No one I particularly like to team with was there, nor was there much going on, so I did some paperwork. Then I started soloing hunts. Then Pierogies came in and joined me. He helped me finish a hunt I'd started, and then we did two regular missions of mine before he returned to bed. Next, I did more paperwork, and made some notes in this update. Next came salsa dancing, followed by cleaning myself up and more salsa dancing. Then I played a little Cross Stitch World and checked on the package. Amazon is offering a refund because it's been so long, they're afraid its lost. the post office thinks it's running right on time for surface mail to Hawai'i. the post office hopes it will arrive on Tuesday the 18th. It takes the barges a week or more to cross the ocean between California and Hawai'i, and it's already spent weeks in trucks. Anyway, I finished my day by finishing my notes in this update. {Smile}

Monday, June 17, 2024

Daily Update June 16, 2024

    On Sunday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber. A guy came and took me to church. The service was nice, though small. I think a lot of the people who came to the party on Saturday felt that coming back the next day for church was a bit much, including Auntie Barbara. That said, we ate very well, with all the leftovers from the party, and at least one new thing besides. Afterwards, I didn't find a ride to take me home, between folks not coming and folks staying for the vestry meeting. So, I contacted Uber, and a fellow took me home. This is only the second time since I stared going to church weekly after Dad died that I've had to take Uber home, which is pretty amazing, if you ask me. {Smile} 

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. Mom was awake and sitting up when I went in. Mom was good at looking at the pictures with minimal prompting today. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. Then I started _The Picture Book of Kids and Animals_. Next, I read "The Velveteen Rabbit" from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. It was 4 four pages, which makes it long for that book, though much shorter than the original version. I finished with the 16th of June's story, "Ian Goes Fishing," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises and four of my arm-swinging exercises waiting for Uber to come get me and take me to church. Then I did the other eight arm swinging exercises after I got home. Between reading to Mom and dinner, I did my arm resistance exercises and both of my arm weight training exercises, since the wait was unusually long because the nurse had to fix up Mom first. The arm weight training exercises are slow, so I usually can't fit that many in. After dinner, I did one of my sitting arm weight training exercises. After I was done playing, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. Then, after cleaning myself up, I did my less structured set. This adds up to one more arm weight training exercise than I have done recently, but only one. {Smile}

   After church I played Cross Stitch World and read articles. Then I wrote up yesterday's daily update. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and did some paperwork. Then I found Pierogies. We chatted, then teamed up and ran several missions together. Then we chatted a little more before I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and a little exercise, I read comics. then I started to write this up. After that, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to a friend I rarely talk with, but they were just leaving, so we mainly said goodnight. Then I said goodnight to Nox, having missed a chance to talk with them, too. I did a bit of paperwork, and a few hunts one of my characters picked up recently, including some she picked up as others got completed. Then came a little Cross Stitch World, followed by my salsa dancing warmup. After that I cleaned myself up and did my less structured salsa dancing set. Some more Cross Stitch World followed. I ended with writing a little of this and making notes to write from for the next day. {Smile}

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Daily Update, June 15, 2024

    After breakfast on Saturday, I got ready, then called Uber. A gal named Annie - so close to my Anne, we talked about this on the way - too me to church, where the priest had a birthday party for her baby, who turned one year old that day. I took nuts for the potluck. I sat with Auntie Barbara, talked with a couple of friends, and went home with Deb. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was sort of awake and sitting up when I went in. I had a long talk with our nurse before reading. When i did read, Mom was pretty good at looking at the pictures with minimal prompting. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I started her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2023. Next, I finished _Memories 1970's_. After that, I read two longer poems and six short poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 15th of June's poem, "Tit for Tat," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_, and showing her the next picture book that I picked to read, _the Picture Book of Kids and Animals_. {Smile}

I started my head exercises while waiting for Uber, but I only got two done before she came. I did the other three while beginning to write this up after supper. Then I did my salsa dancing warmup late in the evening. I was too tired after cleaning up to do more, unfortunately. {smile}

   After breakfast, I barely checked things online before getting to go to the birthday party. After the party, I had a long talk with our nurse. Both he and our nursing company are coming to realize that Mom's not the only patient here who needs care. Then I played a little Cross Stitch World. Next was a long, frustrating talk with some acquaintance online while trying to write up yesterday's daily update. At the end, I got in a short talk with Dennis in City of Heroes: Homecoming while finishing my daily update, before reading to Mom. 

   After dinner, I shared yesterday's daily update and finished dealing with the person from the afternoon. Then I began writing this up. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming later than I hoped to. Ulty was still there, roleplaying with a few friends. She felt I could join, so I did. I roleplayed with them and chatted with Nox on the chat server until everyone else went to bed. Then I played Cross Stitch World. After that came the salsa dancing, followed by cleaning myself up. After that, I was too tired for more exercise, so I soloed a hunt on City of Heroes: Homecoming, finally getting to play the game a little. I finished with making notes to finish this from the next day. {Smile}

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Daily Update, June 14, 2024

    On Friday, during my second salsa dancing set, I discovered my left hearing aid has a chugging engine noise. After dancing, I fiddled with it. That reduced but didn't fix it. I figured out a way to minimize it at the expense of less helpful noise. I may need to call hearing aid place on Monday. {sigh}

The nursing company secretary visited and called after lunch. We had a talk about assorted health problems I'm currently dealing with, including small infections, and the teeth that need root canals. {small smile}

   Our housekeeper came, and our house is definitely better for her attentions. {Smile}

   I called doctor about medicine that I think I'll need more of. They told to call again Monday, when we're more certain if it's needed. {smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was sort of awake and sitting up when i went in. She was okay about looking at the pictures with some prompting. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Next, I read two Christmas cards, one from each of two different cousins, and an Easter card from me. After that, I continued _Memories 1970's_. I read a story, two poems, and another story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. That might have been a bit much for her today; I'll think about keeping things shorter for her. Anyway, I finished with the 14th of June's story, "Hungry Hedgehog," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my salsa dancing warmup, and my arm resistance exercises after I was done with City of Heroes for the evening. Then I did my less structured salsa dancing, my arm swinging exercises, and my head exercises before it got entirely too late. I'd feel guilty, but I backed up two or three times, so I got a little more salsa dancing than usual. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles and comics. Then I wrote up my daily update after lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did paperwork, and started chatting with Dennis after a while. I joined him to see a new character's costumes. Then I remembered to check with Dr. Faustus about what the supergroup was doing, since they do stuff most Friday afternoons. They were doing a story arc. I joined them for a couple of missions they were doing. Afterwards, I rejoined Dennis for a couple of missions of his and one of mine before reading to Mom. 

   After dinner, I began writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming again. I started with paperwork. Then I got invited to A taskforce. I accepted. then Dennis said hi. I tried to get him to join, but the character he chose was too low, and he didn't want to try another. I ran the task force, and chatted with Dennis, since he hung around despite talking about going to bed. The taskforce finished early enough I joined Dennis for a couple of missions before he went to bed. that involved turning down a second invitation from the group I'd done the taskforce with. Then I did paperwork before my salsa dancing warmup. Next, I cleaned myself up. Then, during my salsa dancing less structured set, I
figured out the hearing aid noise. I finished the night by writing notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}

Friday, June 14, 2024

Daily Update, June 13, 2024

    On Thursday, I had counselling after breakfast. I don't usually say what we discussed, but this time it was mainly recently health developments. I'm particularly concerns about a hernia failing again. the one I have a consultation with a surgical group about. {smile}

   I ate lunch dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. Mom was awake and sitting up. I think she was good about looking at the pictures. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. After that, I read a longish Christmas card from a friend. Then I continued _Memories 1970's_. Next, I read a story and a long poem from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 13th of June's story, "Floppit's Picnic," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my salsa dancing warmup set after teaming with Pierogies in the evening. Then after a break, I did my head exercises. However, when I started the second set, I got so dizzy, I had to stop around 2 1/2 minutes into the first piece. It just wasn't safe to continue. So only around 11 minutes of salsa dancing. I did manage my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises before it got too late, at least. So, it was a bad day for exercises, but it could have been worse. {smile}

   After counselling, I played Cross Stitch World, and started writing Friday's daily update. then I paused for lunch with Mom. After lunch, I finished writing Friday's daily update. Then I read comics and played more Cross Stitch World while thinking about my hernia despite not wanting to think about it. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I teamed up with Pierogies and Kitten. We did a fairly high-level character of mine's missions, starting an important story arc that really helps with a stat-improving badge. Dennis joined us, and the four of us kept going until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this up. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I chatted with Ulty. She was doing private role-playing, so I wished her luck, and suggested a message from my characters that the character she was playing knows. She liked that. Then I worked on paperwork. Next, I stopped to clean myself up. Then I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I was happily surprised to find Pierogies. We chatted a while and teamed up. We did two or three of his missions. Then we broke so I could exercise after a little paperwork. Between sets, I watched a video, and after the exercises, I played Cross Stitch World. Then I wrote more of this and made notes to finish it up from the next day. {Smile}

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Daily Update, June 12, 2024

    Just after I got up, I got a phone call from doctor's office. I learned they're referring me to a surgical center. I phoned them back during breakfast to get the phone number in case they don't call, but I didn't need it. The surgical center called later that morning. I made an appointment for an initial consultation. Then I called them back to confirm it fit my schedule. So that is progressing, which is reassuring. I think the hernia is ready to be fixed. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I got there a little earlier, and Mom was awake, and even sitting up and looking around. Today I had no trouble getting her to look at pictures. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I think I forgot to read her cards, so after that I went straight to starting _Memories 1970's_. Then I read "Tiny Bear," the story I'd read her yesterday, plus six short poems from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I repeated the story because I felt she was awake enough to enjoy it, and I think it's cute. I think she did enjoy it, too. I ended with the 12th of June's story, "Bright Feather," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises while waiting for Kitten to respond while playing City of Heroes with me. Then I did one of my standing arm weight training exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. I did the other standing arm weight training exercise. my arm resistance exercises, and my arm swinging exercises after the roleplaying after supper. 

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read comics around the phone calls. Then I had lunch. Afterwards, I finished writing Tuesday's daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I said hi to Kitten and Ulty. I chatted with Ulty, but they were busy, so that's all we did. Kitten responded, and we teamed up. We did a mission together, and some talky stuff, then started another mission. Kitten was taking longer and longer pauses, until I couldn't get them to respond. I didn't think I could finish the mission by myself, so I looked to see who else was on. Ulty was by far the easiest to strike up a conversation with, so I said hi and told her about my problem. She recruited a team to join me. We even ran it "In Character," meaning talking to each other as our characters. ((With Out Of Character asides in double parentheses like these.)) We finished about the right time to read to Mom. {SMILE}

   After dinner, I began writing this up. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: homecoming. I said hi to Kitten, who didn't respond. I also said hi to Ulty, who did respond. She was role-playing to wind down, but this time the character I'd played with before dinner had met some of the friends that she was roleplaying with, so I got invited to join them. We had a nice roleplaying session until the others left because it was getting late for them. Then I soloed some hunts and did a few exercises. I also played Cross Stitch World and talked with Nox on the chat server. I cleaned myself up after Nox left, then started salsa dancing with a video in between and Cross Stitch World afterwards, along with making notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Daily Update, June 11, 2024

    On Tuesday, I contacted Uber a while after breakfast. A fellow came and took me down to Longs Drugs, where we picked up my two prescriptions at the drive through. That took just long enough to get an "Is everything okay" call from Uber, but I assured them it was. The same fellow took me right back home without me getting out of the car until the end of the trip. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I got iate again, this time because the game ran late. Mom was drowsy, but not sleeping. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I read cards from her niece, church, her nephew, and me. Next, I finished _The Happy Baby Book_. With a little over half to go, i think I read half of what was left. With prompting, she did open her eyes to see each baby. After that, I read two poems and a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I ended with the 11th of June's story, "Biff and Buff," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises, my head exercises, and my arm swinging exercises while waiting for Uber to come get me to pick up my prescriptions. Then I started to do my standing arm weight training exercises between reading to Mom and dinner but didn't get far before I was called to dinner. After cleaning myself up in the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup exercises. After a short break, I finished my standing arm weight training exercises. Then, after another break, I did my les structured salsa dancing, making sure to mix it up more than I have been recently. {Smile}

   After breakfast I did play Cross Stitch World and read comics before picking up my medicine. After I came back home, I had lunch, with more Cross Stitch World and articles while I ate. Then I wrote up Monday's daily update. I chatted with Kitten while writing, and afterwards, too. Later, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Pierogies, who was waiting for the later long, large group event. He asked if I'd like to join, but I checked with Dennis first, too. He said he'd been going to do a particular taskforce with his best friend, but the friend had to leave. I offered to do it with him instead and picked a character for it. He recruited a full team, and we ran it. We finished just a little late for reading to Mom, so I tried to rush off while still saying goodbye. {Smile}

   After dinner I found few friends on, so I started to play by myself. I spotted a taskforce and joined it. They recruited a full team, and about half - including me - stayed for a second taskforce. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server on and off until they went to bed. I chatted with Radio in the same conversation there a bit, too. After the taskforces, I did the little paperwork they'd made. Then I cleaned myself up before I started the dancing and other exercise. I began writing this and reading a comic in breaks and finished reading the comic and making notes in this after the exercise. {Smile}

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Daily Update, June 10, 2024

    Monday morning, I contacted uber, and they took me to my doctor for a checkup. I saw my doctor, and shared a list of things I was concerned about. He took what actions he felt were appropriate. Next, I called Uber and went to Longs downtown to pick up my prescription. I really need to learn they don't work that fast. I had to call my doctor to get them to send the prescription, and then the store wouldn't promise to get it ready before their lunch break. So, I contacted Uber, and they took me home. 

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I got in late again, but she was sort of awake. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. After that, I Next, I read a card each from one of her cousins, and from each of her two sisters. Then I continued _The Happy Baby Book_. With a little over half to go, i think I read half of what was left. She does love the babies, but this was not a good day for keeping eyes open.  Next, I read three poems and a story from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 10th of June's story, "The Greedy Pair," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my head exercises waiting for Uber to take me to my doctor. Then I did my arm swinging exercises while waiting for my doctor to get to me. Late in the evening, I got around to my salsa dancing warmup. Then, after a break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I barely played Cross Stitch World and read comics before leaving for the doctor. After getting home, I had lunch, and played cross stitch World and read articles. I also finished writing Sunday's daily update before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I caught up with paperwork, then started some solo play on a mid-level character, doing hunts. Dennis said hi and we talked. Then he joined me, and I switched to regular missions. We did a few, playing until it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I began writing this up and making notes to write from the next day. then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Dennis was still there, finishing up a long taskforce. We chatted on an off, then said goodnight when the taskforce finished. Meanwhile, I looked at paperwork and played solo a bit, playing solo more intensely after he left. Then I paused to clean myself up. I said goodnight to Nox when I got back from cleaning myself up. Then I watched two My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic videos. Afterwards, I tried to tell Kitten about my reactions to and thoughts about those videos, since they'd suggested them as a fun way to learn about friendship. That series may actually help, from what I've seen so far. It apparently started trying to teach young girls about friendship. Dad used to insist that lessons geared towards children are often good resources. After that, I did some dancing, then wrote to Kitten some more. I also watched videos and played Cross Stitch World. Then came another round of dancing, videos, and Cross Stitch World. I ended with making notes in this to write from the next day. {Smile}

Monday, June 10, 2024

Daily Update, June 9, 2024

    On Sunday, after breakfast, I contacted Uber, and they came and took me down to church. the service went nicely, and we had a nice lunch on the lanai afterwards. Then Auntie Barbara took me over to island Naturals, because the second Sunday is their Customer Appreciation Day, when everything which isn't already on sale is 15% off. I checked, and found their raisins and currants cheaper, but their cranberries more expensive than what I found online, even with the sale factored in. So, I got raisins and currants. {Smile}

   Then Auntie Barbara took me home, and we found home communion just finishing up visiting with Mom. Our nurse told them how Auntie Barbara can get Mom to sing most of the time, and we got her to sing several songs. The last was "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider," Which we even did the gestures with, though that was one mom didn't join in on much. Home communion loved Mom's singing, and said they'd have to do it again. {Smile} 

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. I got in late, but she was awake, and seemed more aware of her surroundings than sometimes. Maybe all the visitors agreed with her. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Then I finished her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Next, I offered Mom a choice between _1940's Memory Lane_ and _The Happy Baby Book_. Her eyes were not leaving the baby, so I read the first roughly half of that book, because she was so interested in the babies. After that, I read six short poems, two stories, another poem and another story, all from _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 9th of June's poem, "The Dragonfly," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   It may be time to retire some of the history books. I went through them afterwards and found seven. then I realized they were two distinct series. The Memories series has more pictures, fewer words, and generally stick to happy subjects. The Memory Lane series has a chunk to read on most pages, and includes references to the news of the day, even if it was unhappy. It may be well suited to people earlier in dementia, but Mom is in a pretty late stage at this point. I think these need to be retired. I'm wondering about taking them to Life Care Center sometime, maybe when I've restarted physical therapy, so it isn't a special trip just for that. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises 2 times and a partial time each. I decided the lightest band, which I'd picked, was really too light, after using it for the usual set. I tried the medium, and liked it better, so I did another time. I then tried the strongest one, but it was too strong. I also did both my salsa dancing warmup set, and the less structured salsa dancing set. I tried to really mix things up on the last piece. {Smile}

   After church, I played Cross Stitch World and read web fiction. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. Pierogies, Kitten and I got together and teamed up pretty quickly. We ended up doing high level missions together because I misunderstood what Kitten wanted. I thought these were what they wanted, not the slightly lower-level ones they actually wanted. I didn't figure it out until afterwards. Anyway, this took us to time to read to Mom. {smile}

   After dinner I read comics, played Cross Stitch World, and read web fiction before I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. No one I particularly like to team with was there, so I did paperwork, then took a break to clean myself up. Then I hopped back into City of Heroes: Homecoming and did more paperwork Before I did a little solo play, refreshing contacts and doing hunts until exercise time. I exercised with a big break in the middle where I played Cross Stitch World, watched videos, and read web fiction. Afterwards, I did more of all three. Then I wrote more of this and made notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Daily Update, June 8, 2024

    On Saturday, I got a phone call from Auntie Barbara in the evening. It was nice catching up with her, and talking about plans too. {Smile}

   The texts with my cousins about Grandmother's grave continued. It looks like I'm the one who gets to talk with the cemetery this time, by virtue of being the one who lives close enough to be a local phone call. 

   Our housekeeper came for double session on Saturday, and our house is definitely better for her attentions. I fear with my vertigo's "help," I am not a good housekeeper myself, though really, I could try better than I do. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. the nurse was feeding her when I came in, but she soon got dozy, especially at first. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it first. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. After that, I read the next few pages from _1940's Memory Lane_, only to stop when she said she didn't like it after a couple of pages. I wonder if it was World War II that bothered her. I'm also wondering if I should concentrate on babies and kids, fashion, and maybe animals. She does seem more interested in those. Anyway, then I read a story, "Merry's Big Wish," and three short poems, continuing _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I tried to stop when she began to lose interest. I finished with the 8th of June's story, "The Big Baby," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my arm resistance exercises and my arm swinging exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. Then I did my head exercises after dinner. After teaming for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup set. After a short break, I did my less structured salsa dancing set. Yes, two full pieces, though it was the shortest one I do, so it was a little under 20 minutes of salsa dancing, not a little over. Still, this was the most I've done since my dentist did the fillings, and much better than yesterday. {SMILE}

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read comics. Then I wrote up Friday's daily update before lunch. Web fiction and Cross Stitch World followed lunch. then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did some paperwork and chatted with Pierogies before I broke to clean myself up. Then I went back into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I did some paperwork and found the later long, large-group event recruiting, so I joined it. Dennis and Pierogies came back after it had started in a way where you can't join partway through. I chatted with Dennis during it, and a bit with Pierogies, too. Then the three of us teamed up when it was done squeezing in two high-level individual missions before I left to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and a little exercise, I began writing this up and making notes in it. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I looked round and decided to do a little paperwork. Then I looked around again, and spotted a friend in a dragon-themed group some of my characters are in. We teamed up and got a few badges first. I also started chatting with Nox. My dragon friend and I found a high-level taskforce we joined. I got one badge in it, and my friend and another in the taskforce helped me get another badge afterwards. Then my friend, another friend of theirs and I ran a lower-level signature story arc for badges. Then we started on individual missions with some strangers the friend recruited. I left after two or three to do my salsa dancing. I played Cross Stitch World in between the salsa sets, and afterwards, too. Then I wrote a little more of this up and made a lot of notes in it to write from the next day. {Smile}

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Daily Update, June 7, 2024

    On Friday, the new resistance bands I ordered arrived. I tried them out that evening. {Smile}

   I've started a text discussion with one of my cousins on Dad's side about his mother's grave being unmarked. Some of the grandkids want to fix this, and I want to help. One already tried, but we'll need to keep at it. {Smile}

   I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was awake but resting when I came in. She enjoyed the pictures I showed her, and most of the stories and such I read her and responded sometimes. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about it. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Next, I read the first few pages from _1940's Memory Lane_. After that, I read 3 short stories, continuing _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. "How the Kangaroo Got His Tail was the longest, but Mom might not have cared for it as much. I finished with the 7th of June's story, "The Grateful Elf," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises after dinner and starting to write this daily update up. Then I tried out the new resistance bands out and did my resistance exercises. Next, I did my arm swinging exercises. Then, after playing later than usual, I did my salsa dancing warmup. After a break, I did the first piece of my second set, and started the second piece. I had to quit after less than a minute, but I still got 15 1/2 minutes of salsa dancing in, which is an improvement. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles. Then I started writing more of Thursday's daily update. That was interrupted by lunch with Mom, but I finished writing Thursday's daily update after lunch. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I did paperwork until Dennis said hi. We teamed up, and Pierogies joined us. We did one mission, and started another, but it was late enough, we stopped so I could read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner and my exercises, I checked City of Heroes: Homecoming. Then I began writing this up and making notes in it. Then I went back to City of Heroes: Homecoming and started looking at paperwork. Then Dennis said hi, and we teamed up to do a mission that gave us each a badge that we wanted. We'd meant to do it earlier but got sidetracked. Then he left, and I cleaned myself up. I said goodnight to Nox on the chat server, since we'd missed each other again. Then I did paperwork - a fair bit of it - right up until Kitten said hi. We teamed up and did a couple of missions. Then we talked on the chat server afterwards, around my salsa dancing. Afterwards I watched a video. I ended with writing a little of this and making a lot of notes to write from the next day. {Smile}

Friday, June 7, 2024

Daily Update, June 6, 2024

    After breakfast, I called my doctor's office, and left a message about wanting to get the blood test at the lab in their building instead of the one I'd asked for yesterday. I didn't hear back from them about either message. {smile}

   A short while later, I contacted Uber, and they took me down to the building my doctor is in. I tried the Clinical Labs in my doctor's building. I offered to walk up if needed. Instead, they had me wait, and eventually called. They told me to go to Diagnostic Labs in the same building. Again, i offered to walk up to my doctor's if needed. They handled that part themselves, and eventually called me in for the test. They mentioned it had been called in to the place I asked for yesterday. I guess int he future, try to go where I ask, and ask for where I really want to go in the first place. {rueful smile}

   I contacted Uber afterwards, walked to where they wanted to pick me up. The driver still went somewhere else, then asked where I was. I told her, and she came and got me. and took me home. {Smile}

   I ate lunch and dinner with Mom and read to her before dinner. She was awake when I came in. She looked at the pictures I showed her and responded sometimes. First, I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Then I read the last few pages from _The Picture Book of Babies_ . Next, I read 6 short poems and four long poems, continuing _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I actually sang "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider," with the gestures that Mom taught me, and I was happily surprised when Mom sang a couple lines with me. I finished with the 6th of June's story, "The Two Friends," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. It surprised me with one of the characters getting eaten by a shark. Mom has trouble processing death, so i tried to emphasize the other main character getting away safely. After reading, I showed Mom the picture book I plan to start tomorrow: _10940's Memory Lane_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises while waiting for Uber to take me home from the blood test. Then, after teaming for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. I did one more salsa dancing piece later, followed by my arm swinging exercises. {Smile}

   After breakfast, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles before my trip to get the blood tests. I read web-fiction in waiting room and after lunch with Mom. Then I cleaned myself up. Next, I finished Wednesday's daily update. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, and worked on paperwork for a while, before saying hi to Dennis and Pierogies. Dennis responded, and we got together. We worked on a mission I had. Pierogies said hi not long after we finished. He joined us, and we did a patrol and a hunt before it was time to read to Mom. I'm glad they encourage me to read to her. {Smile}

   After dinner, I started writing this up, and made a few notes in it, too. Then I read some comics before hopping into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I started on some paperwork and said hi to Azurette, who invited me to a task force which I joined on a character I found who could do it but hadn't yet. I also began talking with Nox on chat server. Then Azurette and I did a story arc, though she complained- correctly - about my distraction. Yes, I was distracted enough to hurt my play most of the evening, and I'm not completely sure why. Snacks and chatting only explains so much. {rueful smile} We still got the story arc done, even when I missed a couple of missions, so we did them again. We chatted before saying goodnight. Then I did my salsa dancing, with part of a video and Cross Stitch World in between the warmup and a partial set. I played more Cross Stitch World and read some comics afterwards. Then I made notes in this to finish it from the next day. {Smile}

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Daily Update, June 5, 2024

    On Wednesday, after lunch, I contacted Uber. a gal came and took me to the hospital, where I paid a bill that I'd gotten recently on my way in. Then I found Cardiology and checked in for my appointment. It was with a new nurse practitioner. I like her. She was nice and personable. Even more important, she understood that when a heart patient has diabetes and vertigo, compromises need to be made. Some people just don't get that. {Smile}

   After that was over, I contacted Uber, and a fellow came and took me home. The GPS was wonky enough, that involved us texting each other so he could find me. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was awake when I came in. She looked at the pictures I showed her and responded sometimes. I began my reading with scripture and thoughts about first. Then I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Next, I read the next few pages from _The Picture Book of Babies_ . After that, I read "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," continuing _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 5th of June's story, "The Lost Ball," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises and my arm swinging exercises in Cardiology's main waiting room. They called me into a room as I was finishing up. then, after cleaning myself up after teaming and talking for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. After a moderate sized break, I did one more salsa dancing piece, for almost 15 minutes of salsa dancing. I'm not back to around 20 minutes yet, and I was too tired afterwards to do another piece, but I'm sure I'll get there. {Smile}

   In the morning, I played Cross Stitch World and read articles. Then I finished writing Tuesday's daily update before and into lunch. After that I read some comics before going to my cardiology appointment. When I got back,
I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I chatted with Pierogies. We tried to join the later short, large-group event, but only I got into the zone. The group was full, so I didn't get as much as I hoped out of it. Then I joined Pierogies in waiting for the later long, large-group event, which we ran together. I talked with Dennis, but he was busy. So were we; neither of us were doing things that could be joined in the middle. Afterwards, I watched a video with Pierogies, and talked about it afterwards before going to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I began writing this up, and made a few notes in it. Then I talked with Nox on the chat world a little. Next, I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming, where I chatted with Ulty while they got ready to leave for bed. Then I joined a task force, finding a character who needed it. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server. I cleaned myself up after Nox left. Then I rested, playing Cross Stitch World, then doing paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming. Then I did my salsa dancing, with videos and City of Heroes paperwork in between and afterwards Lastly, I wrote a little of this and made a lot of notes to write from the next day before bed. {Smile}

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Daily Update, June 4, 2024

    On Tuesday, late in the morning, I called Uber, and went to church for a parishioner's funeral. I got there just as it was ending. Somehow, despite knowing it was at eleven, I thought in terms of leaving to arrive at twelve. I didn't catch it until I was there, and Auntie Barbara talked about how late I was. Everyone said it was a nice service, and some thanked me for coming. Anyway, I stayed for lunch, sitting with Auntie Barbara and Michelle. Folks shared various memories, and I was able to share a memory of the deceased, myself. {smile}

   I went home with other friends. My phone fell out of pocket as I was getting out of the car. I noticed after they left. Our nurse tried calling it. I called the church to let them know, since I could find their number, and didn't have the friend's they called to assure me they'd left a message. I also tried calling it myself. The friends brought it back not long after I'd started to wonder how to wait for it. It was such a relief to get it back! {SMILE}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was awake when I came in. She did look at the pictures I showed her, but she didn't respond much. I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about first. Next, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. After that, I read the next few pages from _The Picture Book of Babies_ (the one with fewer costumes, since we have two books with that name). Then I read a story, "Why Owls Stare," and two poems, "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear," and "One, Two, Three, Four, Five," continuing _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I finished with the 4th of June's poem, "A Frog," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises while waiting for Uber. Then I started my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. My band snapped in two part-way through the first exercise. So, I did my arm swinging exercises. After dinner, I talked with the nurse about getting a replacement, and learned what to look for. After playing for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. Then I cleaned myself up. Again, I was too tried to exercise more immediately, and it was too late to do it later. I need to get the cleaning myself up done earlier, though at least this was a more involved form of cleaning myself up, so it's not as much backsliding as it looks like. {resigned sigh}

   After breakfast, I read articles and played Cross Stitch World. Then I wrote up Monday's daily update and got ready to go to the funeral. After I got home from the funeral, I played Cross Stitch World and read comics. Then I hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Kitten and waited for a response. They did respond and we teamed up. Dennis said hi and joined us. I said goodnight to each of them when it was time to read to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner, I began writing this and taking notes for it. then I began shopping for resistance bands online. This was interrupted by termites. I think if we had termites, it would be worse, but some of our neighbors really should get their place treated. I did try to get as many as feasible to reduce the chances of getting an infestation ourselves. Because of this, I got into City of Heroes: Homecoming late. Kitten was there but didn't answer. I chatted with Ulty, who was in a private RP, which means free to chat on the side. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server. Which chatting, I did a bunch of paperwork that had piled up. When it was done, I tried solo play for a bit. Not my favorite, but after funeral, I just wasn't in the mood to hang out with strangers. Then I did my salsa dancing and cleaned myself up. After that, I read some comics, then finished a little of writing in this, and added more notes to write from the next day, too. {Smile}

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Daily Update, June 3, 2024

    On Monday. right after lunch, I contacted Uber, and a nice fellow came and took me down to my podiatrist appointment with a bit of chatting on the way. The appointment went well. He trimmed my nails and gave me medicine for a nail that has a fungus. I managed to leave the medicine when I left, so I had to walk back for it. I did, then contacted Uber, and a somewhat chatty gal came and took me home. {Smile}

   I ate dinner with Mom and read to her before that. She was pretty sleepy when I came in. She did crack her eyes open when I showed her pictures, but not long, and she didn't respond much. Some days are like that. First, I started my reading with scripture and thoughts about. After that, I continued her niece's long family Christmas letter from 2019. Then, I read the first few pages from _The Picture Book of Babies_ (the one with fewer costumes, since we have two books with that name). Next, I read six short poems, including "Hickory Dickory Dock" and five less well-known ones, continuing _365 Animal Stories and Rhymes_. I normally would have continued with the story that followed, and maybe more, but she seemed tired enough, I just finished with the 3rd of June's story, "The Elves' Picnic," from _366 Stories for Bedtime_. {Smile}

   I did my head exercises and eight of my twelve arm swinging exercises while waiting for Uber to come take me home from the doctor. Then I did my other four arm swinging exercises and my arm resistance exercises between reading to Mom and dinner. After teaming for the evening, I did my salsa dancing warmup. Then I cleaned myself up, and when I got out, I was too tired for more exercise. But I got some walking down at the Podiatrist's walking in and out a couple of time because they called me when I left some medicine behind. So, I did do more exercise than yesterday, at least. {Smile}

   During and after breakfast, I read articles. and comics. Then I wrote up Sunday's daily update before and into lunch. After I got home from the podiatrist, I read more comics, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming late. I talked with Pierogies, and we teamed up and did a mission. Dennis said hi, and we talked. he couldn't join us, though, because he'd started something that makes you finish it before doing anything else. Pierogies and I squeezed in one more mission before reading to Mom. {Smile}

   After dinner I played Cross Stitch World, then hopped into City of Heroes: Homecoming. I said hi to Kitten and Azurette. Then I spotted group doing stuff my fourth best badge hunter still could get a few badges from, so I quickly joined them. Then Kitten said hi and switched characters just as the group was starting. I apologized for having joined the group but did the stuff with them. I got done hoping to team to Kitten, but they'd gone unresponsive, and soon faded out. As I was beginning to wonder what to do, Azurette suddenly invited me to a taskforce that gets some badges useful in character improving badges. I ran it with her, getting the usual badges. I also chatted with Nox on the chat server. When the taskforce finished, Azurette and I chatted, then tried to get something else going. No one was interested, so Azurette left, since it was quite late. I played more Cross Stitch World, then did the salsa dancing. Then I cleaned myself up. After that, I played some more Cross Stitch World, and did some paperwork on City of Heroes: Homecoming. There, I chatted briefly with Pierogies, and even joined him in a farm long enough to get a couple of nice things. I also wrote a little of this and made a lot of notes for the next day. {Smile}